Nike Employee's

When in doubt use a Gift card
To be honest, my district LP guy is getting on atheltes that utilize gift cards as a form of payment. I'm not too sure how it will work with family members of the employee but I'm assuming whatever goes for the employee goes for the family as well.

The exact reasoning behind corporate not wanting us to use gift cards? Not exactly sure but my coaches and have been making sure we all understand that we are NOT supposed to use them along with the employee discount. Apparently these purchases go directly to the district LP and is a huge issue. At least this goes for people in the Los Angeles area or in my store. 
Can employees send an invite for a swoosh account to family members? I got a family member that recently got a job at a Nike in Vegas, but I live in LA.
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Can employees send an invite for a swoosh account to family members? I got a family member that recently got a job at a Nike in Vegas, but I live in LA.
We can but the individuals registered on swoosh need to match up with the list that the employee submitted to HR. To my knowledge that's how it works, I may be wrong.
Yup that's the list. They make it pretty clear about who is and who isn't eligible to be added into an employee's discount list. If he's your cousin, I'm sure he wouldn't mind helping you out once in a while when he's in town or whatever but just know that his job and his discount is at stake when he decides to purchase things that are not "gifts"

Aww man. I was hoping to get an account so that I could get things shipped to my address. If I'm asking him to send "gifts" for me all the time that would be very inconvenient, especially if all the stuff I want gets shipped to his house
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Not yet, I did my background check a couple days ago, and I know that takes a little bit to get cleared.  I think the days specified for new hire paper work were the 16th-18th when we filled out those availability sheets before the interview.

Oh yeah thats right. I just want them to call already though haha
 What were the interview questions like?

Previous retail experiences, why do you want to work for nike, definition of good customer service, favorite nike products/tech, and what activites do you take part in..Think I messed up on the last question tho
Previous retail experiences, why do you want to work for nike, definition of good customer service, favorite nike products/tech, and what activites do you take part in..Think I messed up on the last question tho
Yeah that's exactly the questions that I had on my phone interview, so the in-person interview was the same as the phone interview?
Something like that, just don't go too detailed into product when they ask about, rather than talk about the style and technology talk about how the product influences you, how comfortable it is how often you wear it what it means to you. Also talk about nike being an innovative and you want to be a part of that
U hear anything from them yet?

Not yet, I did my background check a couple days ago, and I know that takes a little bit to get cleared.  I think the days specified for new hire paper work were the 16th-18th when we filled out those availability sheets before the interview.
For those of you that have worked at a Niketown what kind of job experience and sports background have you guys had? I got interviewed for a second time and still didnt get a call. Need to know what they are looking for
For those of you that have worked at a Niketown what kind of job experience and sports background have you guys had? I got interviewed for a second time and still didnt get a call. Need to know what they are looking for
Doesn't really matter. Just answer the interview questions in a way that they want to hear. Be a team player, believe in teamwork etc along those lines and you'll be ok.
recently got hired at a nike outlet, and i'm figuring out how to use swoosh, they say you can only send invites to the people you put on your list. is that the same form they give you when you're hired?
recently got hired at a nike outlet, and i'm figuring out how to use swoosh, they say you can only send invites to the people you put on your list. is that the same form they give you when you're hired?
Yes, Sir.

Which one BTW
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