NIKE Air Jordan IV OG White Fire Red: Black Friday 2020: Nov. 28th

Jordan Brand describing the Fire Red 4's:

"Returning in true OG form for the first time since 1989, this year's Air Jordan IV is an exact b̶u̶t̶c̶h̶e̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ replication of its original counterpart right down to the finest details. Do you know where they get their nickname from? Do you know? Do you know? Do you know? Over the years the Air Jordan IV "White/Black/Fire Red" has been called the "Fire Red's" for short. So we decided to go with Tech Red instead because you know us, we can never give our long time customers and fans a true 1:1 in any way, shape or form when it comes to the Air Jordan IV retro! 🤡"

Haha this is funny as hell! I think they need to set up these "OG Remastered" drops with questions about the MJ and the bulls Legacy like multiple choice and if you dont know then you dont get them.
Haha this is funny as hell! I think they need to set up these "OG Remastered" drops with questions about the MJ and the bulls Legacy like multiple choice and if you dont know then you dont get them.
Back then, it was about stories of the Bulls and MJ, watching them and how it made you feel. The period of time you were in. The memories. Now, its money and hype. Yeah, we have evolved. Oh wait, no we have not. AT ALL.
Here is the diff from then to now.

Then. You wanted them soo bad but couldnt afford.
Now. You want them to get likes and or money.

The history then. Appreciated and thought well into. Unicorn status.
Now. No one gives a ****. How much clout can I get.

Appreciation for OG releases then. Grails. Life changing. JUST TO HAVE A PAIR FOR YOURSELF.
NOW. Just a GR. No bigs. Wheres the exclusive at?
**** this so called game. Its what has ruined what so many started in the first place.
This is something that's always bugged me honestly. Like I'm a younger dude (20), and it's next to impossible to find those around my age who actually are into the creative process, design and history of an Air Jordan as well as fans of MJ himself. I'm all for people enjoying Jordan's, I'm not gatekeeping, but it sucks seeing so many my age and younger completely disregard all the things that make these shoes so great. That's why I'm glad I have y'all at least to share this hobby/interest with. Only you guys would understand the necessity of OG details like a contrast heel, white edges on durabuck, or high cut patent leather.
This is something that's always bugged me honestly. Like I'm a younger dude (20), and it's next to impossible to find those around my age who actually are into the creative process, design and history of an Air Jordan as well as fans of MJ himself. I'm all for people enjoying Jordan's, I'm not gatekeeping, but it sucks seeing so many my age and younger completely disregard all the things that make these shoes so great. That's why I'm glad I have y'all at least to share this hobby/interest with. Only you guys would understand the necessity of OG details like a contrast heel, white edges on durabuck, or high cut patent leather.
It gets frustrating right now especially because a lot of us grew up as 80s/90s kids watching ball and Mike and being hypnotized into loving these shoes. “Wear what Mike wears kids!” and us asking our parents for a pair and a lot of us getting the Bugs Bunny “NOOOOO”. Growing older, not old enough for a job and longing checking them out in magazines, catalogs and in the Sneaker stores...and most importantly...Mike’s feet. They were unattainable. ****, I remember NEEDING the Playoff 8s when I was 11 and the pretty much “**** no” from my parents. Even on my 12th birthday they were on clearance IN MY SIZE for 80! I thought it was destiny! Nope. No from my mom. Instead I got a Sega Game Gear that I never asked for that to make matters worse **** the bed the next weekend when we were on vacation and would power off when you moved it. So yeah. And then you finally get old enough to get a job and get a pair of Js with your paycheck. Mine was in ‘97 and it was the Black/Red 12s. I loved those things. And I remember Junior Year skipping school in the morning to get the Flints, getting them. Getting caught going back to school. Getting Saturday ISS for a month and wearing them EVERY SATURDAY! Now I’m older with a pretty decent amount of disposable income after essentials and bills. And they announce the Playoff 8s, I’m hyped...and the 2 releases were absolute trash, **** materials, wrong color heel tabs (how the hell?) so I skipped both of those. So I can kind of understand the people who get angry about these. They are a passion to some of us. Plus now that we want them to shut up and take our money, it’s so hard to get them release day for retail! Resellers have made it a pain again. These 4s are going to be a nightmare and I might have to bite the bullet and preorder just to have a safety net. It shouldn’t be like that for a GR but it is what it is.
Look at the True Shape of the Shoe. That is the baddest shoe ever made. There are ZERO reasons they cannot get the shoe to look exactly like this. SO FRUSTRATING!!!!! This shoe more than any other deserves to be made correctly!!!!!!!

Look at the True Shape of the Shoe. That is the baddest shoe ever made. There are ZERO reasons they cannot get the shoe to look exactly like this. SO FRUSTRATING!!!!! This shoe more than any other deserves to be made correctly!!!!!!!

Obviously we'd like them all to be done as 1:1 to the OGs, but yeah, the 3, 4 and 11 in particular, for me, are the ones that should never be ****** with in terms of shape and cuts, etc. I'd also include the 13 in there. The measurements and slants of those shoes are a big key to what made them so smooth in the first place.
It gets frustrating right now especially because a lot of us grew up as 80s/90s kids watching ball and Mike and being hypnotized into loving these shoes. “Wear what Mike wears kids!” and us asking our parents for a pair and a lot of us getting the Bugs Bunny “NOOOOO”. Growing older, not old enough for a job and longing checking them out in magazines, catalogs and in the Sneaker stores...and most importantly...Mike’s feet. They were unattainable. ****, I remember NEEDING the Playoff 8s when I was 11 and the pretty much “**** no” from my parents. Even on my 12th birthday they were on clearance IN MY SIZE for 80! I thought it was destiny! Nope. No from my mom. Instead I got a Sega Game Gear that I never asked for that to make matters worse **** the bed the next weekend when we were on vacation and would power off when you moved it. So yeah. And then you finally get old enough to get a job and get a pair of Js with your paycheck. Mine was in ‘97 and it was the Black/Red 12s. I loved those things. And I remember Junior Year skipping school in the morning to get the Flints, getting them. Getting caught going back to school. Getting Saturday ISS for a month and wearing them EVERY SATURDAY! Now I’m older with a pretty decent amount of disposable income after essentials and bills. And they announce the Playoff 8s, I’m hyped...and the 2 releases were absolute trash, **** materials, wrong color heel tabs (how the hell?) so I skipped both of those. So I can kind of understand the people who get angry about these. They are a passion to some of us. Plus now that we want them to shut up and take our money, it’s so hard to get them release day for retail! Resellers have made it a pain again. These 4s are going to be a nightmare and I might have to bite the bullet and preorder just to have a safety net. It shouldn’t be like that for a GR but it is what it is.
Yeah this is the stuff I'm talking about that. Stories like that as well. The Air Jordan is synonymous with MJ himself and has a deep history on the court, but it also has the same deep history and stories off the court as well with people like you. These shoes that so many of my generation as well as those after and even before, take for granted and use as nothing more than a status symbol, are so much deeper than just their brand name. Obviously I couldn't tell my mother and father to meet earlier in life so I could've seen MJ play. :lol: But thanks to YouTube and so many people having recorded MJ's games and just preserved footage of his playing days in general, I've been able to watch a lot of his games, many interviews and the like from his Tarheel days, to the Bulls rookie that took the world by storm, and finally as he cemented his position as the GOAT in basketball.
Growing up in the 80s, I lived in flyover country - and what we had was no "pre-hype" for Jordans, no information before they released, nothing. And we were begging for it.

I vividly remember how we would sit in front of the small TV's and look for close-ups of MJ and what Jordans he was wearing. All Star game is on? Well, he'd have a new color. Playoff game on? Well he'd debut the black model. Then we would race to the mailbox on Friday for the newest Sports Illustrated and we'd get to maybe see a few close-up shots that we'd examine up and down at school with the fellas. Weekends were for going to the mall and checking to see if the stores had any in stock, and then of course the few kids who DID have Jordans....were by default the coolest dudes in school. It sounds so hilariously outdated now...but it makes me smile and reminds me of just playing hoops, hanging with friends, and obsessing over everything M.J. You had to do WORK to keep updated with your idol.

I was around for every release back then, and where I grew up it was not even close - the black V was the single craziest shoe to hit the streets. I've never seen madness like that, and the kids who had a pair were afraid to wear them out. Man that was good times :lol:

One last note from this old geezer: Jordan Brand's retro program for me has been hugely disappointing top to bottom. But it's because I'm a sucker for details. Some aren't. I will notice when cut is off, when toe boxes are even just barely wrong, etc. It obviously would not change a thing, but to me if JB would have just started all this by naming these releases "replicas" or something similar in the title we/I would probably not give it so much heat here. Yes, that's petty. But the marketing they are doing with "true to the OG" and "remastered" and trying to put things over on their buying base that THESE are the original a slap in the face. Maybe I'm petty but I would probably feel a lot better if they officially acknowledged it (not just Gentry) and then and only then perhaps we could hold out hope a true retro will come.

Jordan Brand and Nike do not need my opinion - and MJ's money and mansions show they obviously know things I don't - but Jordan Brand is a company that always has prided itself on luxury, and high end, and the best athletes, and Michael Jordan. The Rolls Royce of footwear. And a program (retros) that was started as sort of a side project has now become really the face of their business - and the face of Jordan Brand's business is building cheap knock offs of luxury shoes their former generation of employees created 30 years ago. It's kinda ironic.
Reminds me, I have to go look for some More legit preorder sites because LMTD supply doesn’t have them left in my size and Soul Seriouss pissed me off on the Flints. Any help would be appreciated
Growing up in the 80s, I lived in flyover country - and what we had was no "pre-hype" for Jordans, no information before they released, nothing. And we were begging for it.

I vividly remember how we would sit in front of the small TV's and look for close-ups of MJ and what Jordans he was wearing. All Star game is on? Well, he'd have a new color. Playoff game on? Well he'd debut the black model. Then we would race to the mailbox on Friday for the newest Sports Illustrated and we'd get to maybe see a few close-up shots that we'd examine up and down at school with the fellas. Weekends were for going to the mall and checking to see if the stores had any in stock, and then of course the few kids who DID have Jordans....were by default the coolest dudes in school. It sounds so hilariously outdated now...but it makes me smile and reminds me of just playing hoops, hanging with friends, and obsessing over everything M.J. You had to do WORK to keep updated with your idol.

I was around for every release back then, and where I grew up it was not even close - the black V was the single craziest shoe to hit the streets. I've never seen madness like that, and the kids who had a pair were afraid to wear them out. Man that was good times :lol:

One last note from this old geezer: Jordan Brand's retro program for me has been hugely disappointing top to bottom. But it's because I'm a sucker for details. Some aren't. I will notice when cut is off, when toe boxes are even just barely wrong, etc. It obviously would not change a thing, but to me if JB would have just started all this by naming these releases "replicas" or something similar in the title we/I would probably not give it so much heat here. Yes, that's petty. But the marketing they are doing with "true to the OG" and "remastered" and trying to put things over on their buying base that THESE are the original a slap in the face. Maybe I'm petty but I would probably feel a lot better if they officially acknowledged it (not just Gentry) and then and only then perhaps we could hold out hope a true retro will come.

Jordan Brand and Nike do not need my opinion - and MJ's money and mansions show they obviously know things I don't - but Jordan Brand is a company that always has prided itself on luxury, and high end, and the best athletes, and Michael Jordan. The Rolls Royce of footwear. And a program (retros) that was started as sort of a side project has now become really the face of their business - and the face of Jordan Brand's business is building cheap knock offs of luxury shoes their former generation of employees created 30 years ago. It's kinda ironic.
Awesome post..
I vividly remember how we would sit in front of the small TV's and look for close-ups of MJ and what Jordans he was wearing. All Star game is on? Well, he'd have a new color. Playoff game on? Well he'd debut the black model. Then we would race to the mailbox on Friday for the newest Sports Illustrated and we'd get to maybe see a few close-up shots that we'd examine up and down at school with the fellas. Weekends were for going to the mall and checking to see if the stores had any in stock, and then of course the few kids who DID have Jordans....were by default the coolest dudes in school. It sounds so hilariously outdated now...but it makes me smile and reminds me of just playing hoops, hanging with friends, and obsessing over everything M.J. You had to do WORK to keep updated with your idol.
This is EXACTLY how it was. I remember waiting for Sports Illustrated in the mailbox to get those close ups. The very first one where he’s on the cover with the caption, “A Star is Born“ had the first still shot inside where I could finally see the AJ 1. I couldn‘t stop staring at it. Also, I remember when he first wore the black cement 3 in the all-star game. I couldn’t stop staring at his feet. I remember the ad they had in SI with him and Mars Blackman, “The best on Mars and the best on earth.“ Something like that. Great memories.
I’m doing nothing until you make your move! :lol:

Well, I'm buying a pair. I know what I'm getting, based on the BCs last year. It's a long ******* way from perfect, but it'll still be fun to have them back for the first time in 31 years.
I keep waiting for some clowns to pop up in here with that tired line, "If you buy them, you can't complain." You know I completely reject that argument, for various reasons.

This is EXACTLY how it was. I remember waiting for Sports Illustrated in the mailbox to get those close ups. The very first one where he’s on the cover with the caption, “A Star is Born“ had the first still shot inside where I could finally see the AJ 1. I couldn‘t stop staring at it. Also, I remember when he first wore the black cement 3 in the all-star game. I couldn’t stop staring at his feet. I remember the ad they had in SI with him and Mars Blackman, “The best on Mars and the best on earth.“ Something like that. Great memories.

I had that Best on Earth/Mars ad taped to the inside of my HS bball locker LOL. It's a great ad. I bought two mint examples of it via eBay a year or so ago, from people who had that issue of SI and pulled it out of the mag. Haven't done anything with them yet; I want to scan the page of just MJ with Best on Earth below him and have it made into a larger canvas print.

And yeah, the above is exactly how it was. I know we're "old" so our view is skewed, but I really believe it was, in a lot of ways, way more fun and exciting back before the digital age and where we are now. It's amazing we have access to all of these various mediums on which to look at shoes and talk about shoes and buy shoes (and anything else you might be interested in). That part is way better than the pre-web dark ages, and having so much content about something I love has a lot of upside. But today's world has really taken the fun out of the promotion, the marketing, the advertising, the lead-up and anticipation. The whole experience is different.

We used to wait impatiently for All-Star Saturday for the new commercial for the first look. Until it aired, we had NO idea what the shoe would be like. I would record it on my VCR and play it back and pause it when the closeups of the shoes would pop up to see what I could see. It was no joke as exciting a part of the night as the dunk contest and 3-point contest LOL. And the posters and ongoing commercials and print ads ... again, just fun, and special. Now in 2020, we got out first clear look of the new Air Jordan from some bootleg stock-room photo leaked on the internet. Wow, ******* rad, wasn't that fun? :stoneface:

At least last year they somehow managed to keep the 34 under wraps until the official reveal. But it's still not the same, either way. Not by a long shot.
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