Nike Air Foamposite Pro "Crimson"

I hope the government gets involved (I know it's a long shot) that would force Nike to produce enough and furnish restocks so that kids aren't getting killed over a pair of shoes.
Stop all this twitter trolling hype. Kill all these online sites who hype up releases then ***** out the links when they go live.
Stop all this RSVP non-sense.
Get police involved. Fine the mall, fine the store owner...NO CAMPING allowed..period. Force the retailers to do pre-orders and only after verifying shoe size. Limit one per person.
I'm sure they can come up with a program that tracks an id...1 id gets scanned and you cant run to pre-order at another FL or FTL/FA/CHAMPS.
It's just sad that people are getting murdered over dumb *** shoes.
That's not a bad idea @ all...I never thought about scaning a ID to make sure that person only gets on pair. But, yeah this gettin killed over a pair shoes **** has to cease. Don't make no sense that you can't buy or wear a pair shoes cuz some broke *** ppl don't wanna go out and wrk hard like the next person had to, to get what they want
whats iss?

Sc forums

And people are going to always line up. I like the pre-order in store idea. How many people pre order is that amount nike ships to store. Would kill limited release but everyone would get their pair. Which will never happen. Can you imagine walking into shoe store getting breds xiii or galaxy foams at 4 pm on saturday and them having your size? Sigh of relief for me wouldn't ruin anything for me.
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how can you TRY to go hard on someone but completely miss the point?
these crimsons are the first time nike has tried something of this flavor. Generally, its been...
black upper/colored bottom
colored upper/iced or black or white bottom
Now nike is trying colored uppers with colored bottoms. Thats his whole argument.
Just chiming in, not arguing at all, but I think it works though. The silver is still subtle enough for it not to look silly with the colored bottom. I know for a fact we will see colorful upper with a colorful bottom though. Thats when it will get out of hand.
Street Game store manager James Poole said about a dozen people, including Poole’s cousin, were lined up outside the store when Bradley was shot.

Poole said his cousin recalled Bradley questioning his assailants when they demanded cash.

“I just don’t understand,” Poole said. “They were all just innocent kids, waiting in line for sneakers in a place where they felt safe.”

Poole said his store does not encourage customers to line up but that it is not uncommon for lines to form early in anticipation of the release of a popular item.

“It hits close to home,” Poole said. “Our prayers go to everyone involved.”

He said he gave free Foamposite sneakers to the morning’s victims and witnesses.

Dats whats up. 
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Thats coo he gave away the shoes. Nike better compensate him and his store. Give that man the hyperstrike account and anything else he wants.
i know of three pairs left in vegas 2 siz 8.5 and a 9 that i took back and got anew pair from shoepalace, but i hope everyone checked their pair because my first pair had a color defect that was way too noticable, 5 mins later i took them back and footlocker saw the defect and said that they are putting them back up at retail
 even after i told them ill buy them for half price, i mean the shoe looked like some1 blotted some off colored metallic on them. i love my pair though, i think its one of the best cw's yet,but the quality is not the best
Damn bruh can't believe someone got shot over these. They ain't even that serious. It sounds like the person had previous "beef" or whatever people call that nowadays that just my opinion though
Damn bruh can't believe someone got shot over these. They ain't even that serious. It sounds like the person had previous "beef" or whatever people call that nowadays that just my opinion though

Nah, that's not what happened...cats lined up at 4am campin out for the foams, while some thugs prey on them as an easy hit to snag their cash $
Store didn't even open till 9:30am...that's a long time to wait for these & not worth it.
$289 is not too bad I'll take that hit.

I'm wondering if I should wait it out for a NDC restock (assuming that that would happen?)

with how things have been going lately, i would say to wait and try your luck on a re stock around mid week,
with how things have been going lately, i would say to wait and try your luck on a re stock around mid week,
Yessir, that make sense & I'm definitely willing.

My only issue is that I work Tuesday all day, so if it happens then I'm ******. Wednesday is a different story, but who knows when these things happen really -- unless there's some confirmation out there somewhere that I'm unaware of?
ive noticed most are later in the week like wed-fri, FNL is sometimes wednesday morning early, just gotta stay ontop of the info, if theres any info on a re stock for these im sure it will get posted here.
If these kicks restock this week that is going to be such a big slap in the face to campers and all the people causing trouble reselling and resorting to violence.
If these kicks restock this week that is going to be such a big slap in the face to campers and all the people causing trouble reselling and resorting to violence.
I was thinking that as well, another reason why I was springing for the PYS price.
Just flipped mine for about $50 dollars profit (sales tax in NYC killed it for me, even though I sold it for close to $300).  Wasn't really feeling the shoes and would have returned it eventually. Hopefully, they don't end up going for much more than that.
The resell prices in my area for these isn't even OD but I'm not paying a dime over 250 for these...

Sad thing is, all I was asking dudes in my area locally was 250 meet up and they were either flaking or trying to have me drive to them.
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