Nike Talk fam, what are your opinions on taking summer Courses? (Never took a summer courses before)

Sep 16, 2010
Well, here is the deal, I am trying to take 4 summer classes this summer, so I can possibly graduate in December of this year. I have never took summer classes before and I want to know what is people's view of summer classes? Are they hard, or easy? Thoughts are welcomed. Thanks a lot.. 
4 classes might be tough if you get teachers who want to cram a whole semesters work of material in 4-5 week summer session. But if you get laid back, wanna get paid and have a summer too teachers then it would be worth it cuz all you really have to do is the easy requirements for 5 weeks and get a good grade without the hard work of a whole semester. Definitely research your teachers and classes if you're gonna take 4 classes.
FOUR? Good lord. Take 2, three at very most. 1 is great.

The stuff is condensed so you're going to have a lot more to do that what you're used to, especially if you're taking 3000-4000 level classes.

Please reconsider for your own sanity & GPA.
Honestly, imo it's same as classes during Fall & Spring; it just depends on what class it is and who your professor is. Although summer classes are usually crammed into 4-5 week sessions so it will seem like the work-load is a lot more than a regular class. 
I had one summer class that was relatively easy but that's b/c it was a general sports marketing class where the teacher wasn't an actual professor; just happened to be director of business operations for the Arizona Cardinals who just signed up to teach the course for fun. 

Then I've taken 2 summer online courses where in one of them, I never did any of required reading and just googled the questions to my online quizzes and made an A whereas the other class, I blew it off and didn't read the class instructions for the first week and when I logged on, saw that I had missed 3 assignments and a test. I was like
 and then immediately dropped the class 
 w/ no penalty and tuition refunded since it was still early in class. 
Do it I regret not doing it right now if I had I'd be graduating next month instead of in August
I'd do it if your tryna graduate early. But the sweltering heat is the not so fun part about summer courses.
I'm a JR in high school and this summer I'll be taking a bussiness academy that gives me 17 College credits, in a month!

It's really a good thing since I was going to major in business anyways.
your summer is gonna suck, just like mine....
im taking 4 aswell, 2 for summer a 2 for summer b, bout 8 weeks each, twice a week. ehh well see.
4 courses whoa, you may want to think about dropping one of those. Im taking two classes this summer and they are online classes because the weather down here get ridiculously hot.
I took orgo 1/2 and orgo lab 1/2 in the summer, just be on top of everything from day 1,
Expect a test every week and again, study from day 1 and youll be fine.
I'm taking Calc II in the summer (didnt do to hot in it this semester). I am also working so I cant take more.
Moat of my classes are going to be criminal justice courses, since that is my major. I was told that the teachers are more laid back.
you guys are lucky. I goto Drexel, so we basically go to school year round. no summers off here
maaaaaan.... listen up...

summer school is THE DOPEST...

especially if you have teachers that youve taken before.

its very laid back, very chill, and keep in mind that they are trying to enjoy summer just like you.

4 classes is not pushing it... i've seen cats do more just to graduate...

my summer school courses were two hours a day monday thru thursday.

most often, we NEVER stayed in there for the entire 2 hours...

do it, famb...

summer school >>> spring and fall semesters, except cor the pretty wimmiez... there will be a lack of yambs...

exp: took summer school courses EVERY year college.

the one time i didnt was because i graduated from my junior college and wasnt sure of my major.

the only way i would encourage someone NOT to go to summer school is if they have an internship... the ONLY reason...
i took four classes one summer. It wasn't that bad. Since it was only two classes per session (Session 1/ Session 2)
My advice for you is just make sure those classes aren't too hard. And keep focused, don't get distracted lol
good bye to your social life and mind

I might take a class or two during summer.
Originally Posted by ricky409

maaaaaan.... listen up...

summer school is THE DOPEST...

especially if you have teachers that youve taken before.

its very laid back, very chill, and keep in mind that they are trying to enjoy summer just like you.

4 classes is not pushing it... i've seen cats do more just to graduate...

my summer school courses were two hours a day monday thru thursday.

most often, we NEVER stayed in there for the entire 2 hours...

do it, famb...

summer school >>> spring and fall semesters, except cor the pretty wimmiez... there will be a lack of yambs...

exp: took summer school courses EVERY year college.

the one time i didnt was because i graduated from my junior college and wasnt sure of my major.

the only way i would encourage someone NOT to go to summer school is if they have an internship... the ONLY reason...

I don't know what school you're talking about...but in my experience, summer school (in college) is a *%*$+*@ GRIND.  Condensing a semester's worth of work in 3 1/2 weeks
  Not fun working during the day, only to have to go to class for 4 hours M-Th (with HW on top of that). 

4 classes is A LOT for the summer....
Originally Posted by ricky409

maaaaaan.... listen up...

summer school is THE DOPEST...

especially if you have teachers that youve taken before.

its very laid back, very chill, and keep in mind that they are trying to enjoy summer just like you.

4 classes is not pushing it... i've seen cats do more just to graduate...

my summer school courses were two hours a day monday thru thursday.

most often, we NEVER stayed in there for the entire 2 hours...

do it, famb...

summer school >>> spring and fall semesters, except cor the pretty wimmiez... there will be a lack of yambs...

exp: took summer school courses EVERY year college.

the one time i didnt was because i graduated from my junior college and wasnt sure of my major.

the only way i would encourage someone NOT to go to summer school is if they have an internship... the ONLY reason...


OP wants to graduate early! Go for it fambs... y'all making it seem like it's impossible. I took summer classes 2 years straight. So chill.

You know what else is over-rated? Actually going to class
Lately I been taking online classes, at first I was skeptical because people said it would be hard.

Now I ask myself why I didn't do this from the start. Online classes is SUPER easy! Especially working full time jobs?
I would not take more than 1 or 2 classes.

Summer Semesters are cool to knock out one 3 or 4 credit course in 5 weeks.

I might take one this summer.

Just so im closer to finishing up this transfer courses.
took 4 classes in a summer one time over 2 sessions.

Knocked out basically a semester when I had to be there for work anyways
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