
You HAVE to get these and the other color ways in July. My wife and her friends are going nuts for these already. They're now looking to buy more Lululemon in the same color lol
My friend just asked me a good question that I don't think we talked about. Obviously athletes can wear Metcons at Regionals, but why couldn't they wear them during the Open Live announcements? Seems strange especially since they're giving the athletes at regionals a pair of nanos and lifters.
They only had to equip two people with shoes at the open announcements..  they could make everyone wear them at regionals if they wanted but they aren't going to give out that many shoes.  Womens Metcons were not in catalogs until October ,so don't look for alot to be available in July no matter what Fischer says..
They only had to equip two people with shoes at the open announcements..  they could make everyone wear them at regionals if they wanted but they aren't going to give out that many shoes.  Womens Metcons were not in catalogs until October ,so don't look for alot to be available in July no matter what Fischer says..
I saw athletes posting that they got a pair of nanos and lifters when they checked in.
I saw athletes posting that they got a pair of nanos and lifters when they checked in.
i worked production for regionals and all athletes were given a pair of reebok nanos and lifters. doesnt mean they HAD to wear them. there isnt really a reason why or why not to mandatory outfitting for regionals. its just a minor thing, who actually cares......

the games is all they care about, and who knows, maybe they wont care about that either this year.

but again...who cares
i worked production for regionals and all athletes were given a pair of reebok nanos and lifters. doesnt mean they HAD to wear them. there isnt really a reason why or why not to mandatory outfitting for regionals. its just a minor thing, who actually cares......

the games is all they care about, and who knows, maybe they wont care about that either this year.

but again...who cares
Well I care. The decisions they made are their own choices but I'm curious about the inconsistency.
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