News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

So are they really going with that Michael B. Jordan guy as human torch in the FF reboot?

I don't think so but it is being directed by the same guy who did Chronicle, so maybe that's where the idea of him being Johnny Storm came from? I like Michael B. Jordan but I rather seem him play another Marvel character.
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JoHansen is hot and all but def don't need to see him or Hawkboy more. And like dude said need too see Hulk carry the team for like half the movie :lol:
Also.... why!?

Joss Whedon Promises 'Huge Part' For Black Widow In THE AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON

"Natasha is a huge part of the sequel because you do want to concentrate on the people who don't have their own franchises. Although she in 'Cap 2,' [and] she's great. She was the most fun for me because she's not a hero, you know, and it's something that I read—and I feel bad that I can't remember who wrote the book—but it's in one of the books explaining, 'These guys are heroes, you are a spy. It's a different thing—it's a different skill set—and you don't have their moral high ground or any of that good stuff.' And that just makes her so interesting to me. So yeah, the stuff I've got going on with her in the second one is killer."

There is a reason why Hawkeye and her doesn't have their own films.
Fiege needs to call me then. I'd write the James Bond version for a Black Widow movie franchise.

1st movie - Origin and her defection from Russia/USSR/Red Room
Sequel - Joins SHIELD, takes down modern day Hydra/Ultimatum/Roxxon/Secret Empire/Leviathan and rival spies (plant seeds of the rival Black Widow. Shh I might even have her infiltrate Wakanda as she tracks down a mole)
2nd sequel - After Avengers, past comes back to haunt her, takes on AIM, main villain MODOK

And I could go on :smh: Missed opportunity.

I got nothing for Hawkeye though :lol:
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Also.... why!?

Joss Whedon Promises 'Huge Part' For Black Widow In THE AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON

"Natasha is a huge part of the sequel because you do want to concentrate on the people who don't have their own franchises. Although she in 'Cap 2,' [and] she's great. She was the most fun for me because she's not a hero, you know, and it's something that I read—and I feel bad that I can't remember who wrote the book—but it's in one of the books explaining, 'These guys are heroes, you are a spy. It's a different thing—it's a different skill set—and you don't have their moral high ground or any of that good stuff.' And that just makes her so interesting to me. So yeah, the stuff I've got going on with her in the second one is killer."

There is a reason why Hawkeye and her doesn't have their own films.
Fiege needs to call me then. I'd write the James Bond version for a Black Widow movie franchise.

1st movie - Origin and her defection from Russia/USSR/Red Room
Sequel - Joins SHIELD, takes down modern day Hydra/Ultimatum/Roxxon/Secret Empire/Leviathan and rival spies (plant seeds of the rival Black Widow. Shh I might even have her infiltrate Wakanda as she tracks down a mole)
2nd sequel - After Avengers, past comes back to haunt her, takes on AIM, main villain MODOK

In a nighty. :pimp:
Also.... why!?

Joss Whedon Promises 'Huge Part' For Black Widow In THE AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON

"Natasha is a huge part of the sequel because you do want to concentrate on the people who don't have their own franchises. Although she in 'Cap 2,' [and] she's great. She was the most fun for me because she's not a hero, you know, and it's something that I read—and I feel bad that I can't remember who wrote the book—but it's in one of the books explaining, 'These guys are heroes, you are a spy. It's a different thing—it's a different skill set—and you don't have their moral high ground or any of that good stuff.' And that just makes her so interesting to me. So yeah, the stuff I've got going on with her in the second one is killer."

There is a reason why Hawkeye and her doesn't have their own films.
Fiege needs to call me then. I'd write the James Bond version for a Black Widow movie franchise.

1st movie - Origin and her defection from Russia/USSR/Red Room
Sequel - Joins SHIELD, takes down modern day Hydra/Ultimatum/Roxxon/Secret Empire/Leviathan and rival spies (plant seeds of the rival Black Widow. Shh I might even have her infiltrate Wakanda as she tracks down a mole)
2nd sequel - After Avengers, past comes back to haunt her, takes on AIM, main villain MODOK

In a nighty. :pimp:

can u add omega red somewhere in there as a villain?
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When they were promoting the first Avengers, Scarlet was offended she kept getting asked about how tight her costume was and if it was comfortable to wear underwear under it. She should realize she's in that movie to look good, no one would even care if she had any lines.
When they were promoting the first Avengers, Scarlet was offended she kept getting asked about how tight her costume was and if it was comfortable to wear underwear under it. She should realize she's in that movie to look good, no one would even care if she had any lines.

Exactly. She was in there to keep avengers from being a complete sausage fest but no one has ever cared about widow though, c'mon...
When they were promoting the first Avengers, Scarlet was offended she kept getting asked about how tight her costume was and if it was comfortable to wear underwear under it.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

We men are so awesome.

You're in a huge major motion picture, going to be seen worldwide, first question.....

"were you able to wear panties?"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
That chick's voice is so annoying to me :x

DDL is the dream. Jude isn't a good fit. Cavizel would be good. :lol: @ Brand

JGL should be Daredevil when they do the reboot.

Also.... why!?

Joss Whedon Promises 'Huge Part' For Black Widow In THE AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON

"Natasha is a huge part of the sequel because you do want to concentrate on the people who don't have their own franchises. Although she in 'Cap 2,' [and] she's great. She was the most fun for me because she's not a hero, you know, and it's something that I read—and I feel bad that I can't remember who wrote the book—but it's in one of the books explaining, 'These guys are heroes, you are a spy. It's a different thing—it's a different skill set—and you don't have their moral high ground or any of that good stuff.' And that just makes her so interesting to me. So yeah, the stuff I've got going on with her in the second one is killer."

There is a reason why Hawkeye and her doesn't have their own films.
Fiege needs to call me then. I'd write the James Bond version for a Black Widow movie franchise.

1st movie - Origin and her defection from Russia/USSR/Red Room
Sequel - Joins SHIELD, takes down modern day Hydra/Ultimatum/Roxxon/Secret Empire/Leviathan and rival spies (plant seeds of the rival Black Widow. Shh I might even have her infiltrate Wakanda as she tracks down a mole)
2nd sequel - After Avengers, past comes back to haunt her, takes on AIM, main villain MODOK

In a nighty. :pimp:

can u add omega red somewhere in there as a villain?
Sadly he's a X villain. Don't know why he didn't show up in any Wolverine or X-Men movie.
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i was just telling my wife, as many times as wolverine been on screen, not putting Omega Red in one movie is BS....Omega and Sabertooth go hand in hand when i think of Logans enemies..
Watching SP2 they could of set up the Lizard perfect for the third movie. They already had him introduced and in the end instead of having Franco ding the Goblin hideout, Connor could of been experimenting at the end... Oh well :lol:
More From Jeff Wadlow On X-FORCE; "I’m A Huge Deadpool Fan"

In an interview with Screen Rant, Jeff Wadlow was asked to share his thoughts on what exactly it is that differentiates the X-Force team from the X-Men.

"What ‘X-Force’ is – the way I talk about ‘X-Force’ is… ‘X-Men’ is about mutants, and not all the mutants get into the mansion. So I’m curious to tell a story about the mutants who don’t make it into the mansion."

"Look, I’m a huge Deadpool fan, who doesn’t love Wolverine – but obviously Cable is an iconic character we haven’t seen onscreen yet. I love Psylocke, Domino is an amazing character – it’s a long list of characters that have appeared in ‘X-Force’ – Colossus is in the current lineup… There’s a lot of really exciting characters that you can use in ‘X-Force’ that have been in other movies, that haven’t shown up, or maybe there’s ways to re-imagine them, even though they might’ve shown up in other films."

So does this mean that Deadpool won't be in the film since technically, he isn't a mutant.
I know I ain't the only one who watches a lil bit of TDKR each time it pops up on hbo for a few minutes :lol:
I know a bunch of people complain about TDKR but damn Bane had quotables for DAYS.
I just hate the hbo dub on Banes voice
I like how they cleaned it up on the Bluray though
"Oh, you think darkness is your ally, but you merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the light until I was already a man. By then, it was nothing to me but blinding" :pimp:
I was in the theater and was just thinkin :wow: when he delivered that line
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I know I ain't the only one who watches a lil bit of TDKR each time it pops up on hbo for a few minutes

I know a bunch of people complain about TDKR but damn Bane had quotables for DAYS.
I just hate the hbo dub on Banes voice
I like how they cleaned it up on the Bluray though
"Oh, you think darkness is your ally, but you merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the light until I was already a man. By then, it was nothing to me but blinding"

I was in the theater and was just thinkin
when he delivered that line
bruh bane was talking like he was running for office , especially when they freed the inmates. my favorite scene is the plane at the beginning

" he's probally wondering why you would shoot a man before you throw him out a plane ". 
I know I ain't the only one who watches a lil bit of TDKR each time it pops up on hbo for a few minutes :lol:

I know a bunch of people complain about TDKR but damn Bane had quotables for DAYS.

I just hate the hbo dub on Banes voice

I like how they cleaned it up on the Bluray though

"Oh, you think darkness is your ally, but you merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the light until I was already a man. By then, it was nothing to me but blinding" :pimp:

I was in the theater and was just thinkin :wow: when he delivered that line
bruh bane was talking like he was running for office , especially when they freed the inmates. my favorite scene is the plane at the beginning

" he's probally wondering why you would shoot a man before you throw him out a plane ". 
I'm sayin though whoever wrote banes dialogue is a genius cause it fit the character so well
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