News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

I liked him as Daredevil, I'm fine with him as Bruce Wayne. Interested to see how he takes on the roll.
Am I the only one okay with this choice?

We know WB was looking for a "BIG" name for the role. We got Affleck. Proven actor/director. From the other names WB was looking at this is a smart choice

Get over the fact he was Daredevil. It seems people want to trash this guy because of that role. He was great in The Town, and I can see him deliver that same performance in MOS2.
Its not because of Daredevil....

Batman's gonna have a thick Boston accent.
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They want to play off an older Bruce/Bats, I'm really not sure where they are going with it but it seems like they did get the age-appropriate man for the plot of the film.

Snyder also expressed his excitement about the casting of Affleck, noting, “Ben provides an interesting counter-balance to Henry’s Superman. He has the acting chops to create a layered portrayal of a man who is older and wiser than Clark Kent and bears the scars of a seasoned crime fighter, but retain the charm that the world sees in billionaire Bruce Wayne. I can’t wait to work with him.”
They want to play off an older Bruce/Bats, I'm really not sure where they are going with it but it seems like they did get the age-appropriate man for the plot of the film.

Snyder also expressed his excitement about the casting of Affleck, noting, “Ben provides an interesting counter-balance to Henry’s Superman. He has the acting chops to create a layered portrayal of a man who is older and wiser than Clark Kent and bears the scars of a seasoned crime fighter, but retain the charm that the world sees in billionaire Bruce Wayne. I can’t wait to work with him.”

Won't lie, that explanation sounds interesting, but just for this film. 6 years from now, then what?

For this film, I'm excited. Guess I'll worry about future films later.
I refuse to believe this
Yo when I seen Big J's post in the thread for the movie, I thought he was posting the latest rumor but the title of the link was mad definitive. So then I'm thinking how does this news break so late in the day? I scramble to movie and comics sites :rofl: and the comments get me the most before I can even fully digest this info.

Even after laughing in other threads about responses to this news. I'm still undecided and stunned. I can at least see him as Bats but I just don't know if I see it being good given what I just saw with MOS, Goyer, and Snyder.

This is wicked rutahdead......
:rofl: I swear all of the Boston accent jokes are getting laughs and repped.

Hmmm, anyone else turned on a lil bit by the blonde spouting off all those X-Men facts? :lol:

(even if she was reading a teleprompter, I was still watchin her anyways)

Grace Randolph does trailer/movie reviews and also has a youtube channel about comics.

That blond chick annoys the **** out of me. I hate her voice :x :stoneface:

She has been sick that is why she sounds like that.
This chick been sick for years then. What she got like permanent mono or something?
They want to play off an older Bruce/Bats, I'm really not sure where they are going with it but it seems like they did get the age-appropriate man for the plot of the film.

Snyder also expressed his excitement about the casting of Affleck, noting, “Ben provides an interesting counter-balance to Henry’s Superman. He has the acting chops to create a layered portrayal of a man who is older and wiser than Clark Kent and bears the scars of a seasoned crime fighter, but retain the charm that the world sees in billionaire Bruce Wayne. I can’t wait to work with him.”

Won't lie, that explanation sounds interesting, but just for this film. 6 years from now, then what?

For this film, I'm excited. Guess I'll worry about future films later.
DC comics reboot their line every decade or so anyway. They're definitely going to reboot their movies after a decade's worth of sequels and team movies.
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That's not too bad then. I'm just so amped for this Worlds Finest movie, I'm over Ben being casted already *shrugs*

I think he's going to shine. I'm one of the few that stuck with him thru Daredevil, I think he's shown the last 5-6 years that his career is taken more serious now. He knows the world is doubting him, he'll work his *** off to prove his backers right.

And if its true about him possibly directing solo Batman's, then I'm even more positive.
I think he's going to shine. I'm one of the few that stuck with him thru Daredevil, I think he's shown the last 5-6 years that his career is taken more serious now. He knows the world is doubting him, he'll work his *** off to prove his backers right.

And if its true about him possibly directing solo Batman's, then I'm even more positive.

Damn, there's rumors about him directing the solo Bat films too? This is gonna get interesting.
Not sure how valid the rumors are, but I've seen mentions already. Should find out more in a day or two. Needs to do an interview soon so we can find out.
Yeah, curious as to what he'll say. I wonder how crazy it must be for him to know how much nerd rage he's causing :lol:
I like Ben Affleck as an actor and director (better as a director imo) but I can't see him as Bruce or Batman at all. I'm actually kind of shocked this just happened
As I think about it I would've been ecstatic if Goyer and Snyder were fired for Kevin Smith and Affleck to come in to write and direct the sequel.
Even when the news dropped, I was cool with the Affleck casting. I have faith. I can see his Bruce being a composed, mentor-ish type to Clark/Supes. Snyder already said that we're not seeing a Dark Knight Returns adaptation. So I do see the new Bruce Wayne showing Clark the principle of protecting the city, its people and not killing etc. I'm not ruling out them going at it though, would be awesome.

WB probably just saw that adding him to a franchise/tentpole film would be big for them financially. Especially after winning folks over with The Town and then the Oscar win for Argo, this was just another power move to garner in the global box office dough.

I really don't see him being terrible. Dude is from the Bay Area, he wasn't born with that Boston accent, he can drop it at will....Unless that Good Will Hunting role really stuck with him since then :lol:

And lastly, I'm sure this will lead to Ben helming the JL movie like they were planning to ask him months ago.
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