NikeTalk Essentials: Outkast (completed pg. 7)

YO! "Rosa Parks", honestly, that's just a mistake by me. I put the initial list up there just to have something to further discuss. There weren't that many gripes over it except people not feeling "Mighty O" and "The Way You Move", so not many changes made. DF!!!
nice list....
anyways...who/what is the next NT essential list going to be on/about...
can we have an NT essentials: old school love songs..that would be dope...
9.5 ds og xii black red - 185 shipped...
9.5 yellow/black dunks ds 65 shipped..
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9.5 yellow/black xiii low worn 3-4 times 130 shipped..
email - [email protected] or ezinbox me...
the fact that hey ya isnt on this list is a complete farce. and apart from your sentimental attachment to it, benz or beamer is waaaaaaay overrated. crumblin erb, aint no thang, myintrotoletuknow, hootie hoo, rosa parks, jazzy belle, in due time, wheels of steel, so fresh so clean are all way more deserving to be on the list
Surprised "D.E.E.P." wasn't thrown out there. DF!!!

deep was #2 on my list :(

not 100% satisfied with how the the list came out...too many singles for my tastes since i feel most of outkasts gems were album only material...
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