I seen a GR pair of FC's today in person and they look really dope with the strap and the zipper undone.
So those Megatron's are a go for me.
yo i live near a hoh in nyc... they have a 1 pair limit per customer so if someone really really wants these pm me your sz and what shoe you want and I willget it for you... I also heard they retail for 250 each can anyone confirm
again being in canada i miss out on another dope HOH release, ah well hopefully i can find an 11 in any of them but preferrabley BBs without paying too muchmore than retail
if anyone can get me an 11.5 in the Megs and BB's, I will pay for em and shipping and you will be hooked up come next 50.
I might get tha sharklaid
want all 3 bad, but looks like I'll have to miss out...

don't have the time to camp for days...
Originally Posted by Redrum SB

Originally Posted by GZA73

they are already camping out here in HOHLA!! smh
insanity, I could see for Yeezy's, but these?
They're not that serious...

about 20 heads right now, first was there since Sat.
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