NEW YORK METS 2010 SEASON POST: Collins named New Manager

That was a nice inning, good to see David drive the ball like that. Not too often you see your #4 & #5 hitters get a triple in the same game.
First place, hellllooooo. Pitching is on point, and hitting came together in the second game today.

Sweep tomorrow again? Loving the 1 pm start.
I hope they keep Takahashi in the pen, but if they Perez and Maine don't step it up then he's probably the best option. This has been a great homestand.
I hate the 1pm start I work till 530 everyday, and watching on the Tivo is no fun.

Ollie and Maine won't cut it though, we will need another starter.

It'll be nice to get a sweep tomm, and have our best 3 Vs. Philly (Neise, Pelf, and Santana). Sunday would probably be Halladay/Santana matchup.
I hope we get a Halladay/Santana match-up. That would be a fantastic game.
Now that we're on a little roll here, even though it's not much and it's still very early in the season, do you think we should be making a push for another starter, Mez? Personally I want to add another guy, but not somebody random (like Harang or Arroyo), unless we don't give up much for him. If we can add a guy with Zambrano's talent (not saying I want him, but a guy that's a great number two or borderline number one) I'd be more than willing to gut the farm (excluding Mejia). The core of our rotation is set for a long time with Big Pelf, Shniese and Satana. Add a solid number two, and let Mejia develop into a starter (or if they feel he doesn't have what it takes sign a good, reliable innings eater in the off-season or add one at the deadline), and I think this team is a serious contender.

Beltran worries me right now at Center, and personally, I'm ready to move past him. This team doesn't need him all that much, I think we could do very well without his 30+ hrs and 100rbis as long as we sign Carl Crawford, or make a move for Grady.

And this is off-topic in a way, but anybody (cough Bobby) know much about Reese Havens? Could he pan out to be a .270-.280 hitter with 20 or so bombs?
Real talk, !+%% yuku. I just wrote like a mini essay's worth of $%+% only for this craphole to timeout. #*+#$!!# server.

I'm not writing it again, but in short, Mez do you think we should make a push for a solid number 2? I personally would trade anyone but Mejia if it meant we got a guy that's in his prime (I'll even take 3-4 solid years at this point because I think that might be enough to make a real push).

And I'm past Beltran. Trade him in the off-season or whenever the hell he comes back. There will be a team desperate for offense at the deadline if he's looking good for like a 2 week stretch cough Boston cough.
^Just wait til Carlos comes back and hits for us again. U wouldn't want to trade him then trust. I felt the same with Jose and now I'm glad he's back performing ftw. Btw, nice day night sweep.
No B lineup today Willie errr Jerry.

Only person who would replace anyone would prob be Cora at 2nd to give Luis a day off.

Luis has been our most consistent guy since Day 1, just saying. o_O
I don't remember if I said it on here, I know I told friends, but I said during spring training when the team was saying Beltran would be back in May that we wouldn't see him before the All-Star break. At this point, I doubt it'll be before the trade deadline and if it is, he won't be in good enough for to even trade.

Its amazing how poorly his injury has been managed, sucks for him and for the team, that's probably $30m that's been wasted.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

And this is off-topic in a way, but anybody (cough Bobby) know much about Reese Havens? Could he pan out to be a .270-.280 hitter with 20 or so bombs?

Kid looks like he could do better than that.  He is a little on the old side for a prospect (23) but I could see him one day with maybe a .290-.300 BA/25-30 HR's/90-100 RBI's.  Has a good eye so the walks/OBP will be up there as well.  Think a young and healthy J.D. Drew.
Glad I have the day off today
...I'm glad to see Maine showing improvement because I have lost all hope for Ollie. 
Maine getting in the 7th? I guess solid pitching is contagious. Big series this weekend in Philly.
9-1 Homestand
...loving the way the Mets are playing right now going into Philly.
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