NIKE+ FUELBAND --- Nike's Big Announcement (1/19/12)

Does anyone use this without an iphone? I would like one of these, but I don't have an iphone...does it make a huge difference? 
Does anyone use this without an iphone? I would like one of these, but I don't have an iphone...does it make a huge difference? 

I used mine initially without an iPhone. You still get all the benefits of seeing your fuel, calories burned, step count and time but only for that day. You can always plug it into your computer to charge and see weekly or monthly data but it honestly is presented better in app and is more convenient.
Does anyone use this without an iphone? I would like one of these, but I don't have an iphone...does it make a huge difference? 
i have an iphone but rarely ever sync it to it ... just uses it to upload ur daily info ... not that much of a deal breaker for me.
i have an iphone but rarely ever sync it to it ... just uses it to upload ur daily info ... not that much of a deal breaker for me.

Yeah, I sync every few days are so. It backtracks the days you haven't synced so thats good.

You can also change settings on it quickly this way such as time, what to display, etc. It's cool. The app has improved since it first came out.

The only thing I hate is when it completely dies and I have to plug it back into the computer. :smh:
Really waiting for a fuelband 2.0. Especially since apple is rumored to be putting out a watch. Getting the 2.0 out first would be a good idea. 

Nice to see they haven't really been getting the black ones in store. Sign they are moving on to new tech
An Apple watch could seriously hurt the Fuel Band sales. Especially since the current Nano is $149 same price as the FB. Doesn't leave much price differential and I assume the apple watch would have the same or more sensors so it could track everything but fuel point (or even fuel points if Nike worked out a deal or opened the API).
Does anyone use this without an iphone? I would like one of these, but I don't have an iphone...does it make a huge difference? 

been using mine since maybe nov and i have a boy uses his with an iphone, but doesnt really rave about anything problems with my FB other than the fact i might miss a night to charge it up and find out during the next day it has died and you miss out on all the fuel points
An Apple watch could seriously hurt the Fuel Band sales. Especially since the current Nano is $149 same price as the FB. Doesn't leave much price differential and I assume the apple watch would have the same or more sensors so it could track everything but fuel point (or even fuel points if Nike worked out a deal or opened the API).

Ehh, I don't think so. The Apple watch will definitely be a luxury product and cost a grip. Tim Cook isn't going to put out a product to hurt something big he already is a part of with the fuel band. In an ideal world, they would work "together".
i havent checked this thread in a long time but i noticed a while back with my fuelband that the battery life improved dramatically. i figured it came with one of the software updates along the line. you guys now the details on that?
i havent checked this thread in a long time but i noticed a while back with my fuelband that the battery life improved dramatically. i figured it came with one of the software updates along the line. you guys now the details on that?

Thought the same thing then I realized I had gone from pressing the button frequently to maybe 0-5 times a day to see the time and never cycling though the display and it was lasting 2 weeks minimum.
been using mine since maybe nov and i have a boy uses his with an iphone, but doesnt really rave about anything problems with my FB other than the fact i might miss a night to charge it up and find out during the next day it has died and you miss out on all the fuel points

I'm the same way and mine lasts usually 10+ days before a recharge. I average a little under 5k a day.
seriously? mine lasts like 3-4 days tops

This. I always think I have a defect one because it feels like every time I hit the button it is dead. I was sitting next to a girl on a plane and she had one on. Said she only needs to charge it every couple weeks.
Haha That might be true. I am on my 4th fuelband and this one seems to be the best that I've had
Mine has never died on me but i tend to charge it once a week. Not sure how long it would actually last if i just let it die. I also find myself plugging it to my laptop whenever the time gets way off. It's been 4 minutes ahead a couple times before.
Do you all have Bluetooth turned off? At best, I get 3-4 days out of mine as well.

Nah I leave it on the whole time. I only check it like once or twice a day. A lot of the times ill rock another watch on the other wrist to help save to battery life
I've never had time issues.

My girls is completely dead. Imma have to call customer service. Do you guys know if Apple stores are doing returns/exchanges on these defective ones without a receipt?
if you can try to go to a Nike store. they'll exchange no questions asked. Not sure about apple stores though..
Can anyone shed some light on how bad the white ice one actually yellows? I really like it and am getting a fuelband within the next few weeks but I dont want to buy one if its going to yellow
My OG black fuel band started acting up so I went to Niketown and I asked for the replacement to be the black ice version and she did it no hassle :pimp:

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