Nike Zoom BB3 doesn not have full-length zoom!!

^because im not sure if nike really said that the ZL6 lows still have full length zoom sir. and my pics of the process got corrupted. i can only show you the zoom units now as i have left the shoes in my homeland. but i can guarantee that they only have doouble stacked heel zoom. sorry for that sir. and sorry for the off topic.
very very sad and disappointing... i just really examined my bb3s and they seem to have the same setup as pictured in the dissection. nike is really getting ridiculous with the way they have become so much cheaper in the last few years. the official product description does say FULL LENGTH ZOOM. they might have had alot of returns if they pulled this here in the states, maybe thats why they were only released overseaes???
i am about done buying basketball shoes, i have plenty to last me a long time. too bad full length zoom is getting really hard to come by these days...
very very sad and disappointing... i just really examined my bb3s and they seem to have the same setup as pictured in the dissection. nike is really getting ridiculous with the way they have become so much cheaper in the last few years. the official product description does say FULL LENGTH ZOOM. they might have had alot of returns if they pulled this here in the states, maybe thats why they were only released overseaes???
i am about done buying basketball shoes, i have plenty to last me a long time. too bad full length zoom is getting really hard to come by these days...
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