Nike KD 3 Retro

I was thinking about waiting hoping these would go on sale.

Looks like I made the right choice buying day 1.
lmaooo people really talking about having these for below 100, yall crazy.

I'm happy I got mine for retail.
damn....crazy days when KD 3 sellout ....crazy this should have been a GR release
I wanted these for ball when they first announced, but what to try my luck on the black/whites 1s dropping and the playoff 13s..and I’ve been playing Hogwarts legacy. Looked today and was suprised it sold out.
Small sizes on undefeated, oneness and sneaker politics.....still on the hunt for a size 12 tho
Sell out like this will get Nike to drop more colorways for what it's worth.

Xmas pair way better than these.
I started feeling sick last night and overslept today sad times. But looks like it likely would have been an L based on responses here
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