Newton School shooting was referenced in The Dark Knight Rises?

How inst that fishy? I'm so sick of the word coincidence. It's just flat out fishy. I don't trust the friggin government.
Yo in regards to Sandy hook, rip to all the kids, i have no belief in this conspiracy and whether its real or not is nothing we can do now.

People are choosing to ignore, in favor of ignorance. I will only post this video here for certain NTers who will choose to watch it. This dude is straight knowledge, lots of vids on youtube. This one is directed to the NTers who were curious about end of times in religion and OPs original statement.

Will watch when later tanks
Originally Posted by LuckyP824  

lol @ the thought of that dude being a hired actor. **** is stupid on so many levels if you think about it for even more than a second.

It's insensitive and offensive too considering it's gone viral and the father has probably seen it. Dude just lost his daughter and now he has some crazies on the internet saying he is insincere and is actually part of a plot that murdered his daughter.
Get off your high horse.  Humans are curious by nature, if we were all like you then we would still believe Earth is flat...
If these men are involved in the LIBOR scandal, they can manipulate their testimony.

Could someone elaborate on this? I don't understand.

I think it's implying that if Peter Lanza and Robert Holmes were set to testify, these events can be used to either influence their testimony or to overshadow it.

the fathers of the shooters are (reportedly, have yet to see 100% definitive proof) set to testify in the LIBOR scandal.

it's also rumored that James Holmes and Adam Lanza had some kind of contact before the shooting but it's also not confirmed at this point in time.
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^Makes absolutely no sense though. How does this overshadow their testimony? In the same way that any other random person committing these acts would have? Why did it need to be his son? Too obvious to use the son if all they want is a media distraction. How does this influence it? Son's already gone, if anything I would imagine he would follow through and try to screw whoever is responsible for getting to his son. Thirdly and most importantly, if they were capable of getting to the son and somehow making him kill a bunch of kids, then I would imagine it wouldn't be too hard to get the father to lie to the committee about LIBOR.

I smell a big distraction with the whole LIBOR thing. It just doesn't make sense at all to me. Maybe I'm missing something.

What does come to mind along conspiracy lines though is the children of military and intelligence personnel and their connection to both columbine and the laurel canyon scene back in the 60's and 70's. Perhaps these kids volunteer or are volunteered by their parents. Something to look into. Nothing good on the DW? PM me maybe?
Oh okay so the Gov't targets 2 men who are set to testify in the same capacity at the LIBOR hearings and turn BOTH of their son's into mass murderer's... Makes sense. Tell me more about stupid ideas.
^Makes absolutely no sense though. How does this overshadow their testimony? In the same way that any other random person committing these acts would have? Why did it need to be his son? Too obvious to use the son if all they want is a media distraction. How does this influence it? Son's already gone, if anything I would imagine he would follow through and try to screw whoever is responsible for getting to his son. Thirdly and most importantly, if they were capable of getting to the son and somehow making him kill a bunch of kids, then I would imagine it wouldn't be too hard to get the father to lie to the committee about LIBOR.

I smell a big distraction with the whole LIBOR thing. It just doesn't make sense at all to me. Maybe I'm missing something.

What does come to mind along conspiracy lines though is the children of military and intelligence personnel and their connection to both columbine and the laurel canyon scene back in the 60's and 70's. Perhaps these kids volunteer or are volunteered by their parents. Something to look into. Nothing good on the DW? PM me maybe?

yeah I'm not saying it makes any sense, but that's what I gathered from it. that's why I've been so on the fence about the LIBOR thing. there is obviously way more to the LIBOR scandal than we'll ever know, so when I see these little snippets of info implicating random people I'm just stuck like "I'll never really know if this dude matters in this situation at all".

assuming the shooters were being used to throw off testimony, I see it as a means of distraction. if the shooters fathers were both set to testify in a trial of this magnitude, I feel like their sons committing mass murder would mix them up a lot. going after family members is generally seen as a way to keep people in line. maybe they were warned and didn't listen? I don't know.

LIBOR scandal and everything involved is all extremely fishy to me.

for the enlarged: you're up on that, so I know you know what MKULTRA and Project Monarch are. there's no doubt in my mind that people submit children for stuff like this around the world. adopted children, orphans, children from foreign countries, kidnapped children. we know that sex rings and child slavery exist, we know that kids and adults are drugged into compliance until they no longer need to be drugged, we know that the CIA experimented with mind control then destroyed most of the evidence, we know that MKULTRA wasn't the only project like this... we've seen that "normal person snaps at a key phrase or specific moment" kinda deal in movies and shows. I'm confident writers and directors didn't just pull that out of their *****.

again it's all very fishy to me.

deep has yielded no good results so far, just theories and a lot of research from people who are investing a lot of time into this and the Holmes shooting.

@fraij farfetched, yes. wouldn't call it stupid though. they'd have 95% of the country fooled and the other 5% would be deemed crazy conspiracy nuts. I'm not agreeing with the official story nor am I agreeing with any of the conspiracies. I'm just absorbing info as I go and trying to separate documented fact from completely impossible theories. I've concluded that the truth always tends to be a combination of the official story and conspiracy theories. I can't trust the higher ups man. history is a great teacher.
Get off your high horse.  Humans are curious by nature, if we were all like you then we would still believe Earth is flat...

Yes humans are curious by nature.

But more developed brains know how to analyze and deduct information rationally. And not accept an article or video just because it tingles your reptilian brain.
Yes humans are curious by nature.
But more developed brains know how to analyze and deduct information rationally. And not accept an article or video just because it tingles your reptilian brain.

The term "rationally" is subjective. What are the parameters of which we can determine if we have fully analyzed and deduced enough information? What sets your "developed brain" apart from this individual's "reptilian brain"?

Just because something doesn't sound plausible, doesn't mean it should be written off as impossible.

We limit ourselves if we wall ourselves in with claims of what we deem impossible.

We limit ourselves if we maintain a superior attitude of "we are right, and our opponents are wrong". We need to respect each other's perspective and expand on our knowledge together.
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