NFL Hits Thread 2011....#86 on the cards = ERASED (pg. 6)

Originally Posted by damnitzdom

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

was that a clean hit? what was theflag for?
Cause he got KO'd, guess they felt they had to something, but it seems kind of obvious that the GROUND knocked him out not the hit
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Originally Posted by damnitzdom

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

was that a clean hit? what was theflag for?
Cause he got KO'd, guess they felt they had to something, but it seems kind of obvious that the GROUND knocked him out not the hit

This...clean hit...Head bouncing on the ground knocked him out...
NFL getting soft for receivers?
Raheem Moore hit - The DB's helmet hit the WR directly on the chin, he was knocked out instantly. Not sure where this "knocked out by ground" crap is coming from. Looks like he got the flag for "launching" rather then the outcome of the hit.

Edgar Jones hit - The guy was clearly pushed in the back causing him to run chin first into the return man, hope the dude who pushed him gets fined.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Buc Em

No one can cause he lead completely with his shoulder. The Patriots have the fix in already in the preseason. We had 10 penalties called against us in the 1st half. I think the only one that they got called for was an illegal block downfield before a receiver caught the ball.
Yeah man...I don't get it....

If the WR is going for the ball, how is he defenseless? 

I understand the push the NFL is making towards making the league safer, but damn...

Mason Foster needs to keep doing his thing....
Mason is from my high school, same class and everything. 
I hate seeing pro athletes our age nowadays
a few of my buds got drafted this year in all 3 major sports
makes me feel like a real %*+%%$%

Originally Posted by RetroSan

 Johnson got heart for sticking up for Jones tho

What I was thinking
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Originally Posted by damnitzdom

was that a clean hit? what was theflag for?
Cause he got KO'd, guess they felt they had to something, but it seems kind of obvious that the GROUND knocked him out not the hit

This...clean hit...Head bouncing on the ground knocked him out...
NFL getting soft for receivers?
I hope you dudes are joking.  Moore exploded with his shoulder into the dudes upper body and his shoulder and helmet connected with his helmet, same play that Brandon Meriweather got fined for last year.
Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Cause he got KO'd, guess they felt they had to something, but it seems kind of obvious that the GROUND knocked him out not the hit

This...clean hit...Head bouncing on the ground knocked him out...
NFL getting soft for receivers?
I hope you dudes are joking.  Moore exploded with his shoulder into the dudes upper body and his shoulder and helmet connected with his helmet, same play that Brandon Meriweather got fined for last year.

Yeah, but at what point is every "incidental" helmet to helmet going to be penalized.  He didn't lower his head and lead with his helmet...he led with his shoulder pads.  
INB4 every tackle in the NFL is penalized because helmets hit.
How is that a "Sick hit" though? He completely turned the back to Troy... Full speed he could have got caught in the back of the head/neck with a knee and been knocked out cold or worse...
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

This...clean hit...Head bouncing on the ground knocked him out...
NFL getting soft for receivers?
I hope you dudes are joking.  Moore exploded with his shoulder into the dudes upper body and his shoulder and helmet connected with his helmet, same play that Brandon Meriweather got fined for last year.

Yeah, but at what point is every "incidental" helmet to helmet going to be penalized.  He didn't lower his head and lead with his helmet...he led with his shoulder pads.  
INB4 every tackle in the NFL is penalized because helmets hit.
I don't think that is necessarily incidental though, he exploded up into the receivers shoulder/helmet and made no attempt to go low and tackle him lower, just hit him high.  When a player is on the sideline like that you can easily put your shoulder in their stomach and make the same play but safer.  I have more of a problem with the treatment QB's have been getting lately.  There was a play in the Lions/Browns game where Cliff Avril hit Colt McCoy as he was releasing the ball in the knees and it was called roughing the passer, that is complete BS.
Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by airblaster503

I hope you dudes are joking.  Moore exploded with his shoulder into the dudes upper body and his shoulder and helmet connected with his helmet, same play that Brandon Meriweather got fined for last year.

Yeah, but at what point is every "incidental" helmet to helmet going to be penalized.  He didn't lower his head and lead with his helmet...he led with his shoulder pads.  
INB4 every tackle in the NFL is penalized because helmets hit.
I don't think that is necessarily incidental though, he exploded up into the receivers shoulder/helmet and made no attempt to go low and tackle him lower, just hit him high.  When a player is on the sideline like that you can easily put your shoulder in their stomach and make the same play but safer.  I have more of a problem with the treatment QB's have been getting lately.  There was a play in the Lions/Browns game where Cliff Avril hit Colt McCoy as he was releasing the ball in the knees and it was called roughing the passer, that is complete BS.

Ah, the good ole Tom Brady rule.
Dude has 2 rules for him

-No tackling/attempting a tackle to QB at the knees.

-Forward motion of a pass is an incomplete rather than a fumble.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Yeah, but at what point is every "incidental" helmet to helmet going to be penalized.  He didn't lower his head and lead with his helmet...he led with his shoulder pads.  
INB4 every tackle in the NFL is penalized because helmets hit.
I don't think that is necessarily incidental though, he exploded up into the receivers shoulder/helmet and made no attempt to go low and tackle him lower, just hit him high.  When a player is on the sideline like that you can easily put your shoulder in their stomach and make the same play but safer.  I have more of a problem with the treatment QB's have been getting lately.  There was a play in the Lions/Browns game where Cliff Avril hit Colt McCoy as he was releasing the ball in the knees and it was called roughing the passer, that is complete BS.

Ah, the good ole Tom Brady rule.
Dude has 2 rules for him

-No tackling/attempting a tackle to QB at the knees.

-Forward motion of a pass is an incomplete rather than a fumble.

Like someone in here stated earlier.............the fix is definitely in.
NFL is getting soft... I understand you have to protect the players but football is a contact sport to say the least.... Helmets are bound to come in contact with each other...

10 years from now they'll be playing flag football ....NFFL
How are you dudes NOT seeing the helmet-to-helmet hit in SLOW MOTION REPLAY?

Steve Johnson > Rashim Moore (not about that life inbetween whistles)
.. fatboy summersault at the end... Shaun Rodgers is hilarious, remember that return TD with the Lions a few years back ?.. pure comedy
that was pure momentum on Rogers part

Vick's hit
but control the ball idiot
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