NikeTalk will be moving from July 13th-14th.

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People actually pay attention or care about reps? :lol:

I thought people just like thumbing up posts but didn't know people cared about the actual rep number :x

My reps are my life. Every one is special and beautiful in their own way.
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We're not gonna have those crappy white bars if we add a new avy pic in the new NT right? :nerd:
^ don't worry...

[COLOR=#red]getrichslow2017[/COLOR] is available.

yes! finally get to tweak my username.

thanks Dad! [emoji]129303[/emoji]
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I'm wondering if I should make the T in my name lowercase. Like NCtwin instead of NCTwin. Maybe folks will call me NC instead of NCT for short. :lol:
If you change your name, does your post count, and join date remain the same?
My impression is that it would. It would be your same account, just with a different label, kind of like changing your name on twitter.

I could be wrong though.

You're not wrong.  The name change is just a name change, it isn't an account replacement.  All the posts, reps, join date, etc. associated with the previous name remain in place.  It's a purely cosmetic change.  

Is it permanent though? Or are we able to change names based on tears and feels when NFL season starts back?
I appreciate everyone's patience. 
better to have the kinks and stuff sorted out now instead of moving over and having the forum down because of issues on a daily basis
There will always be some issues at launch, and we certainly had more than our fair share when we moved here five years ago, but we do want to deliver the best experience we possibly can under the circumstances.  
How do I check if an SN is already taken?
The system won't let you claim someone else's account name.  If you want to check now, go here: and start typing the name you want into the "search by username" box.  As you type, the auto-suggest will populate a list of names based on the characters you've entered thus far.  If it doesn't produce anything, the name should be available. 
Is it permanent though? Or are we able to change names based on tears and feels when NFL season starts back?
The name change is a permanent, one time only change.  So, again, be absolutely certain about any changes you make if you use that feature. 
I'm changing my name to Method Managements
Flattering, but you do realize that I can change account names back to their original state if the tool is misused.  
Same website irl?
The new site won't be visible until 7/14 at the earliest.  You'll know the process has started in full when the only place you can post is a temporary forum.  We'll be in that state for 24-36 hours. 
Just checked on that search link Meth provided for the usernames. The name I want is used but has never even posted :smh: :smh:.
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