Originally Posted by igie00

pareng mon, is it confirmed that those HD's gonna drop here??

not yet but considering what they dropped here like the BlackMamba Supremes, Oly 6, McFly''s very much possible...they saw how theblackmamba's were selling hot pancakes man!hahaha!
The Box


WRONG POST...should be under the "UMIINIT DITO" Thread....sorry..
Originally Posted by bluebattsoulja

i was about to buy a new pair of oly 6 on nike park ******* but they wont allow me to use my vip i was pissed
I mentioned this in my blog, they're not consistent in giving discounts. Anyway, I copped a pair of Oly 6 in Trinoma yesterday. One dude didnot get his reservation of size 10. And guess what...I was able to get a 10% discount from my VIP card. So that makes it 5395 only...
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