Nike Outlets Friends and Family

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just called two stores and said i didn't have a physical copy of the f&f but had a pic on my phone with the barcode.  both stores said the same thing, 'as long as you've got something for us to scan, you're good....'  so, i think it just might work.

It Worked! no questions asked. i brought my stuff up, was asking the guy at the register how the F&F was going; when he asked for my coupon i showed him it on my phone, he typed in the sku and it was done...

J in NH
I'm annoyed my messages with the name of the nice NT'er who helped me out last time was wiped out with the new site.

I'm looking for the F&F coupon starting on 7/25/2013, anyone willing to help me out. I can paypal the shipping.

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