News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

The first underworld was ok but was a one and done. Everything after that was a redbox rent at best and the last one was just horrible, resident evil movie status
I could never get down with the Underworld series.

Vampires and Werewolves(or Lycans :rolleyes) shooting guns?

For what?!?
The concept is pretty cool IMO, but after the first you could see a huge decline in "caring" about the quality of the movies. They just got worse as they went along
With the success of GOTG and the Chitauri, Dark Elves, 9 Realms, etc. already making Marvel appearances. I like how this graphic illustrates what we've seen and what may still be coming in the MCU.

started a MARVEL VS DC club at my middle school...

now the department wants to buy MARVEL and DC books for the classroom... any suggestions?
Fully anticipating the F4 Reboot to be the worst superhero film of this era
It'll be quite a feat given the first two were pretty bad not to mention the competition in GR and DD.

i want the rights to revert but I wouldn't be mad at a DofP type surprise from F4. It being just solid would probably be the best outcome.
started a MARVEL VS DC club at my middle school...

now the department wants to buy MARVEL and DC books for the classroom... any suggestions?
Middle school so I'd say Runaways, Civil War, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, Ultimate FF, JMS' Spider-Man run, House of M. You can get all this in trade paperback for them to share or omnibus form. Might have a hard time finding single issues of those since they're a couple years old but still pretty timeless and good reads.

As for now, single issues you can pick up a few copies for them, Uncanny Avengers, Thunderbolts, Amazing Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2099 Mighty Avengers (soon to be Captain America & the Mighty Avengers), Thor (coming soon), All-New Captain America (coming soon), All-New X-Men, X-Men, the Death of Wolverine is coming up next month, Batman Eternal (a weekly series), Batman, Ms. Marvel, Hulk, Inhuman, All-New Ghost Rider, Nova, Guardians of the Galaxy.

What I suggested there has a wide range of appeal genre wise and comprehension proportionate to entertainment for middle schoolers from what I can recall (when I was that age I was probably reading/watching a lot more dark inappropriate stuff :lol: so I don't want to suggest anything too much). Lot of cool stuff. May want to check the Avengers & X-Men Axis event starting up too. I don't got much to suggest on DC side of things so I'd say peep the Comic Book Thread. Don't know if you're school has the money but marvel also releases their comics digitally for a bit cheaper if you have iPads or if you can use the computer room.
The first FF stared ok and then just became a complete train wreck once they got their powers :lol:

Once they showed nip tuck doom I was done with the movie. I think that's about 15 mins into it :x
Fully anticipating the F4 Reboot to be the worst superhero film of this era
It'll be quite a feat given the first two were pretty bad not to mention the competition in GR and DD.

i want the rights to revert but I wouldn't be mad at a DofP type surprise from F4. It being just solid would probably be the best outcome.
started a MARVEL VS DC club at my middle school...

now the department wants to buy MARVEL and DC books for the classroom... any suggestions?
Middle school so I'd say Runaways, Civil War, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, Ultimate FF, JMS' Spider-Man run, House of M. You can get all this in trade paperback for them to share or omnibus form. Might have a hard time finding single issues of those since they're a couple years old but still pretty timeless and good reads.

As for now, single issues you can pick up a few copies for them, Uncanny Avengers, Thunderbolts, Amazing Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2099 Mighty Avengers (soon to be Captain America & the Mighty Avengers), Thor (coming soon), All-New Captain America (coming soon), All-New X-Men, X-Men, the Death of Wolverine is coming up next month, Batman Eternal (a weekly series), Batman, Ms. Marvel, Hulk, Inhuman, All-New Ghost Rider, Nova, Guardians of the Galaxy.

What I suggested there has a wide range of appeal genre wise and comprehension proportionate to entertainment for middle schoolers from what I can recall (when I was that age I was probably reading/watching a lot more dark inappropriate stuff :lol: so I don't want to suggest anything too much). Lot of cool stuff. May want to check the Avengers & X-Men Axis event starting up too. I don't got much to suggest on DC side of things so I'd say peep the Comic Book Thread. Don't know if you're school has the money but marvel also releases their comics digitally for a bit cheaper if you have iPads or if you can use the computer room.

Might be best to ask in the comic book thread.

Infinity was dope imo. Kids might be excited for Thanos from the movies That should be a trade paperback as well.

Currently running comics that I like:
Avengers Undercover (has a few runaways characters, picks up right after Avengers Arena but everything you need to know is explained)
Uncanny X-Men
All-New X-Men

Guardians of the Galaxy is okay right now but it is kid friendly

Not sure how kids like the sci-fi mumbo jumbo but I am enjoying
New Avengers
Fully anticipating the F4 Reboot to be the worst superhero film of this era
It'll be quite a feat given the first two were pretty bad not to mention the competition in GR and DD.

i want the rights to revert but I wouldn't be mad at a DofP type surprise from F4. It being just solid would probably be the best outcome.

idk I only include stuff the came out Post-MCU to be a part of this era of Superhero films
New AoU Rumor

And so it shall be on film. At the end of Age of Ultron Cap will assemble a team that is a mix of familiar and new faces, leading forward into Phase Three. It's an exciting mission statement for Marvel Studios, letting audiences know that the Avengers team is more than just the guys who were in the first film. The make-up of that team is, technically, up in the air until that scene is shot (I suspect it's being saved for either scheduled reshoots or will be snuck into the schedule of Captain America 3, which goes before cameras early next year), but Joss Whedon's script did indicate who would be on that team. I won't reveal all the names - and some have changed in between drafts, by the way - but one character who has always been in this new team is Captain Marvel.

Now, this is an end of the movie cameo. This isn't a big part of the movie. This new version of The Avengers isn't involved in an action sequence or anything. So changing the characters can be done up until the last minute without hurting the story itself. What this bit accomplishes is basically pointing the way to Phase Three, saying "These characters will be important."

saw this in the other thread after i posted it :smh:
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This is why having multiple threads for a single cinematic universe is a joke. :lol:

Cool if Captain Marvel is in it. I'm guessing they mean Carol Danvers
That joke was so funny I forgot to laugh.

I would pick Emily Blunt. She was supposed to be BW but there was a scheduling conflict. She was also supposed to be Peggy Carter but they never said what happened with that.

She said she wants to do a comic book movie but doesnt want to be the typical gf character.


Second pick is Saoirse Ronan because she was the first pick for Scarlet Witch but turned it down (according to Grace Randolph). Never seen her in anything but she must be special for Marvel to pick her. Only miss casting announcement from Marvel is Mark Rufallo.



She looks a lot like what I imagine a real life Cpt. Marvel to look like. Hopefully she changed her mind about the superhero movies.

Hope they eventually toss her in with the Guardians since I do not care to see a solo Cpt Marvel movie and she has superpowers to fight the beings from the cosmic universe.
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Emily Blunt would've made a great Susan Storm but I don't like her as Ms. Marvel. That Saoirse chick looks creepy. I remember the vid of of Grace Randolph saying she was the original choice of Scarlett Witch. She honestly looks more the part than Lizzy Olsen but eh

No really though, gimme Jessica Simpson as Carol Danvers :lol:

I think Blake Lively would be nice in the roll too but she's already played a "Carol" for the "other" comic book company :rolleyes
What is she in that I should see. I need to know the hype behind her.

Also didnt she leak that she was trying out for star wars when the auditions were still secret? She should've known

The Scribbler is a 96-page original graphic novel, written and illustrated by Schaffer. It was published by Image Comics in November 2006. The story concerns a young woman confronting her destructive multiple personalities using an experimental new procedure known as "The Siamese Burn."
This is why having multiple threads for a single cinematic universe is a joke. :lol:

Cool if Captain Marvel is in it. I'm guessing they mean Carol Danvers
seriously :lol:

i actually stayed away from this thread for a while because they title was so ******* vague... i thought it would be a mess in here but this thread flows a lot better than the movie specific ones imo
Joaquin supposedly closing in on Strange

Despite rumors to the contrary, we’re hearing that Phoenix is absolutely still in line to play Doctor Strange in the Marvel adaptation, with our source telling us that his contract is essentially at the 1 yard line, about to pass into the endzone. Though some believed the length of time it’s taken for Phoenix to finalized his deal was a sign that things might have gone south, it makes sense that an actor of Phoenix’s caliber and temperament would want to ensure that his Marvel contract doesn’t restrict his creative freedom to take on other projects outside the MCU.

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