Nike 30th Anniversary “Just Do It” Campaign.

1. His protest was never hostile

2. Peaceful protest for people being shot and killed? Feel lucky their isn’t a daily riot. I like how white people only want things done on their terms while under their terms kids are put into cages left to die on the boarder and police kill people inside their own homes. “I know we killed your dad but could you talk to me nicely???”.
It was never JUST about people being killed. Conservative talking points have warped the message so much to make it easer to dismiss but this was Always about systemic abuse by law enforcement AND the criminal justice system. Some times that manifests in death, sometimes it manifests in harassment, sometimes it manifests in over ticketing and over fining, sometimes in manifests in longer sentences. That’s what activists are fighting against.
I am not to proud to admit that I think I got caught up in the killing argument myself. Like I did previously stated I don't think we are being slaughtered in the streets, however there is policy in law enforcement that just doesn' t make sense and is geared toward poc and the poor. That DOES need to change and be addressed.
dblplay1212 dblplay1212

1.I have a serious question, where do we go from here? You brought up stats that proved your side, and I brought up stats that proved my side, there truly seems like there are stats to prove every and any point.
2. I want you to know I can't be racist towards black people, because I AM ONE myself. I am biracial and have seen both sides of the coin. And that is why I say blacks don't have it that bad nor are all whites racists. When it coms to police fatalities it shows, that if you obey the law and don't commit crimes you will not be killed by cops.

And side note, not trying to even debate the diety of Jesus, but I as well as an overwhelmingly majority of biblical scholars believe that the facts show he was indeed a real historical person with a ministry, and not made up like you stated.
“I can’t be racist because I’m black”

LOL are you ******* serious?
“I can’t be racist because I’m black”

LOL are you ****ing serious?
How can I be racist towards myself :smh:. I love my black african heritage and history, and all the great things black people have created and given to this world. Was just trying to say I'm not a racist at all far from it.
dblplay1212 dblplay1212

1.I have a serious question, where do we go from here? You brought up stats that proved your side, and I brought up stats that proved my side, there truly seems like there are stats to prove every and any point.
2. I want you to know I can't be racist towards black people, because I AM ONE myself. I am biracial and have seen both sides of the coin. And that is why I say blacks don't have it that bad nor are all whites racists. When it coms to police fatalities it shows, that if you obey the law and don't commit crimes you will not be killed by cops.

And side note, not trying to even debate the diety of Jesus, but I as well as an overwhelmingly majority of biblical scholars believe that the facts show he was indeed a real historical person with a ministry, and not made up like you stated.
1. You haven't brought up anything that proves your side. You can't use total numbers when blacks make up 13% of the population and whites make up 76%. Of course more whites are arrested or killed but when you look at rates, blacks are arrested/abused/killed at a MUCH higher rate. Looking at gross numbers is just dumb when the population isn't close to being equal.
2. Candice Owens, is that you?

Cool. I don't care about him so stop bringing him up. He's not relevant to the discussion.
Ok we all know if kap was to go on live TV for a peaceful protest and not on the NFL time we know who is watching and who is not watching.
1. You haven't brought up anything that proves your side. You can't use total numbers when blacks make up 13% of the population and whites make up 76%. Of course more whites are arrested or killed but when you look at rates, blacks are arrested/abused/killed at a MUCH higher rate. Looking at gross numbers is just dumb when the population isn't close to being equal.
2. Candice Owens, is that you?

1.Cool. I don't care about him so stop bringing him up. He's not relevant to the discussion.
The washington post says otherwise. We can bring up stats till we are blue in the face doesn't seem like we are going to have any meaningful dialogue. We can agree to disagree.

2. Funny, I guess its time to throw insults. Go ahead I guess Koon, Uncle Tom, and Unkle Ruckus are up next :rolleyes. Seems like the only thing LIbs can call me when you break the mold.
Too me it's all about disrespect of the flag. There are plenty of other places and opportunities to show displeasure

Oh, you mean the places where they protest peacefully and where police still attack them with military grade gear and vehicles?

Black people have been waiting for this mythical conflict free "other place to protest" for centuries
45 got this country divided bad but it always been divided to the real powers that be u create order out of chaos. They never want black and white coming together. Go listen to Tim Wise
45 got this country divided bad but it always been divided to the real powers that be u create order out of chaos. They never want black and white coming together. Go listen to Tim Wise

BIG FACT!! Would love nothing more than to see racial harmony amongst the world where we can just look at each other as Human beings
The washington post says otherwise. We can bring up stats till we are blue in the face doesn't seem like we are going to have any meaningful dialogue. We can agree to disagree.

2. Funny, I guess its time to throw insults. Go ahead I guess Koon, Uncle Tom, and Unkle Ruckus are up next :rolleyes. Seems like the only thing LIbs can call me when you break the mold.
1. The Washington post says 691 people have been killed by cops. Have you even taken the time to break them down by race? People of color are killed at a much higher rate. That's the entire point.

2. LOL now I'm a liberal bc I don't like guns and I don't like seeing people of color abused? You don't know anything about me. And why is calling you Candace Owens an insult? You literally sound just like her.
dblplay1212 dblplay1212

1.I have a serious question, where do we go from here? You brought up stats that proved your side, and I brought up stats that proved my side, there truly seems like there are stats to prove every and any point.
2. I want you to know I can't be racist towards black people, because I AM ONE myself. I am biracial and have seen both sides of the coin. And that is why I say blacks don't have it that bad nor are all whites racists. When it coms to police fatalities it shows, that if you obey the law and don't commit crimes you will not be killed by cops.

And side note, not trying to even debate the diety of Jesus, but I as well as an overwhelmingly majority of biblical scholars believe that the facts show he was indeed a real historical person with a ministry, and not made up like you stated.

No offense but you’re an Uncle Tom
Thoughts and prayer won't make it happen.
Dam Debbie downer should we not have wishful thoughts of the future or just bleak feeling that nothing will ever change. Change starts in the mind.

And yes I acknowledge that blacks are killed at a higher rate than others, however when you look at the crime rates everything comes into perspective. Only 5 of those 121 killed so far this year where not attempting to flee or had weapons on them. Let’s not make it seem like the people killed were good upstanding role model citizens. They were breaking the law, trouble breeds trouble. Not trying to say they deserved to die but you can’t be in that lifestyle and expect great things.
Dam Debbie downer should we not have wishful thoughts of the future or just bleak feeling that nothing will ever change. Change starts in the mind.

And yes I acknowledge that blacks are killed at a higher rate than others, however when you look at the crime rates everything comes into perspective. Only 5 of those 121 killed so far this year where not attempting to flee or had weapons on them. Let’s not make it seem like the people killed were good upstanding role model citizens. They were breaking the law, trouble breeds trouble. Not trying to say they deserved to die but you can’t be in that lifestyle and expect great things.
People have been thinking and praying for years. It doesn't do anything. Action makes things happen. But here you are upset with someone actually taking action. But let's pray about it.

When you look past crimes rates you realize the rates are what they are bc many police depts target blacks. Not to mention hundreds of years of oppression that had led to widespread poverty for people of color. Honestly that's where it all starts.

But yea let's get upset over someone taking a knee for a song.
People have been thinking and praying for years. It doesn't do anything. Action makes things happen. But here you are upset with someone actually taking action. But let's pray about it.

When you look past crimes rates you realize the rates are what they are bc many police depts target blacks. Not to mention hundreds of years of oppression that had led to widespread poverty for people of color. Honestly that's where it all starts.

But yea let's get upset over someone taking a knee for a song.
And I agree with you on that. (Wow we found common ground) My only stance with kaep was that I thought he could of delivered that message better. I felt that it pushed more people away than it could of made aware. It’s time for action now. Point out the injustices I’ll be right there fighting with, just don’t see it with police fatlility shootings that’s all.
No offense but you’re an Uncle Tom
Being called Candace Owens is offensive. Literally repeating what she’s says...... is ok.

Lol sit
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