Nike Air Jordan Retro Metallic V - 7/23/16

They are starting to sell out, I called a few local store in the area and I couldn't find a size 9 anywhere. I had purchase a pair on Saturday for instore pick up (finish line) and my order was cancel 30 mins later [emoji]128532[/emoji] I'm in new York BTW
They are starting to sell out, I called a few local store in the area and I couldn't find a size 9 anywhere. I had purchase a pair on Saturday for instore pick up (finish line) and my order was cancel 30 mins later [emoji]128532[/emoji] I'm in new York BTW
I was looking for a 9 too and came close to ordering them online from fnl, but I just won one off the bay for $185. Try checking there, you may be able to get some for under retail.
Cause when I returned my pair at house of hoops in bk, the chick didn't evn open the box she scanned and then brought up the right size I needed. Then when I went to 34 street to make another return the lady or rep did a deeep inspection.

did you go up a size from your tts

Yes it felt good. I normally go up.5 a size which I did with these and they didn't feel bad. Bbbbbbbbbuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttt I started to notice that the right shoe was annoying me ,that right side where the stiching curves it was digging into my toe then when I took the shoe off I felt relieved
It's nice to finally have another pair that I can wear without the constant fear of sole disintegration.

I'm pleased with the overall quality of the retro, but they are far from perfect.

The tongue reallllllllly bothers me on this release.

The pearlized sheen that the 3M tongue constantly emits is overkill and the tongue is also extremely stiff.

If you take a pair of the 2000 retros and feel how soft and comfortable the tongue is compared to this release, you will see what I'm talking about. The 2000 pair also has a nice subdued matte silver look when the light isn't activating the 3M.

Overall, I can't really complain about a retro 5 that features Nike Air on the back, even though I still contest that the 2000 pair is the absolute best retro of the 5 ever made. (You'll notice that I have completely shunned the 2011 pair from my collection for obvious reasons).

I've been waiting 16 years for these!
Just realized that nike used the same 3m on the Atlantic penny 2s but it's not as bright

I doubt this. The current 3M on the Vs seems to be "built into" the material on the front of the tongue. In other words, it's not a coating.
i already got mine dirty and had to wash the tongue with water and i think its less sensitive to abrasion than the older pairs
it got brighter when wet then dried up in a minute lookin back to normal
it may have a protective coating which may help reflect the light
Haha meant it feels the same. It definitely has a different feel to it then older releases. If you have both kicks you'd see what I'm talking about
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the black metallic release made me hungry for white metallic ones kinda regret passin on em 
Word. I remember walking passed them thinking how plain they were. Now I want them just so I can have both white and black. 

Never tried them on, but I remember them feeling good in hand. Fortunately you can likely scoop them on the Bay for ~150 if you work a deal with a seller.

I'm about to go on a 5 rampage. Hunting down grey tongue Fire Reds for the low. Saw a pair for $210 shipped DS. 

Also looking at the Pre Grapes.
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