NEW YORK METS 2010 SEASON POST: Collins named New Manager

At least our hitters get to pad their stats a little when they come here
Wow, Santana just lost every bit of control that inning, that was ugly esp walking Moyer.

Then that Victorino pop up err homerun.

Lookin' like Give It Back Glavine out there.
Originally Posted by queensfinest2002

Wow, Santana just lost every bit of control that inning, that was ugly esp walking Moyer.

Then that Victorino pop up err homerun.

Lookin' like Give It Back Glavine out there.
That's the worst $%#!%*% part. This team better not go into a skid now and lose the next 7 games.
Damn.........Phillies are gonna win the WS if they stay healthy.....and this is coming from a cardinals fan.
That %!@@ was UGLY.

Johan looked like Oliver Perez out there. How you walk Moyer with the bases loaded son?

Even worse... how you allow all those runs w/2 outs??
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