Nike SNKRS App

so based on skeps info, there seems to be no event. but im not sure if he checked this morning or last night or what. but heres my convo....i insisted i was down there and nothing was set up for what its worth....she keeps insisting its supposed to be happening as we spoke. i hope shes wrong, lol. cause if not, the team that reviews my convo will be like theres no way this guy was down there, he tried to BS us lol

Melissa : Hi, my name is Melissa. How may I help you?
Frank: Hi Melissa, I drove down here for the SNKRS event that is supposed to be happening today in NYC. but there is nothing here. Can u tell me why?
Frank: that is the link that i registered at a while back
Melissa: Good morning to you Frank. I'd be happy to check into this SNKRS event details for you today.
Melissa: Thanks for that link. One moment please.
Frank: ok thanks
Melissa: Thanks for waiting Frank. From all of my information this event should be taking place as we speak.

That being said I'm going to speak with my Operations Team to see if I can find anything else out for you.
Frank: somebody i know said they already spoke to the owner of that property at that address, and he said there is definitely no event
Frank: there is also nothing set up.....
Melissa: That's super odd Frank. One moment please while I speak with my Team.
Frank: ok
Melissa: Thanks for waiting we're working with our Operations Team now, whom is reaching out to our Event Team to see what's going on.
Frank: ok thank you
Melissa: No problem at all, we'd hate for you to drive out there for nothing. Thanks for your understanding.
Frank: yes it would be really upsetting because i took the day off work to come buy shoes from you guys
Frank: im probably gonna end up with no shoes and not getting paid for today. that sucks bad
Melissa: I truly apologize Frank. I've found that my team needs to look into this even issue farther. Meaning they'll work with our Event Team to find out what exactly is going on with our SNKRS event today. They'll email you back with details in 2-3 business days letting you know what happened.
Melissa: Keep an eye on your email for more information from my team.
Frank: in 2-3 days does not help me whatsoever, because the event is supposed to be today and im already here right now. i already took a personal day off from work. this is ridiculous
Melissa: I'll also be taking event feedback for today, explaining what happened today and directly quoting your experience. We value this type of feedback, and I thank you for it.
Melissa: I understand the event will be over by then, but we're looking into why it's not currently taking place. I do apologize Frank.
Frank: can i at least have a coupon code so i can apply it towards tomorrows jordan release? right now i just took a loss of a whole days pay because you guys dropped the ball and there is no event.
Frank: that would at least help me save a few dollars tomorrow for the money i am out today as a result of this blunder
Melissa: As I said from what I can tell the SNKRS event should be taking place now, but from what your telling me it's not. In order for us to find out what's going on we need to investigate this farther. I know this is not what you want to hear at this time.

I'll also be requesting that my team review our contact and compensate you accordingly.
Melissa: Meaning keep an eye on your email for a message from my team. We'll me contacting you very soon.
Melissa: Is there anything else I can do to help? While I've got you in chat.
Frank: i was told the exact same thing concerning another situation with a blunder with a product launch. i was told to expect an email but the only email i got was from nike asking me for feedback on the customer service. i did not recieve a follow-up email pertaining to my issue. basically i was brushed off that time.
Frank: so u can see why im skeptical about you guys actually sending me a follw-up email with compensation
Melissa: I'm sorry to hear that you weren't contacted back in the past. I'd like to assure you that we will be emailing you back. Please note that we're currently experiencing an extremely high volume of customer contacts, and this can add a business day on to the wait time for contact back.

Even if we're slightly delayed in the follow up email we will message you back. I'll personally see that a member of my Team reviews this chat Frank.
Frank: well i know for a fact the event isnt gonna be happening. all i want is a code to save money on tomorrows release. that doesnt even begin to offset my losses today of time and money. but thats the only good thing that could come out of this.
Melissa: I understand you'd like a savings code today, but as I said above I'll be requesting that my team issue you appropriate compensation after reviewing our conversation.
Frank: ok thank you
You have disconnected.

she sounded like she wasnt gonna come up off that code. or maybe she cant and she actually has to have her "team" send me an email with it. i dont know how it works. never had to get savings code from them before.
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Dude, nothing happened. I talked to the owner of the property. Cool dude, but definitely no event. Waste of a trip for me. Not pleased. Would be nice to know who the f dropped the ball on this, or if it was fake and someone played a joke
Damn bro.  That sucks.  I was registered for the event and I was going to take the day off and head down there too.
Yo skep was there and giving updates in real time. Wasn't from last night.
Yo skep was there and giving updates in real time. Wasn't from last night.
ok good cause i wasnt sure. hopefully they decide to bless me with a code....even tho i didnt take the day off from work and never ever went down there lmao....
lol Nike is terrible... I was at my boys house when the alarm went off for the reminder.. I totally forgot about it.. Glad I ain't take it seriously
damn, nike disabled the event link now, now it no longer shows the event at all

oh I was chatting with Nike rep and they could even bring up the "supposed" event today.  smh
as u can see from my convo above, my rep kept insisting it was happening as we were chatting lol.....its truly terrible if its us customers that were the ones who put NDC chat reps onto the fact that the event is not happening. like, how does your company not tell their customer support reps something like that?
If I were Adidas or UnderArmour, I would totally take this opportunity to send out a street team, a van and some peeps, and just give away stuff to all the frustrated people that end up showing up.
Scal, trust me when I tell you, there was no one out there. Just me, and a friend who also registered and rode with me. I was there all day today in NYC, and stopped by there a few times. No idea if others showed up in between, but I'm only speaking from direct experience.
We left Pittsburgh last night at 930 and arrived at just after 4am. Nothing was setup and nobody at all was there. A few hours later, the owner of the property opened his business so I went and spoke to him directly. This is when he told me everything about how the last event occurred, how he was handled, how long setup was, and everything else. Very very nice guy. Unfortunately, no event was booked for today or anywhere in the near future. Needless to say, it was a long drive and a wasted trip entirely. I drove 7 hours and operated on one hour of sleep. Only to find out nothing was there! Nike will absolutely be hearing from me and it will not end at an online chat session. This is nothing short of Fd up on their part. And now to disable the info on the link? Just another slap in the face! Thank God my wife didn't come along, I would've never heard the end of that, and I'm sure I still won't, I wasted a full day for nothing (aside from also taking day off of work and leaving my wife home with the two children alone). Pathetic on my part for playing their games, and shame on them for pulling this b.s.
Does anyone know if you can use NDC gift cards via the app now? Haven't bought anything in months through SNKRS.

Edit: Contacted customer care, they said gift cards are a no go via the app and can't be applied retroactively. Wish me luck tomorrow morning with these IXs on my phone, y'all.
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Just so y'all know, according to Nike, there was no scheduled event. And there is nobody held accountable for why the event was on their website, nor was there anyone who I could speak to directly for accurate answers.
Does anyone know how to UN-favorite a picture from a slideshow at the bottom of the product page?

I can't seem to figure out how to do it, swiping left but it never shows the side menu on the slideshows pics
@Skep sorry to here the house that Jordan built is a bit sloppy with ish....the event was at some point an event on the calendar to the point the customer rep recognized it was suppose to be happening. Nike at minimum should be able to offer an explanation of where the miscommunication.
Just so y'all know, according to Nike, there was no scheduled event. And there is nobody held accountable for why the event was on their website, nor was there anyone who I could speak to directly for accurate answers.
theyre flat out lying of course. when i talked to the rep, she insisted several times that the event should be taking place as we were chatting and i had to keep telling her several times no nothings going on down at bowery. i gave her the link to the event and it was 1 million % live when i gave her the link and she even thanked me for it lol....but of course the link was reported as dead a few hours later.
theyre flat out lying of course. when i talked to the rep, she insisted several times that the event should be taking place as we were chatting and i had to keep telling her several times no nothings going on down at bowery. i gave her the link to the event and it was 1 million % live when i gave her the link and she even thanked me for it lol....but of course the link was reported as dead a few hours later.

Yup, but they don't give an f. And they wonder why they lose customers. Flat out lying to their most loyal customers.
theyre flat out lying of course. when i talked to the rep, she insisted several times that the event should be taking place as we were chatting and i had to keep telling her several times no nothings going on down at bowery. i gave her the link to the event and it was 1 million % live when i gave her the link and she even thanked me for it lol....but of course the link was reported as dead a few hours later.
Yup, but they don't give an f. And they wonder why they lose customers. Flat out lying to their most loyal customers.
i pressed for the discount code and as u can see she stonewalled and assured me she would personally see to it that their event team reviews my conversation and send me an email with proper compensation. ive gotten 3 emails from them so far since then....all wanting me to buy stuff, but no follow-up by nike rep...
You begged for a discount code on the basis of a lie..

She was right for stonewalling you.. you weren't even there!

Does anyone know how to unfavorite something from the slideshow?

Driving me NUTS!
Meanwhile I drove from Pittsburgh and they offered me "feedback". F you Nike
You begged for a discount code on the basis of a lie..

She was right for stonewalling you.. you weren't even there!

Does anyone know how to unfavorite something from the slideshow?

Driving me NUTS!
nobody begged for anything. get that straight first of all.

2nd, how was she right for stonewalling me? she had no way of knowing if i was actually there or not, so for all she knew, i was there and there was no event. skep traveled for 7 hours both ways, and he got basically the same treatment. so get outta here wit that.

i basically did the chat thing to see what they would say and how much responsibility they would take. i dont need that discount code to be honest. cant remember the last time i even had a nike discount code or used one. but the end result is, as we promised a follow-up to the chat, nike killed the link a few hours later, and now theyre saying there was no event scheduled. and i didnt get any follow-up yet STILL, and im willing to bet skep didnt get a follow-up too.
[h4]How to favorite or unfavorite a card[/h4]
To favorite a card, slide the card right-to-left and tap the heart icon. To unfavorite, simply tap the heart icon again. Also, if you tap a card in a feed to enter a thread, you can also doubletap a card to favorite it. All cards you have favorited can be found on your profile page under FAVORITES. Please note: if you doubletap a card in a thread carousel, it will always display the side profile view of the shoe and cannot be unfavorited at this time.
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