Nike Air VaporMax

No Vapornax Plus discount news,

FYI vapormaxes are really never ever on sale. The best bets are some independent stores sometimes have discount codes posted here.

Don't expect to see them on sale. Considering how well the pluses have sold out I would forget about it.

I consider myself a veteran at this point lol
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Y'all need to drag your friends that are in the military to Foot Locker to buy your Vapormaxes lol. In my experience, usually House of Hoops' are more liberal than a regular ole FTL with discounts. Or have a friend in school or the military buy them off of NDC and use their code. If it's through SNKRS, they'll have to call/Nike Chat and have to code applied.
That age conversation is hilarious. I was wearing Jays when I was a teenager in the '80s with a suit...completely inappropriate even then...I'll continue to wear Jays, VM, Air Max, Trainers, or whatever I want no matter how old I am. I wouldn't do them with a suit anymore, but still wear Futures with slacks when these others aren't appropriate. Even then, Space Jams can usually be pulled off with slacks. Unless it's an interview or customer mtg, I really don't care what people think...heh.
That age conversation is hilarious. I was wearing Jays when I was a teenager in the '80s with a suit...completely inappropriate even then...I'll continue to wear Jays, VM, Air Max, Trainers, or whatever I want no matter how old I am. I wouldn't do them with a suit anymore, but still wear Futures with slacks when these others aren't appropriate. Even then, Space Jams can usually be pulled off with slacks. Unless it's an interview or customer mtg, I really don't care what people think...heh.
I meet with the c level execs of fortune 100
companies in joggers and sneakers regularly. It doesn’t matter anymore so long as you deliver value and continue to exceed expectations. I do however make sure to wear a proper watch...that’s the ultimate equalizer. Fresh pair of kicks and an in house movement.
I meet with the c level execs of fortune 100
companies in joggers and sneakers regularly. It doesn’t matter anymore so long as you deliver value and continue to exceed expectations. I do however make sure to wear a proper watch...that’s the ultimate equalizer. Fresh pair of kicks and an in house movement.

100% agreed. Even for in-house customer mtgs I'll wear 3s, 4s, and even Black Infrared 6s with black jeans. You can't even see them when sitting at the boardroom table. And for those that do notice, it usually strikes up a positive conversation about how awesome they are, and the memories behind them. I've NEVER had a negative comment.

What are the odds of these releasing in the US for Nike ID or even general release? Debating about cashing out for these but don’t want to spend hella money if Nike releases something similar later.

What are the odds of these releasing in the US for Nike ID or even general release? Debating about cashing out for these but don’t want to spend hella money if Nike releases something similar later.

The closest I think we have in the US is the grey multi pair. Its essentially that pair you see except grey instead of white.
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