News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

snyder back to his elements, maybe he should just stick to this genre or more specifically something that doesnt have its own history and back story so he cant fail at portraying those characters because of the liberties he takes from his own interpretations...

snyder back to his elements, maybe he should just stick to this genre or more specifically something that doesnt have its own history and back story so he cant fail at portraying those characters because of the liberties he takes from his own interpretations...

But like I've always felt, while Snyder is trash at making superhero movies I still think he could make a great Mortal Kombat movie.

I think it would've been way better than the MK movie we got.

Also while video games can be just as toxic as comic book fans I feel certain video games like Mortal Kombat give the leeway to Snyder's sensibilities.
Snyder works when his warped views align with the material itself

like 300 and dawn of the dead

aint hard to see how he would pull off a mortal kombat movie

but with watchmen, dude missed the huge point that those were supposed to just be normal-ish people and not legit super powered people outside of 1 thing

also he could go to town with all his usual stuff.. and ain’t like there is supposed to be some huge deep meaning like whatever he was trying do with sucker punch
cant find the gi joe/snake eyes thread







Had to double take and check if that was the girl from that one horror movie where the family tries to kill the new wife
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