niketalk, Do you waste your money?

Money just piles up in my account, and in my wallet. I have at least $350 sitting inmy wallet.
I recently bought a LOT of clothes..about 4 pairs of jeans, 10-12 hoodies, and 2 pairs of pants and a couple shirts and even more recently bought about 3 pairsof sneakers..I would say I waste money but rarely that much. I used to buy a lot more sneakers but I've chilled with that. I find I buy food the most andlately the movies.
Not anymore. about two years ago yea.

i use to eat out all the time, party(which means buying beer) shop a lot, go on a lot of dates

now i cook at home, go to a lounge but drink some vodka before i get there, dont really shop

A big part of being able to hold on to your money the right way is to: Not be materialistic, and to live a healthy lifestyle(as in cook food never buy out, andworkout)

Im still young in college and have no kids, so its not to hard (also i read a lot of financial books) Just because someone might have more money then youdoesnt mean anything if you have your necessity, a lot of people that make a lot spend a lot. so they pretty much are living paycheck to paycheck & have alot of debt. Majority of the people you see with nice cars nice clothes have extreme amount of debt, but thats just the american way. I make sure i dont followthe american way, its working out for me pretty well.
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

What was so dumb about that again? Oh I know why, because you usually don't agree with what I say so anything I say must be dumb? I am sure that is the case.

I personally agree with a lot of things you say..

That is not to say he will not spend any $ on himself, but his #1 priority is most likely going to be making sure his kids get the best eats, education, clothes, and benefits. Parents don't want their kids to have to work as hard as they did, why? Because most of them know they had struggles to endure and one of the ways we believe love is shown is to make life easier for others. Whether it is through monetary means, educational means, or behind the scenes career advancement tools.

Wills, hand-me-downs, trust funds, life insurance are all in place for offspring. Money a PARENT has set aside for his child.

And now that you completely switched up what you were saying before, I kinda understand where your coming from..
He was saying this the whole time, he just elaborated more so you could understand.
Yea I do sometimes. Especially on the weekends where I use to blow $300 dollars easy week in and week out. Though this past year I came into the realizationthat I don't need anything else really. So the impulse buying is pretty much over. And I learned to party and drink a whole lot less too. Which has allowedme to save even more money.
I'm trying to save up for a car so I'm saving right now but I used to waste my money all the time
Originally Posted by BrokeBallah

budgeting formula - 95 minus from your age. then save that percentage. EX: you're 18. 95-18 = 77. you're spose to save 77% of all the money you earn, recieve, find, etc... This helped me out a ton
. Now if you have reoccurring expenses, you should figure it out prior using the budgeting formula.

makes alot of sence unless (if ur me) i got rent, electicity, and water bills to pay.... dont forget gas, tolls, cable, internet, cell phone and insurance...ETC... wish i new that formula wen i was living at home....
Originally Posted by black chiney

yeah i used to but i cut back on that i'm trying to move out and buy a new car

Same here this first semester of college has shown me a thing or two about taking your money and your life seriously.
I did on piece of crap Air Jordans, and more clothes then people see in a lifetime. I just save now and selling majority of my shoes.
i do all the time

one weekend will do a little damage to the bank account

-buy some weed
-throw in for beer fri & and sat
-getting food while high...always get a ton of food when im high

-and a bunch of other little stuff..having to spot some of my homeboys if their funds are low

i used to be terrible...back when i had 2 jobs..i got paid at both every check would be almost gone by monday..i've gotten better with savingmoney..but i still spend a lot of it
yup.. mainly on bills and going out to eat and going to the bar.. but other than that i try to save what ever i have left
Ever since i stopped buying JB shirts and less kicks, i think i've been saving money

JB shirts are a waste of money. But yes I still waste some money.
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