majority of these bloggers or “influencers” that are reporting production numbers well in advance are usually incorrect and just copying info from someone else that may not even be verified. They’re calculating total production stock but not factoring in all the backdoored pairs or pairs allocated to these boutiques, and of course all the generous pairs Vanessa gives away.

The only time when you see pretty accurate stock number is of the stock that is loaded on to SNKRS backend for the same day drop. 40kish is correct for today, hence why I said stock is a lot lower than what these bloggers were predicting yesterday
Draws are brutal for my accounts, good luck fam <3

*please internalize and vent your Vanessa frustrations elsewhere after the drop for the love of KB*
Draws are only beneficial when Nike believes their servers can't handle the number of users going for the shoe.

I'd rather get an entry submitted in a draw versus not even submit my payment due to errors.
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