NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face

Granted the Eagles suck this year but why do commentators constantly say it’s a “statement” game or “impressive win” when teams beat the Cowboys? They literally haven’t beaten a single above .500 team the entire season and it’s week 14.

big Art Basel on me.. I’m a be hurting in the morning
Not going to get ahead of myself. But if mitch keeps stacking these type of outings, this is exactly what Bears fans would be happy with. Solid to Above Average play and a stout defense. And not to mind u we were down 3 starters. 2 who were pro bowlers

I’ve been critical of Nagy but this was his best game as a play caller by far all year.

Hands down his best called game of the year. Glad he finally stopped trying to outsmart himself and ate humble pie. Mitch is money when he can use his legs. When you take the run ability away and try to overcomplicate the play calling, he's trash. Mitch actually looked impressive tonight.
That’s what Rayne Dakota loves to do. March down the field when the game is over and pad them up. That fool is an average ****in QB. A V E R A G E

Trubisky should have been running all season long, he ran a good amount last year and not this year. He kinda looks like he’s scared to get hit so maybe he doesn’t want to run but I think he’s gonna run the rest of the season and trick Chicago into bringing him back next year.
What are the chances coach clap lasts the rest of the season? Most teams would put him out of his misery after the last month you'd think.

Better and more successful coaches like Rivera and McCarthy didn't get the privilege of lasting the while season but Jerrah seems to love Garrett for whatever reason so I don't see them getting a headstart on the HC search as they should...

Franchise is rotten starting from the top - down,can't see them ever winning anything substantial with the current set up of coaches being 2nd in line after Jerrah when it come football decisions.

They've had one of the more talented rosters the last few years but it hasn't translated to anything for the same reason they haven't won anything since Jimmie Johnson got fired and the squad he built split up/got old
Maybe the league will change the playoff format when they see a 7-9 team win the division and a 13-3 team is in the wildcard :smh:
The meaningless end of year "he's improving!" run is a tradition for underperforming, highly draft QBs though. Just enough to convince you to bring him back.

he was never NOT coming back next year aside from what the talking heads on TV thought. He’s on a rookie deal and cost them next to nothing. He’s not getting the extension Dak Will get and Wentz got but Mitch was always going to be the starter Next year.

ryan pace would never allow it. His job is riding on Mitch to ball end of this year and next
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