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Im surprised at how many people disliked season 2. I liked it. I thought it sucked that it was basically a half season due to the strike.

I turned it off 5 mins into season 3 when evil claire came back from the future tho. I just said NOPE.

NBC would have been better off making another show with the same premise and a different name.
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I didn't mind S2 of Heroes either but it was a clear drop in quality.

I remember one thing ppl were confused about is that there was an early rumor that the next seasons would've had a whole new cast ppl to basically recreate the finding your powers element of the show that made it a hit while keeping HRG around for continuity. When they didn't they really just went everywhere with story lines.

These promos make me laugh though. I can't help but think of the Marvel Heroes Reborn event which was pretty bad itself, but not S4 of Heroes bad.

The sexual tension between peter and his underage niece was also really weird.
I remember that :lol: :x :smile:evil cuz Hayden is hot). The weirdos running the show thought that was chemistry :lol: :smh:
Give me heroes over lost everyday of the week.. At least heroes went to crap early and didn't string people along for however many seasons without any pay out

I was pissed and I only watch the last two seasons on a week to week basis when they aired.. I couldn't imagine being one of those people there from the start or early
We've Seen the First Heroes Reborn Trailer
Dark times come to the Heroes universe.
By Eric Goldman

At their upfront presentation Monday, NBC presented the first footage from Heroes Reborn, via a jam-packed new trailer for the series. As I type this, NBC have not released the trailer publicly, though that obviously may change soon - or they may hold off releasing it for awhile.

In the meantime, for those who want to know what the trailer contains, read on. Note that it includes some big reveals/spoilers for the series!

Overall, the main takeaway from the trailer is how dark it is. We learn that after the reveal of super powered people at the end of the fourth and final season of the original series, things went sour very quickly for them. Referred to several times as “EVOs”, it seems they were met with fear and hostility, and one character declares, “They’re all gone. They're hiding or dead.”

We see imagery of several of the characters from the original series (who are not returning, as far as we know, to Heroes Reborn), including case files for some and more direct, ominous images for others – including a picture of Mohinder Suresh marked “EVO Terrorist” and a picture of Claire Bennet included on a memorial, seemingly indicating that she was killed at some point.

Her father, Noah (the returning Jack Coleman), insists he is a simple paper salesman, even as a strange tries to convince him he’s needed and can help – and in an amusing “call to action” moment, he is given a manila envelope and opens it to find a pair of horn rimmed glasses inside.

A big reveal is the nature of Zachary Levi’s character, Luke Collins, who we first see sitting in a support group, and declaring, “These powers. They’re not natural. They’re not safe and they can’t be trusted. So as far as I can see, there's only one solution..." At which point he and the woman sitting next to him stand up pull out guns and shoot and kill everyone else in the group, who presumably, had powers, or perhaps stood by those who did. Yep, Levi looks to be the villain of the story, intent on wiping out all the EVOs – and yes, there is a distinct Days of Future Past vibe (not that Heroes didn’t have plenty of X-Men echoes before) in the path this story is taking.

We get glimpses at new characters, including a man forced to drag a giant metal ball attached to a shackle on his wrist, weighing him down – until he slices his own hand off, freeing him and letting him launch into the air, showing off his power, as he flies to safety. We see the new character Miko (Kiki Sukezane) opening a case holding a sword inside and glimpses at a costumed, Ninja-like masked character.

There were quick glimpses at the other two announced returning characters besides Noah,The Haitian (Jimmy Jean-Louis) and, most notably, Hiro (Masi Oka) – who is seen in all of his Future Hiro, badass, ponytailed glory.

The trailer ends with a woman looking past the camera, speaking to someone, declaring, “This happened faster than we thought. I don’t thin I can control it much longer,” as we see the sky behind her had turned orange, with an eclipse-like image in the center – very much like the one in the Heroes logo.

As someone who is among those who loved the first season of Heroes and then felt it quickly began to drop and drop in quality – and despite some moments and storylines that worked along the way, never fully recovered – I have to say the trailer was very effective. Heroes pretty much always functioned as an X-Men TV series, and that is clearly still the case, with the widespread revelation about these people existing going into a decidedly intense place for the series.

The fact that Levi plays the villain is a fun bit of casting against type, and the use of the original characters looks to be well done. As someone who tired of Hiro the Man Child after four years, the fact that it seems he is going to truly be the more confident, capable Future Hiro at least looks to be a smart move. And while it was a bit cheesy, it also was very fun to have Noah’s glasses treated like his superhero costume, of sort, that he puts back on as he accepts his role in all of this.

Heroes Reborn debuts this fall on NBC.
"A Transformers Cinematic Universe is currently in the works and the creator of The Walking Dead is among those signed on to help make it happen"

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What would their universe be about? I mean if it ain't about connecting Bad Boys and Fast & Furious to them, I don't care
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