NFL Week 15 In Review...

Originally Posted by Buc Em

I want Tom Coughlin as head coach of the Bucs, and Steve Spagnuolo as DC. Do it Santa....
That would be really nice, but I don't think Coughlin could take that south Florida sun...Giants would be stupid to fire him too...

just saw the juke/spin move Reggie Bush put on George Wilson
I'll never understand how so many people can complain about ESPN but continue to watch it. Change the damn channel. 
Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

I'll never understand how so many people can complain about ESPN but continue to watch it. Change the damn channel. 

Hey dude do me a favor, shut up.
What a !@$# show. Did not expect to get beat up the way they did. Not a positive outcome from this game other than noticing that Cromartie has speed on kickoffs, and that Greene has turned it on in December.
-Revis/Pouha/David Harris are the best three players on our defense. Sad when you have a coach like Rex, you would think he would field together an exceptional defense.
-Eric Smith and Wayne Hunter should be annexed to Guantanamo Bay and be held captive as POW's until they realize they should accept not being NFL starters. They are major downfalls to the defense and offense, respectively. Like, major downfalls.
-I hate that Shotty abandoned the run early. The result? Holmes fumbles the ball.
-Speaking of Holmes, what a joke of a day. The fumble, whatever, it was a nice pop by the defender to get the ball loose. But the pass that went through his hands
-Once again, people (non-Jets fans) are quick to get at Sanchez, when at the same time they should realize the O-Line is not doing their job. But of course, it's quicker to hate on the QB than the other part of the problem.

The thought of beating the Giants, but having to win out in Miami to secure a playoff spot is scary.

Rest of the League
-Giants/Jets on Saturday, so much hype and outside stipulations other than playoff implications. The NFL is rigged for this game to be of this magnitude
-S4L3 getting at the Giants is always
. Cowboys aren't making any noise in the playoffs, if they even make it.
-That SNL skit must have been true as to why the Broncos didn't beat NE on Sunday.
-Newton putting in work all season, too bad Panthers haven't won more games.
-Colts winning and Packers losing goes to show that the idea of ANY GIVEN SUNDAY is the truth.
-So basically, you cannot tackle Vick without getting a penalty
As a lifetime Steelers fan i took great pleasure in watching the Chargers kick the Ravens !%* last night.

That is all.
Originally Posted by newbuck

Originally Posted by Put em up

While ESPN is still sucking off Tebow, meanwhile Cam needs 17 yards to break Peyton record for most passing yards for a rookie.

What is carolina's record? What are their post-season prospects looking like?

oh ok.

Carolina has one of the worst defenses in the league. The Broncos have a decent defense. That says enough.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by CP1708

AG 47 wrote:

Can you point out what part of yesterday's loss was Carson's fault? He had a pretty solid afternoon. We're not in that game without Carson to be honest.

We played prevent defense down the stretch and of course, the Lions took full advantage. Does Carson call the plays for the defense? Does he play defensive back? Maybe he was supposed to stick Megatron? Yeah, that's it.
You know what this sounds like?  Bengal fan.  For almost 10 years. 

What was my og point from jump when the trade went down?  What was it?  Carson Palmer does NOT do a God damn thing for the Raiders, he does NOT win anything, he does NOT get you anywhere.  You didn't trade for Joe Montana, you didn't pick up Aaron Rodgers or Peyton, you got Palmer, and for that, you gave up a TON.  

To not win. 

Do you guys get this yet?  6 weeks ago it was all about franchise qb this, we don't need draft picks that, and now you going to not win a damn thing, go into the offseason with jack @#$% for picks, play another year, and give up yet another 2nd rounder, all in the name of the guy that does nothing for you, unless you count up all his interceptions. 

And luckily, he'll be out of the league in like 2-3 years, certainly better than having draft picks for the next 5-7. 

But I was told by every Raider fan, I was wrong the whole time. 



It's so easy to sit back and criticize everything from the comfort of your own couch.

What would have been a better alternative? Forfeit the season by starting Kyle Boller the rest of the way. Fall into the same losing mindset that has poisoned the team culture for the better part of the last decade? "But but but you still would have a first round draft pick to use on a QB"....I doubt we would have been in a position to even draft the top prospects at QB (Luck or Barkley). So then what? Settle for RG3 and pray our staff can develop a QB? Because that worked so well for us last time. Matter fact, name the last QB the Raiders drafted that led them to a PLAYOFF victory. I shall wait.

Most Raider fans already agree that we gave up a LOT to get Palmer. But I really do believe that he was the best option available. Should we have pursued Kyle Orton? Or better yet, Marc Bulger?

The bottom line is we were in a no-win position and reached for the one player, who's had elite seasons before in the NFL. The one player who's had a SOLID rapport with our head coach dating back to his high school days. The one player who was a couple years removed from running a similar offense in Cincy and could step in with little downtime and perform. Who else available could do that? Aaron Rodgers? Peyton Manning? I don't think those teams are trading those guys anytime soon.

The funny thing is, if our defense plays adequately in the Bills game, Broncos game, Lions game, this team is in the playoffs and silences the critics...momentarily at least.

We gave up a lot , but it was still the right thing to do.

Besides the pathetic games against the Packers and Dolphins (and Broncos
), our offense has NOT been a problem at all in the other 4 losses. Carson played well yesterday (except for missing Denarius Moore earlier in the game), and he has been a huge factor in the games we won after Campbell went down. Our defense on the other hand is TRASH in the 4th quarter. Just unbelievable how badly it falls apart. If you blame Palmer for yesterday's loss, when our defense allowed the Lions to march from the 1 all the way for a wide open TD (basically what they did for the Bills game as well), you have nothing but hate in your heart
I'm not saying he's "elite" or anything better than "above average" but he was better than any other QB available at the time and gives us the best chance to win.

I also hate when people say "You guys gave up your future"...we have a great group of young players already who are nowhere near their primes but are still beasting. Giving up what we did was worth it; how many times are we Raiders fans gonna hear "We'll make the playoffs next season?" We should've been the clear cut AFC West leaders by now, but instead we're in jeopardy because our defense either racks up multiple PI calls with 3 minutes left or allows mediocre offenses to do whatever the hell they want
Originally Posted by brownsuga1

I'm actually not surprised at all that the Jets lost. Coming into this week, I knew we had a HUGE chance of losing rather than winning. WE DO NOT AT ALL matchup well against the Eagles. They are simply too fast for us. I'm not worried because the two teams we have left matchup well against us. Whoever said it up top, the NFL is about matchups was absolutely correct.

The Jets can beat any team in the league with their style of play aside from the teams with a mobile quarterback and use speed as their main weapon. Teams like the Eagles, Saints and Packers would be terrible for us to matchup against but everyone else, with the right game plan we matchup well.

Mark Sanchez will be a good qb. In my opinion, he already is one. But when you give the guy no time to read his progressions which is what happened today he will fail. Also, we need to open up the routes. These slant and dig routes have been implemented for the last 3 years. Holmes runs some of the best routes in the league, let him double and triple move. Keller should be lined up in the slot or outside more often, he is just as good as a receiver. But then again you need him to chip linemen since Wayne Hunter blocks like hes blind.

If Shonn Greene doesn't run the ball 25 times a game, we will lose every time. He wears down defenses and GETS BETTER as the game goes along. The entire team should be Schottenheimer with his stupid %!% play calling sheet. Feed him the rock. And stop with this LT on 3rd down crap. We all know its a screen or dunk pass to him when hes in there on these short 3rd downs. Also Eric Smith would be one hell of a linebacker. I don't how hard it would be to convert someone from a safety to linebacker but I think he would be a good one. As a safety, he's too damn slow or dumb, I don't know you pick one. Hope we can win the next 2 weeks and cause havoc in the playoffs.

philly is a matchup nightmare for the jets.  it sucks they didn't catch em in november when they were hurting and struggling but that's how it is sometimes.  instead they get em when vick is back and healthy and philly knows they have something to play for after watching the ******** help prolong their season.

what the jets need to do playcalling wise is fire schotty and hire norv turner to be the coordinator if san diego fires him.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Originally Posted by newbuck

Originally Posted by Put em up

While ESPN is still sucking off Tebow, meanwhile Cam needs 17 yards to break Peyton record for most passing yards for a rookie.

What is carolina's record? What are their post-season prospects looking like?

oh ok.

Carolina has one of the worst defenses in the league. The Broncos have a decent defense. That says enough.

The broncos defense looks good when they play mediocre to bad offenses. When they play competent, good offenses they get smoked. Pack, Lions, Pats. They have benefited from playing in the afc west. That talk about the denver D went silent after yesterday.Let's not ignore the weapons cam gets to work with versus what tebow is working with. Tebow has been a polarizing figure since florida. After getting the starting job and going 7-2 with his style of play as unorthodox as it is, did anyone think the media was NOT going to run with this?
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by AG 47

Raider fans haven't come lookin for me in a few weeks, but lemme guess, it's not Carson Palmer's fault, blah blah blah. Great trade guys, hope you make one of those with my Dolphins someday. I'm thinkin Matt Moore for a couple first rounders, and maybe 2 seconds. Deal?

Can you point out what part of yesterday's loss was Carson's fault? He had a pretty solid afternoon. We're not in that game without Carson to be honest.

We played prevent defense down the stretch and of course, the Lions took full advantage. Does Carson call the plays for the defense? Does he play defensive back? Maybe he was supposed to stick Megatron? Yeah, that's it.
You know what this sounds like?  Bengal fan.  For almost 10 years. 

What was my og point from jump when the trade went down?  What was it?  Carson Palmer does NOT do a God damn thing for the Raiders, he does NOT win anything, he does NOT get you anywhere.  You didn't trade for Joe Montana, you didn't pick up Aaron Rodgers or Peyton, you got Palmer, and for that, you gave up a TON.  

To not win. 

Do you guys get this yet?  6 weeks ago it was all about franchise qb this, we don't need draft picks that, and now you going to not win a damn thing, go into the offseason with jack @#$% for picks, play another year, and give up yet another 2nd rounder, all in the name of the guy that does nothing for you, unless you count up all his interceptions. 

And luckily, he'll be out of the league in like 2-3 years, certainly better than having draft picks for the next 5-7. 

But I was told by every Raider fan, I was wrong the whole time. 


How are you this stupid? If the defense performs we win. Carson put the team comfortably ahead, and when the defense comes up short it's because of Carson? He did very well yesterday, but I'm guessing you looked at final score and thought you were the know-it****ing-all of the world. Want some numbers?
32/40, 367 yards, 9.2 yards per attempt, finishing with a rating of 113.2. 'Carson does NOT do a God damn thing for the Raiders'? Oh. The fact that he was able to get a handle of the offense in the MIDDLE of the season WITHOUT ITS BEST WEAPON IN MCFADDEN and live with other critical injuries on offense speaks plenty about his ability to still perform as a good quarterback in this league. Notice: I did not use the word 'elite,' nor do I think I've ever used that word to describe Carson. He is absolutely not in the same tier of QB as Rodgers, Brady, Brees, Tebow (joking). I don't claim that. But painting him out as trash? That's laughable and lame.

I'm not here to argue your point about the trade that brought him here to Oakland. I've said before the trade can't be honestly evaluated until Carson has a full offseason to work with the offense. Initial reactions that the trade was heavily in favor of the Bengals? Sure, absolutely. But what happens if the Raiders are able to get into the playoffs next season and do some real damage? Is it still a lopsided trade where the Raiders were completely robbed as you are fond to depict it as? Don't think its nearly as bad given that.

At least JPZx was able to admit that he was wrong about Carson not being able to perform well anymore. You are just stubborn to the point of irrationality.
I'm going to be angry if these late-season wins contribute to Norv Turner keeping his job next season. He has to go. 

Bengal Raider fans.  You guys just gon ride that ship down into the ocean aye?  I can respect that, I'm a Cubs fan. 

I absolutely crack up reading about our defense this, our defense that, our weapons this, our weapons that, guess what, do you know how you fix those issues?  DEPTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!  DRAFT PICKS, PLAYERS, YOUTH, MORE PICKS, MORE PLAYERS, FILL HOLES, all of that.  All of it, comes from the draft. 

Carson Palmer gonna be there next year, guess what Raider fans, injuries will come, and so will your defense, how you gonna fix that @#$%? 

How on earth can you defend dude that been on the squad less than 2 months?  Just to say your team was right, and CP1708 was wrong?  The hell for? 

Were you going to win the Super Bowl this year?  No.
Are you going to win the Super Bowl next year?  No. 

So then what the hell is the point of GIVING away players for an average QB?  What?  How does that make sense to you guys?  And yet, you all condone it, and absolve Palmer of everything. 

I thought it was dumb then, I think it's dumb now, but I have no idea that Raider fans would jump on his bandwagon with both feet like this.  Ya'll are smarter than this. 

If you weren't going to win anything of merit this year, you stand pat.  You gave up picks for Campbell, picks for Pryor, and now picks for Palmer.  Tons of picks, for the same position on the football field, then you blame the defense for letting another team drive 99 yards on them.  Well, good luck filling that defense up with your 5th and 6th rounder.  That should help.  And that offensive depth you need to protect in case of injury to your receivers or McFadden, well.........

It's cool, we can agree to disagree, you're gonna ride with "your guy", and then the minute he's no longer a Raider ya'll gon cheer big time, just as Cincy fans did a few months ago.  At that point, I expect flowers, thank you cards, and candy sent to my address. 
Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

I'm going to be angry if these late-season wins contribute to Norv Turner keeping his job next season. He has to go. 
Eagles in the same boat, although I'm not as mad as I was earlier in the season

Originally Posted by Rex Ryan

philly is a matchup nightmare for the jets.  it sucks they didn't catch em in november when they were hurting and struggling but that's how it is sometimes.  instead they get em when vick is back and healthy and philly knows they have something to play for after watching the ******** help prolong their season.

what the jets need to do playcalling wise is fire schotty and hire norv turner to be the coordinator if san diego fires him.
I think Rex was going to fire schotty a while ago & that's who leaked the feet video. I think schotty has some more & will leak them if he get's fired. JK. I just don't understand why Rex even hired such a young inexperienced OC from jump & continues to back him. But like I said before, this is the best you will see the Jets with Rex as the head coach. They have some great players but chicklet teeth is getting in the way of their true potential...

Happy for Romeo. Team is behind him. I'm not going to say guys hated Haley but they are  Hopefully he can close this season out strong so us as Chiefs never have to hear the words 'Josh McDaniels. Head Coach. Kansas City Chiefs.' ever again. 
Team has a lot of upside for next year as long as everyone can come back from their injuries. Get some solid help on the o-line as well. 

 @ us still 'technically' in the playoff hunt at 6-8

You Tebow magic was going to run out eventually. But...maybe if they don't have those three fumbles in the first half....

 @ Quan Cosby. Bum status yesterday. 

Props to my guy Chris Harris but yesterday he got abused in the slot all day long. Of course he was going against Gronk, Hernandez and Welker.
Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

I'm going to be angry if these late-season wins contribute to Norv Turner keeping his job next season. He has to go. 
If anything last nights performance was an indicator that we have the talent to demolish the best defense in the league whenever the team is coached properly during the week accompanied by a nice gameplan. Hopefully that makes Spanos hire a disciplined control freak that will yield results on a consistent, weekly basis.

I didn't think we would make the playoffs from 4-8 but that time Denver didn't have Teblow

- squad is UNBEATABLE if they can play like that EVERY week. Please let us sneak into the playoffs... PLEASE.

- #22 on the Ravens was getting torched ALLLLLLLLL night.

- That Gaither pickup was major. see what happens when Rivers gets time to throw?

- Seriously though, if anyone would've told me that the final score of last night's game was gonna be 34-14, I would've slapped you. Surprised what was done on the Ravens defense.

- We need some help to get in the playoffs, door isn't closed just yet.

- That pass from Flacco to Takeo though...


- President Bush

- Megatron... Good Gawd. All that can be said. If I'm DC, I line up all 11 players across him and make someone else beat you. at least you can say CJ didn't do it.

- Thank you Brady God. Thank you Megatron. Thank you Eagles.

- Props to Indy on their first win.

- Breesus is 300+ yards away from breaking Dan Marino's record. He has 2 games left.

- How'd the Giants lay an egg at home though?

and how did i forget this...

- [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]SIZZLE.  BALL SO HARD UNIVERSITY.[/color] 
I absolutely crack up reading about our defense this, our defense that, our weapons this, our weapons that, guess what, do you know how you fix those issues? DEPTH!!!!!!!!!!!!! DRAFT PICKS, PLAYERS, YOUTH, MORE PICKS, MORE PLAYERS, FILL HOLES, all of that. All of it, comes from the draft.

False. I don't feel our defense sucks because of a lack of talent or necessarily depth. It starts and ends with the coaching. Chuck Bresnahan was mediocre his first stint with Oakland and he now leads the WORSE defense in the league. Check Houston. They went from terrible to a first place, top ranked defense. You telling me the addition of Jonathan Joseph is the primary reason for that?

Carson Palmer gonna be there next year, guess what Raider fans, injuries will come, and so will your defense, how you gonna fix that @#$%?

Carson is not the #1 reason as to why we are where we are. If we miss the playoffs, do you really believe the lions share of responsibility is on Palmer's shoulders?

Are you going to win the Super Bowl next year? No.

Can you tell me who will? Didn't think so CP.

But since you are so seasoned in the game of football, (and everybody else is clueless) can you tell me what Oakland was supposed to do at the trade deadline? You're the GM. Now what?

or does CP stand for Couch Professor?
psk2310 wrote:
  • How does the Jags GM Gene Smith get a 3 year contract extension? He's done such a horrible job of drafting players...That team has no one outside of MJD & a few guys on defense...Gabbert is the worst QB drafted I've seen in a long time. I just don't see what Smith saw during his career at Mizzou to make him take him with the 10th pick.
Gene Smith has done a fine job as GM in my opinion. Year 1 he had a a great draft with Eugene Monroe, Britton, Knighton, Cox. Mike Thomas, Rashad Jennings. Since then he's drafted Alualu and basically a bunch of bums but he's rebuilt the defense adding Posluszny, Session, Landry, Lowery. I think the new owner is going to come and tell Gene to spend a lot in free agency and see what he can do.
I have nothing to say about Gabbert anymore, I'm just going to watch and see what happens with him.
Originally Posted by AG 47

I absolutely crack up reading about our defense this, our defense that, our weapons this, our weapons that, guess what, do you know how you fix those issues? DEPTH!!!!!!!!!!!!! DRAFT PICKS, PLAYERS, YOUTH, MORE PICKS, MORE PLAYERS, FILL HOLES, all of that. All of it, comes from the draft.

False. I don't feel our defense sucks because of a lack of talent or necessarily depth. It starts and ends with the coaching. Chuck Bresnahan was mediocre his first stint with Oakland and he now leads the WORSE defense in the league. Check Houston. They went from terrible to a first place, top ranked defense. You telling me the addition of Jonathan Joseph is the primary reason for that?

Carson Palmer gonna be there next year, guess what Raider fans, injuries will come, and so will your defense, how you gonna fix that @#$%?

Carson is not the #1 reason as to why we are where we are. If we miss the playoffs, do you really believe the lions share of responsibility is on Palmer's shoulders?

Are you going to win the Super Bowl next year? No.

Can you tell me who will? Didn't think so CP.

But since you are so seasoned in the game of football, (and everybody else is clueless) can you tell me what Oakland was supposed to do at the trade deadline? You're the GM. Now what?

or does CP stand for Couch Professor?
Houston has also been stacking up young defensive studs thru the draft for a while now.  And that's a fine point, get a coach, light turns on.  But let's not act like Houston got a bunch of scrubs and a coach coached them up, that ain't what happened there. 

I'm the GM, what do I do?  Not trade a bunch of draft picks for a mid 30's QB that's never been all that great to begin with, how's that for a start?  Why not trade your whole 2012 draft for Brett Favre?  Same thing ain't it?  Interception throwin fool that makes a couple nice throws per game and gets people all excited that's "good"  I'm confused how you all aren't getting this.  You were not going to win this year, won't next (argue that all you want) so why give away picks for a guy that doesn't help you?  I'm being serious. 

Why not throw in a few more picks for LT?  Injury, need to fill a spot same as Campbell, LT doesn't have to be great, just needs to help out, why not do that? 

That's what was done here.  You guys are confusing the hell out of me not getting that.  I don't give a @#$% if Carson came out and went 15 TD's no picks and won 6 straight, still gave up too much.  BUT, 15-0, and 6 ain't what he's done either, now is it? 

I don't care about blame on Palmer or not, the Raiders went and gave away a ton of picks for a guy on a couch.  And thought this was a good idea.  And Raider fans are backing it.  Are you serious?  If it was ANY other team, Raider fans would be sitting next to me laughing at dudes. 

Regardless of how or why or whatever, it was a complete joke to give up what they did for Palmer, only to be where they are.  

1st, OP, shut the &@^# up. Classic delusional Cowboy fan overreaction with the Texans and Packers losses, while
ya'll celebrate beaten the NFL's punching bag in the Bucs. You probably want even make this thread when the Eagles
and Giants rape ya'll in consecutive weeks. Classic ^%#^boy reaction representing a &@^#boy team.

- A game we should've won, but obviously we sleepwalk through that game and never woke up. Can't do that again.
even against the Colts & Titans.
- &@^# Jeremy Shockey.

- Defense surprises me every week
Fix our offensive line and we have something VERY good brewing next season.

The Rest
- Calvin Johnson
Demolished that Raiders secondary. Nate Burleson still my dude too.
- Johnny Knox
Man I hope that's not a career injury
- Colts trolled their fans, they didn't really wanna win that

- My man Aaron Hernandez
Finally getting his shine back.
- Broncos defense and special teams let the Broncos down. Tebow had one of his best statistical games, but wow,
the D showed up for like 2 plays.
- Reggie Bush
Still inspired from Kim's divorce. Looks like he's what people thought he would initially be.
- If the Packers had gone 16-0, I wouldn't have minded seeing them win it all so they could shut Mercury Morris

up. Now I could care less about them. It sucks going forward though with the O-line injuries, and the absence of

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