Nike Supporters do this %$$* once a month.

why don't you take rockdeep's number and call him and debate every time it's that time of month for you.

We like Nikes, we buy em, get over it.....Go elsewhere with your little crusade.
I wear NIKE/JB products for function and comfort, but I mostly purchase their products for the designs of the footwear they provide. I don't expect a shoe or jacket to do something for me as a person, it would be sad if I did.

Very good points LongStroke.....I am curious as to what products you wear/support? Do they do anything for you as a person?
Phil Knight gives his opinion, some agree, some don't, and now we've taken this to whether or not MLK is important, if Einstein could get Nike shipped straight to his house.

Dude, just buy Reebok or Adidas. This is not that serious. And sure, I'm sure someone is going to come back with some, "The Man is mentally brainwashing you to love materialism, etc., yada yada yada".

Just shoes. It's just shoes.

BTW... the swoosh > freedom.
Originally Posted by Antidope

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

�Dr. King would be concerned with global issues, but do not forget that first and foremost, he was a Black man. In this present time, there are far more young black men in prison than in college, and I know for a fact that this would be a concern of his, as it SHOULD be.
Are you suggesting that while witnessing this fact, that he would not be paying attention to the stereotypical images being projected, by completely ignoring companies that benefit most from those stereotypes?

When you saw the news, those reports of riots over the XI release, were they reporting from the suburbs, or the 'hood?�

You don't think that Dr. King, or Malcolm, would stand again this sort of exploitation?
Didnt say that, I'm saying we dont know for sure because it never did or can happen so its pointless to argue about this. Who's to say that Dr. King could change anything? Whos to say he would wield the amount of influence he once held, or even be alive (died of natural causes). A lot of people here are already disgusted by what we saw and in no way shape or form condone it, nor did anyone here act in such a manner that I know of.

That video happened in a relatively surburban area as well, I know that cause that malls in my area.

I feel like I run the risk of repeating myself which I dont see the need to do. I've made as good as an argument that I feel like I need too, and you're allowed to think and feel what you please.
 Did they show any white people doing anything wrong with this release?

Do white people wear Air Jordan's?

How about Asians?

Does the media disproportionately show negative images of people of color, Black people in particular?

Are you really suggesting that you don't know how Dr. King would feel about this, when it has been proven that he took action against cases such as this, thus the civil rights movement?


Stop playin'!
Originally Posted by doyung9

Phil Knight gives his opinion, some agree, some don't, and now we've taken this to whether or not MLK is important, if Einstein could get Nike shipped straight to his house.

Dude, just buy Reebok or Adidas. This is not that serious. And sure, I'm sure someone is going to come back with some, "The Man is mentally brainwashing you to love materialism, etc., yada yada yada".

Just shoes. It's just shoes.

BTW... the swoosh > freedom.
Can't this be said about most luxury items, though? If this post was made in 1990 you'd ask the same for those that wore starter jackets.

Should it be the responsibility of Nike to release more items? Yes. Is their responsibility that some people are idiotic (no matter what)? NO.

The people that commit these crimes are usually the same ones that would commit it anyway (VERY FEW of those that purchase the shoes). Just because Nike releases more of a sneaker doesnt mean we wont hear a story of some kid getting killed in the street because of "their Nikes".

If you have an issue, let it be with the parents of the dummies that commit the crimes.

Nike wants wants to stay relevant and "in". Releasing Yeezys and other rare items gives them that...they are a business, after all.

With that said, I haven't purchased a "hyped" shoe in years...and maybe one or two Nikes.
Originally Posted by Cement Greyman

I wear NIKE/JB products for function and comfort, but I mostly purchase their products for the designs of the footwear they provide. I don't expect a shoe or jacket to do something for me as a person, it would be sad if I did.

Very good points LongStroke.....I am curious as to what products you wear/support? Do they do anything for you as a person?
Other than keeping me protected from the climate, nothing.
My wearing certain clothing does not warrant my loyalty, unlike most of the people responding to this topic.

It sounds as if they'd DIE without Nike, and that is pathetic.
Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

�Did they show any white people doing anything wrong with this release?�

Do white people wear Air Jordan's?

How about Asians?

Does the media disproportionately show negative images of people of color, Black people in particular?

Are you really suggesting that you don't know how Dr. King would feel about this, when it has been proven that he took action against cases such as this, thus the civil rights movement?


Stop playin'!

No, but you blame media propaganda for that one.

Yes and Yes, look at the large White and Asian population thats here. You think people come here without having or had an interest in sneakers? Those people are few in number

Yes they do, but once again blame media propaganda for that one, just dont take it at face value. Regardless of what the media says and does, you are your own person and can conduct yourself in a manner that you choose.

Didnt say that now did I? What I'm trying to explain to you is that you cant base the backbone of your argument over something that isnt real. Its conjecture which is the foundation for a weak argument because other people can do the exact same thing to refute your claims, like I have been doing.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by doyung9

Dude, just buy Reebok or Adidas. 

Reebok is a subsidiary of Nike Inc. So is Converse and Cole Haan.
actually reebok is a subsidary of adidas.
as for op he needs professional help. 

it shouldnt worry someone that much what brand complete strangers buy or like. 

he just hates anything to do with nike, and he comes off as a hypocrite because he buys air jordans which is nike.

so you complain about riots and killing over jordans but you still buy um? gotcha
Originally Posted by doyung9

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by Cement Greyman

I wear NIKE/JB products for function and comfort, but I mostly purchase their products for the designs of the footwear they provide. I don't expect a shoe or jacket to do something for me as a person, it would be sad if I did.

Very good points LongStroke.....I am curious as to what products you wear/support? Do they do anything for you as a person?
Other than keeping me protected from the climate, nothing.
My wearing certain clothing does not warrant my loyalty, unlike most of the people responding to this topic.

It sound as if they'd DIE without Nike, and that is pathetic.
We would die. Similar to Liam Neeson in the Grey.

Bruce Willis in Armageddon.

The Joker in Batman (1989 of course, not to be confused with The Dark Knight, in which Heath Ledger, the actor who portayed the Joker passed away after finishing his role as said Joker but prior to the release of the movie).

But you know what, when Phil Knight goes, many of you will want to jump into the casket with him.
There's no reason to believe that Dr. King or Einstein would've lined up to pay $1,300 for these boots, either:

You don't like Nike.  Fine.  I don't wear Nike or Jordan shoes anymore, either.  However, you've been doing this for literally years now in all your different permutations, and your hatred seems to be focused on Nike first and foremost.  Materialism and labor issues seem almost like rationalizations for your preexisting hatred.  In other words, I never see you talk about materialism or labor issues in any context outside of "why Nike sucks." 

What's the real deal here, do you think Nike somehow wronged you during your "playing" career?  It's obvious to pretty much everyone that the basis of this campaign isn't truly philosophical or moral.  You hate Zoom Air "as a technology."  You hate Kobe Bryant.  You hate Phil Knight.  You hate anything and everything even remotely affiliated with Nike.  You could at least have the courage to be honest about your reasons why.  We might actually be sympathetic to it.  Try us.  

But doing this every single month and pretending that it has anything to do with moral or ethical reasons is just insulting.  If you're really crusading against labor violations, then do it.  Don't pretend to care in the context of bashing a particular brand.  

I'm disappointed when a 13 year old kid doesn't give a damn about how factory workers in China are treated, but in a way it's far sadder to see a 30+ year old man use factory workers' plight as an excuse to trash Nike on an Internet message board.  

A little sincerity would go a long way here.  As such, your questionable motives make you a poor choice to start a topic like this and expect it to actually result in a meaningful exchange.

I'll let you keep one of these threads, but not all of them.  You pick. 
Originally Posted by doyung9

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by Cement Greyman

I wear NIKE/JB products for function and comfort, but I mostly purchase their products for the designs of the footwear they provide. I don't expect a shoe or jacket to do something for me as a person, it would be sad if I did.

Very good points LongStroke.....I am curious as to what products you wear/support? Do they do anything for you as a person?
Other than keeping me protected from the climate, nothing.
My wearing certain clothing does not warrant my loyalty, unlike most of the people responding to this topic.

It sound as if they'd DIE without Nike, and that is pathetic.
We would die. Similar to******* ***** ** ****.

Bruce Willis in Armageddon.

The Joker in Batman (1989 of course, not to be confused with The Dark Knight, in which Heath Ledger, the actor who portayed the Joker passed away after finishing his role as said Joker but prior to the release of the movie).

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by doyung9

Dude, just buy Reebok or Adidas. 

Reebok is a subsidiary of Nike Inc. So is Converse and Cole Haan.
 Reebok is owned by Adidas.
I stand corrected. 
You're still an enormous %%***$*@# for bringing this up every single month.
Originally Posted by Antidope

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

�Did they show any white people doing anything wrong with this release?�

Do white people wear Air Jordan's?

How about Asians?

Does the media disproportionately show negative images of people of color, Black people in particular?

Are you really suggesting that you don't know how Dr. King would feel about this, when it has been proven that he took action against cases such as this, thus the civil rights movement?


Stop playin'!

No, but you blame media propaganda for that one.

Yes and Yes, look at the large White and Asian population thats here. You think people come here without having or had an interest in sneakers? Those people are few in number

Yes they do, but once again blame media propaganda for that one, just dont take it at face value. Regardless of what the media says and does, you are your own person and can conduct yourself in a manner that you choose.

Didnt say that now did I? What I'm trying to explain to you is that you cant base the backbone of your argument over something that isnt real. Its conjecture which is the foundation for a weak argument because other people can do the exact same thing to refute your claims, like I have been doing.

The religious do it all the time!
What should Phil Knight do, AKA LONGSTORKE?

Pull his product from the market? Have commercials AGAINST his product...which will probably make them more sought after?

Since you're so smart, what should Phil Knight do?

It's beyond Phil Knight at this point.
hold up.

so I'm supposed to expect Phil Knight to solve the problem that millions of people are idiotically fighting outside of a mall because they're ignorant, uneducated, greedy, full of rage and booze, etc....

but you have $1,300 gator boots?

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

What has buying and wearing Nike product done for you as an individual?

you're asking this on NT...isnt that a lil existential?
Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by Antidope

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

�Did they show any white people doing anything wrong with this release?�

Do white people wear Air Jordan's?

How about Asians?

Does the media disproportionately show negative images of people of color, Black people in particular?

Are you really suggesting that you don't know how Dr. King would feel about this, when it has been proven that he took action against cases such as this, thus the civil rights movement?


Stop playin'!

No, but you blame media propaganda for that one.

Yes and Yes, look at the large White and Asian population thats here. You think people come here without having or had an interest in sneakers? Those people are few in number

Yes they do, but once again blame media propaganda for that one, just dont take it at face value. Regardless of what the media says and does, you are your own person and can conduct yourself in a manner that you choose.

Didnt say that now did I? What I'm trying to explain to you is that you cant base the backbone of your argument over something that isnt real. Its conjecture which is the foundation for a weak argument because other people can do the exact same thing to refute your claims, like I have been doing.
The religious do it all the time!
Really? Yeah..... After reading what Meth said and then this I dont see the point in continuing this conversation. You win I guess
Originally Posted by Cement Greyman

Originally Posted by doyung9

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Other than keeping me protected from the climate, nothing.
My wearing certain clothing does not warrant my loyalty, unlike most of the people responding to this topic.

It sound as if they'd DIE without Nike, and that is pathetic.

Bruce Willis in Armageddon.

The Joker in Batman (1989 of course, not to be confused with The Dark Knight, in which Heath Ledger, the actor who portayed the Joker passed away after finishing his role as said Joker but prior to the release of the movie).

yea man that aint cool i was gonna go see that movie 
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