Here's a recap of Niketown Chicago before I go to bed.
During the week, I called everyday and got the same response. No camping til after the store closes FRIDAY 8PM. Well, im chilling at leaders and i get a textfrom my guy who i waited with black/pinks for and he says theres a line 12 deep. as soon as i hear this, i get in a cab and go there. prob took 5 min, leadersis like 8 blocks away....anyway, i get there and am feelin kinda crappy bcuz i wasnt happy that i was 13th. by 5, there were about 20 people in line. but by 6there was about 40. By 7 there had to be between 75-85 people. granted, a list was started and everyoone who began to camp wrote their name down. there was NOSHADY business at all. at about 7 15, a guy and woman place their chairs at the door. sidenote: no one could be in front of the store or the cops would becalled, so we were chillin more towards the street. if uve ever been to chicago, u know michigan avenue sidewalks are big. so this guy says f u im not honoringthe list. then a group of about 7-10 people try to post up. now, there were about 40 people on this list, and the 40 people all stuck together and told dudestheyd get a butt(ur not suppose to swear on NT) whoppin if they didnt move.
well tensions are rising. at about 8:15 the cops come and hear everyones side. by 8:45, they decide to honor the list.
i cant complain, but the city of chicago and nike have to figure out away to do releases. people cant come the day before and think things are sweet. i wouldhave been there tuesday night but they said NO CAMPING
Goodnight! i have to be up at 7 to pick up my pair