but speaking of the actual elites, Nike sold them for $600 to the lucky few during the NYC marathon but that came with a 1:1 session with Kipchoge but I wouldn't be surprised if Nike prices it the same, on their contest giveaways that was around what they valued it at retail in their fine prints
there was one dude here who got a pair, maybe he can speak more on it?
$600...we were invited via the Nike Run App With a reserve...it wasn't a 1:1 session more like a meet and greet and it was Thursday before the marathon...that was open to anyone who wanted to reserve but once the slots were full they closed it...
I didn't reserve a pair cause I just couldn't stomach paying that kind of money for running shoes plus it was 3 days before the race which meant there would no time to break them in if you picked up a pair (which I'm pretty sure was on purpose)
After the race I recieved another RSVP because I ran the marathon inviting me to buy a pair (I'm assuming most of the 100 pairs were still available)...then a week later I recieved another notification saying they were fcfs starting that Saturday...
About 2 weeks later I did go down to the Nike running store to pickup and try the 4%...I mentioned to the girl about the elites and I showed her my RSVP...she said all unclaimed pairs were sent back to Nike that Monday morning....
Nike EU did release them online with a $600 retail...a bunch of dudes snatched them up and held them hostage on eBay for $2000+ with very little takers....right now they are trending around $700-$800 and still dropping...
Again...I would LOVE to take them for spin...but I can't stomach $600+ tax for something I will ultimately beat into the ground....
I grabbed the 4% for $120 and that was a super come up....and I've never rode such an amazing shoe...
I'm sure the elites will be some next level ish....but I just couldn't do it....
But I'm sure if they had them in the store...I laced them up....
I would have caved...