Next Gen Xbox Reveal Confirmed for May 21

I've never owned a Play Station before but with that said I'm gonna go with the system that has the better graphics and smoother game play.   I could care less about the rest of the stuff.  

The new kinect system does look kind of cool though for playing boxing games.   It would be a cool way to get a light workout in.
I've read through the whole thread and it seems to me that people are just rationalizing the inherent faults of the XBox One.

The fact that the system does not allow used games is a HUGE drawback. This fact alone may keep many consumers from buying this machine.

Just like the PS4 keynote, Microsoft spent most of time talking about the non-gaming features. Where I'll give Sony credit is that they actually showed some real game play. Microsoft literally spend 34 minutes talking about the new Kinect/TV integration. The TV functionality and Smart Glass technologies are not casual friendly and are in most cases irrelevant on a video game console.

From a gaming perspective, there is absolutely nothing to be excited about other than "wait for E3". There is hardly anything "next gen" about this console beside graphics. They didn't show any new game play mechanics or even talk about how the XBox One will change the way consumers play video games. Instead we saw how Microsoft wants to change the way consumers watch TV. In short, the XBox One a multimedia device in a market that is all about GAMES.

This approach is largely why I feel the video game industry needs to get back to the basics. Video games should be all about FUN. Whichever company (Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo) can best convey this message will win this next generation. Its not about RAM, TV functionality, or some exclusive DLC... Its about who makes the best content that consumers can play and have fun with.

As of today it is safe to say the XBox brand is no longer synonymous with video games. I feel Microsoft has lost sight of what makes video games fun and will struggle in this very competitive marketplace moving forward if they don't shift their focus.
Are you serious? Your illegal activities put Microsoft at risk of getting sued from other companies so why would they let you do that? When you purchase a car can you run it at 120 down the highway without reaping the consequences just because you own the car? SMH at that mentality. 

And I just read all the comments above me saying the same thing so clearly your judgement is faulty. 
So I am guessing your a very honest person who never download porn, music, movies, get a security key for an application for an example Office or macfe ?????

Yes, I am very serious.... Damn, I even jailbroke my iphone so I guess Apple losing money too.
I've read through the whole thread and it seems to me that people are just rationalizing the inherent faults of the XBox One.

The fact that the system does not allow used games is a HUGE drawback. This fact alone may keep many consumers from buying this machine.

Just like the PS4 keynote, Microsoft spent most of time talking about the non-gaming features. Where I'll give Sony credit is that they actually showed some real game play. Microsoft literally spend 34 minutes talking about the new Kinect/TV integration. The TV functionality and Smart Glass technologies are not casual friendly and are in most cases irrelevant on a video game console.

From a gaming perspective, there is absolutely nothing to be excited about other than "wait for E3". There is hardly anything "next gen" about this console beside graphics. They didn't show any new game play mechanics or even talk about how the XBox One will change the way consumers play video games. Instead we saw how Microsoft wants to change the way consumers watch TV. In short, the XBox One a multimedia device in a market that is all about GAMES.

This approach is largely why I feel the video game industry needs to get back to the basics. Video games should be all about FUN. Whichever company (Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo) can best convey this message will win this next generation. Its not about RAM, TV functionality, or some exclusive DLC... Its about who makes the best content that consumers can play and have fun with.

As of today it is safe to say the XBox brand is no longer synonymous with video games. I feel Microsoft has lost sight of what makes video games fun and will struggle in this very competitive marketplace moving forward if they don't shift their focus.
This^   I just want the best gaming experience.   It seems to me that MS is trying to reach out and bring in non gamers to buy the XboxOne with their presentation today.  
I've read through the whole thread and it seems to me that people are just rationalizing the inherent faults of the XBox One.

The fact that the system does not allow used games is a HUGE drawback. This fact alone may keep many consumers from buying this machine.

Just like the PS4 keynote, Microsoft spent most of time talking about the non-gaming features. Where I'll give Sony credit is that they actually showed some real game play. Microsoft literally spend 34 minutes talking about the new Kinect/TV integration. The TV functionality and Smart Glass technologies are not casual friendly and are in most cases irrelevant on a video game console.

From a gaming perspective, there is absolutely nothing to be excited about other than "wait for E3". There is hardly anything "next gen" about this console beside graphics. They didn't show any new game play mechanics or even talk about how the XBox One will change the way consumers play video games. Instead we saw how Microsoft wants to change the way consumers watch TV. In short, the XBox One a multimedia device in a market that is all about GAMES.

This approach is largely why I feel the video game industry needs to get back to the basics. Video games should be all about FUN. Whichever company (Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo) can best convey this message will win this next generation. Its not about RAM, TV functionality, or some exclusive DLC... Its about who makes the best content that consumers can play and have fun with.

As of today it is safe to say the XBox brand is no longer synonymous with video games. I feel Microsoft has lost sight of what makes video games fun and will struggle in this very competitive marketplace moving forward if they don't shift their focus.

It is one of Sony's main selling points, PS3 does everything and such.
PS1 was games + CDs
PS2 games + DVD/CDs
PS3 games + Blu/Ray/CD/Netflix/Web/Etc.

It really isn't that big a selling point, but a lot of those extras are just standard now, Xbox is trying to get a head of the game and have those extras available. For most it will just be available and never used, for others they will actual use it.

All these console play games, if they don't have any gameplay to show until E3, not much they can just talk in regards to it playing games. They can't just simply mention the TV integration and the Glass and not give some details, maybe too much like you said, but 20mins would be better than just a 2 minute mention where people are just left confused at what exactly it will be used for.
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pretty pissed i just read (could be a rumor) that there will not be a NHL14 for xbox one. Only sport game i play thats worth buying to me.
I was planning on owning all 3 consoles this time, but I'm leaning towards passing on this since you need a Live account just to play a damn game
Whose is it??
Whatever company wants to use it

Bluray patents are owned by a lot of companies that developed it and own the rights. Sony is just one of many. It's mostly tech companies and movie studios, which Sony is both.
So long as they pay they licensing fees xbox and their developers can use it freely.
This one account per game console is gonna tear siblings apart.  I can see it now. Boy kills brother for playing on his account.  "He dropped my K/D ratio! he deserved it."
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Are you serious? Your illegal activities put Microsoft at risk of getting sued from other companies so why would they let you do that? When you purchase a car can you run it at 120 down the highway without reaping the consequences just because you own the car? SMH at that mentality. 

And I just read all the comments above me saying the same thing so clearly your judgement is faulty. 
So I am guessing your a very honest person who never download porn, music, movies, get a security key for an application for an example Office or macfe ?????

Yes, I am very serious.... Damn, I even jailbroke my iphone so I guess Apple losing money too.

I'm not saying I haven't, but if I get caught I know it's my fault. I'm not entitled to free movies because I own a computer. The same way you aren't entitled to free video games because you own a console.

The way you put it was like you should not get in trouble for using stolen material.
So they can't refuse if they wanted????
I don't know the exact details with their patent, but Sony by themselves could not make that decision. It would make no sense either, its take away money from their pockets. It would be like Microsoft saying Sony computers can't have Windows anymore.

If this was sega and ninetendo back in the day, then it would make sense, but unlike those two, Sony and Microsoft main income ain't video games.
Whatever company wants to use it

Bluray patents are owned by a lot of companies that developed it and own the rights. Sony is just one of many. It's mostly tech companies and movie studios, which Sony is both.
So long as they pay they licensing fees xbox and their developers can use it freely.

Yes and no...Sony was the main founder of the blu ray tech and I believe they still own the vast majority of the licensing rights. So Sony could have told MS no but why would talks...not only will they get money every time an ps3 or 4 is sold; now they'll get a check when a new Xbox is sold also. Which was the plan all along. The high price of the ps3 at launch and the inclusion of blu ray helped MS win the North American console battle but Sony won the format war with blu ray. Trust me; that's worth millions more than selling consoles and games.
So they can't refuse if they wanted????
I don't know the exact details with their patent, but Sony by themselves could not make that decision. It would make no sense either, its take away money from their pockets. It would be like Microsoft saying Sony computers can't have Windows anymore.

If this was sega and ninetendo back in the day, then it would make sense, but unlike those two, Sony and Microsoft main income ain't video games.

Sony and Panasonic hold the most patents for the Blu-Ray tech. But here is the essential list of 17 companies who have a stake in Blu-Ray.

Blu-ray DiscTM patent owners, consisting of 17 companies, for the
purpose of creating a joint license providing fair, reasonable, non-discriminatory access to essential
patents, as an alternative to negotiating separate licenses.

Participating companies included:

CyberLink Corporation
Dell Inc.
Hewlett-Packard Company
Hitachi Ltd.
Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
LG Electronics Inc.
Matsu****a Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (Panasonic)
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Pioneer Corporation
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.
Sharp Corporation
Sony Corporation
TDK Corporation
Victor Company of Japan, Ltd.
Warner Home Video Inc.
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[h1]Xbox One game discs are only used for initial installation, fee charged for second account[/h1]
By Sam Byfordon
May 21, 2013 01:47 pm

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Microsoft's Xbox One will use Blu-ray discs for games, but you won't be using them as frequently as you might have with your PlayStation 3. In a statement made to Wired, Microsoft said that all games are installed to the Xbox One's hard drive to play; you won't have to insert the disc to run the game after that initial process. The news confirms earlier information seen by The Verge.

Prior to the Xbox One's official unveiling, rumors had flown for months that Microsoft's latest console would contain a mechanism to block used games. While Microsoft has so far stayed quiet on this particular point, the mandatory installation would seem to suggest that there may have been at least some truth to the reports.

extended entry

Microsoft will charge fee for secondary installation

Microsoft has said that a fee will be charged for any game disc to be tied to a second Xbox Live account after its initial installation. This is likely to limit the market for second-hand games, but would not eliminate the possibility altogether. The company is yet to confirm whether players will be able to play games from disc or run them on secondary accounts without paying for the installation, nor has it given any indication of what the fee may be.

As for the rumors that claimed the Xbox One would require a constant online connection to run games, Wired says the reality is not as overbearing. Developers will be able to create games that hook into Microsoft's Azure cloud services and are unable to be played offline, but there is as yet no requirement for them to do so.
I see EA sports bringing back NBA Live for the Xbox One. SMH I think that game going to be garbage. I really can't see anyone beating the NBA2k franchise at all. Unless EA got some new never before seen futuristic 2025 type Sh*t for this NBA LIVE 14
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If Sony had even tried something as stupid as to block MS from using Blu-Ray, they would have seen sued in from all directions. Microsoft, other companies on the Blu-Ray association, the US government, the European Union would have all gotten up in dat ***.
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