What numbers did you put in? The city's population of 466k??

You do know that number is strictly Sacramento, if you want to look in to the metropolitan area the population is nearly 2.5 million.

If you want to look at our recent few years of awful attendance that's fair. But can you blame us? Did you see our roster the last few years
Even when we were a fringe play off team we were selling out Arco every single night. Give us something to cheer for and be proud of, and as a community we will be there.

Also if the Kings were to leave, Sacramento would become the LARGEST US market without a pro sports team, I'm not saying that that means we are entitled to the Kings but it sure means that they have a place here.

Want more numbers? the Kings have sold out 17 of the last 26 seasons.

Hell we had 2 of the 5 longest sellout streaks in NBA history.

One of which came during a 11 season stretch where the Kings made the playoffs TWICE and NEVER got out of the first round

11 !@#*$%# seasons of losing and we still showed out.

Hell, this city is full of red tape, politicians playing politics withing macropolitcs on some Inception steez, and bureaucrats muddling in everything possible.... and for the last 10 years the city of Sacramento has FAILED repeatedly in building a new arena. From arena tax measures to having a former Mayor insist on the PLAYERS chipping in on a new arena
we have basically had ZERO shot at building a new arena..... until now. 
Kevin Johnson, in the last 10 months, has pulled as complete of a 180 change in direction as possible. Literally, he was able to go from the Kings have basically both feet out the door and he hooks them at the door and now 10 months later we are on the cusp of building a new arena and having them locked into our community and city for the next 30 years. 

Its not just Kevin Johnson, but as citizens of this city we have done our party in lobbying and keeping this arena situation on the front burner. Personally I've attended every city council meeting, even speaking in front of them and having my voice be heard, and I'm not the only one. Every meeting there are like at least an hour worth of Kings fans speaking up on how much this means for the city. 

The Kings staying means so much more than just basketball. 

A new downtown arena means new construction jobs, money for education, police, firefighters, a revitalization of our POS downtown, gives us civic morale and pride, allows us to hope that someday we CAN become a major city and not the token capital city of California.

I'm sure this issue is not covered at all on the other side of the country, so I don't really blame you for thinking what you think. If you think the Kings are still here because Stern strong armed the Maloofs to staying than you are wrong. They are here still because we have proven to the NBA and the rest of the owners that Sacramento is a viable NBA city. To think that as a city we are just sitting back idly wait for a new arena to be delivered is ignorant.

Its so much more than basketball.
I'll leave you with this

there were SO MANY L's taken in this video
and yet we're still here fighting for this team.
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

They should just pack it up and go to Seattle, you guys already have the Warriors. Sacramento makes no sense from a regional and business point of view. Do you guys honestly believe you should have a team?

Your an idiot

Come correct next time baby boy. 

Start dishing out facts and numbers and I might just consider your "judgements" worthy. You sound like my girl, high-strung and running on emotion. I put my numbers in, get live.

Your telling me to come with Stats and Numbers when your didn't realize the distance between Oakland and Sacramento

Then again you sound like the typical NY Idiot
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

What numbers did you put in? The city's population of 466k??

You do know that number is strictly Sacramento, if you want to look in to the metropolitan area the population is nearly 2.5 million.

If you want to look at our recent few years of awful attendance that's fair. But can you blame us? Did you see our roster the last few years
Even when we were a fringe play off team we were selling out Arco every single night. Give us something to cheer for and be proud of, and as a community we will be there.

Also if the Kings were to leave, Sacramento would become the LARGEST US market without a pro sports team, I'm not saying that that means we are entitled to the Kings but it sure means that they have a place here.

Want more numbers? the Kings have sold out 17 of the last 26 seasons.

Hell we had 2 of the 5 longest sellout streaks in NBA history.

One of which came during a 11 season stretch where the Kings made the playoffs TWICE and NEVER got out of the first round

11 !@#*$%# seasons of losing and we still showed out.

Hell, this city is full of red tape, politicians playing politics withing macropolitcs on some Inception steez, and bureaucrats muddling in everything possible.... and for the last 10 years the city of Sacramento has FAILED repeatedly in building a new arena. From arena tax measures to having a former Mayor insist on the PLAYERS chipping in on a new arena
we have basically had ZERO shot at building a new arena..... until now. 

Kevin Johnson, in the last 10 months, has pulled as complete of a 180 change in direction as possible. Literally, he was able to go from the Kings have basically both feet out the door and he hooks them at the door and now 10 months later we are on the cusp of building a new arena and having them locked into our community and city for the next 30 years. 

Its not just Kevin Johnson, but as citizens of this city we have done our party in lobbying and keeping this arena situation on the front burner. Personally I've attended every city council meeting, even speaking in front of them and having my voice be heard, and I'm not the only one. Every meeting there are like at least an hour worth of Kings fans speaking up on how much this means for the city. 

The Kings staying means so much more than just basketball. 

A new downtown arena means new construction jobs, money for education, police, firefighters, a revitalization of our POS downtown, gives us civic morale and pride, allows us to hope that someday we CAN become a major city and not the token capital city of California.

I'm sure this issue is not covered at all on the other side of the country, so I don't really blame you for thinking what you think. If you think the Kings are still here because Stern strong armed the Maloofs to staying than you are wrong. They are here still because we have proven to the NBA and the rest of the owners that Sacramento is a viable NBA city. To think that as a city we are just sitting back idly wait for a new arena to be delivered is ignorant.

Its so much more than basketball.

Wasn't talking to you...
However I salute the loyalty and fanhood but sometimes it's not enough. The Dodgers and Giants left NY and millions of more hearts were broken. It's about money man and what makes sense. 
Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Your an idiot

Come correct next time baby boy. 

Start dishing out facts and numbers and I might just consider your "judgements" worthy. You sound like my girl, high-strung and running on emotion. I put my numbers in, get live.

Your telling me to come with Stats and Numbers when your didn't realize the distance between Oakland and Sacramento

Then again you sound like the typical NY Idiot
No but seriously, did you take English in High School?
Calling me an idiot once again

Go back to page 1 and read what I said about the distance, comparisons, and facts. Are you really this dumb? Do you know how to debate? I can't believe this.
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Originally Posted by CoupeIt88


Come correct next time baby boy. 

Start dishing out facts and numbers and I might just consider your "judgements" worthy. You sound like my girl, high-strung and running on emotion. I put my numbers in, get live.

Your telling me to come with Stats and Numbers when your didn't realize the distance between Oakland and Sacramento

Then again you sound like the typical NY Idiot
No but seriously, did you take English in High School?
Calling me an idiot once again

Go back to page 1 and read what I said about the distance, comparisons, and facts. Are you really this dumb? Do you know how to debate? I can't believe this.
You can't compare teams in NY to teams in CA, regardless of how close Sacramento is to Oakland. CA is three times the size of NY State and twice the population. We can support four teams. 
I sincerely hope Knicks fans aren't as dumb as coupelt88. Sipping the kool-aid but don't know the flavor

RCK that was the longest post I've ever seen you type up
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

 RCK that was the longest post I've ever seen you type up

I was thinking that too as I was posting that

But this arena situation gets me riled up, I go on at least one 5 minute rant/preach a day to whoever is willing to listen

According to the plan from Johnson’s arena committee that’s being discussed:

•$200 million would come from parking.

•$50 million would come from Anschutz Entertainment Group, operator of the complex.

•$85 million would come from the Maloofs, but by selling back the land at the Kings’ current home, Power Balance Pavilion, to the city, it would reduce their cost to roughly $60 million-$65 million.

•The balance would come from other sources arranged by the city, such as other private investors but not taxpayer funds.

The city’s contingent believes if the sides are $10 million-$15 million apart that it can be resolved through increased sponsorships.

Honestly I don't see how a deal wouldn't be reached. To me it seems like it's all but a foregone conclusion that we will have a new Entertainment and Sports Complex.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown
As someone who is actually a Kings fan and in the area (45 min drive away) hearing all the facts in news and paper everything he said is spot on. Yes it is hard to overcome the fact that it seems ownership doesnt want to stay in Sacramento, but the structure of the deal for the arena is in place w/ just loose ends to tie up. Yes the Maloof's can still walk away from the table but the City of Sacramento has done what was asked of them by the NBA so I really feel there is a good chance that if they get it all done at that point NBA steps in. 
By the way I could be wrong but the Seattle arena deal is dependent upon a NHL team moving there too correct? The odds that happens too within the next year or two I think is slim. But all that said IF thye leave (!!!!!!) where do the Kings play in Seattle? Key Arena? Didn't the NBA already say that was a no go hence there now being a team in Oklahoma City now ... just saying the odds that the Kings stay is far greater then the odds are they move.
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

I sincerely hope Knicks fans aren't as dumb as coupelt88. Sipping the kool-aid but don't know the flavor

RCK that was the longest post I've ever seen you type up

"Sippin the Kool-Aid and don't know the flavor"
This is what you come at me with?
 I could understand why you guys resort to calling me "dumb" or "stupid" now. Most of you who have entered this thread are either biased or from that region of California. What I'm doing is debating, what your doing is getting angry and emotional. The name calling "NY idiot" and "Dumb Knicks fans" is absurd. You guys really do hate us that much
. What "Kool-Aid" have I been sipping? Can any of you handle a simple debate? 

Here's some advice; try to see things from a Neutral point of view or better yet, try to see things from a Financial point of view. RCK, once again I commend your loyalty and heart but at the end of the day thats not what gives. 

With the inability to reason/debate and the lack of responses in this thread I'm fearing the worst for the "Sacramento Kings"

Good Luck Sacramentans
 (I'll get back to the "idiot" "dumb" New York threads
If the Maloofs walk away from the table it's because they can't afford the asking price and not the city of Sacramento. This sounds like KJ and Co. along with the NBA strong arming the Maloofs to agree to the deal. I don't think the other owners would approve a move when all signs point to staying. Stern wants the Kings here so selling the team would be the only alternative to not taking the deal for Joe and Gavin. At any rate things look real good for us Kings fans.
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

What numbers did you put in? The city's population of 466k??

You do know that number is strictly Sacramento, if you want to look in to the metropolitan area the population is nearly 2.5 million.

If you want to look at our recent few years of awful attendance that's fair. But can you blame us? Did you see our roster the last few years
Even when we were a fringe play off team we were selling out Arco every single night. Give us something to cheer for and be proud of, and as a community we will be there.

Also if the Kings were to leave, Sacramento would become the LARGEST US market without a pro sports team, I'm not saying that that means we are entitled to the Kings but it sure means that they have a place here.

Want more numbers? the Kings have sold out 17 of the last 26 seasons.

Hell we had 2 of the 5 longest sellout streaks in NBA history.

One of which came during a 11 season stretch where the Kings made the playoffs TWICE and NEVER got out of the first round

11 !@#*$%# seasons of losing and we still showed out.

Hell, this city is full of red tape, politicians playing politics withing macropolitcs on some Inception steez, and bureaucrats muddling in everything possible.... and for the last 10 years the city of Sacramento has FAILED repeatedly in building a new arena. From arena tax measures to having a former Mayor insist on the PLAYERS chipping in on a new arena
we have basically had ZERO shot at building a new arena..... until now. 

Kevin Johnson, in the last 10 months, has pulled as complete of a 180 change in direction as possible. Literally, he was able to go from the Kings have basically both feet out the door and he hooks them at the door and now 10 months later we are on the cusp of building a new arena and having them locked into our community and city for the next 30 years. 

Its not just Kevin Johnson, but as citizens of this city we have done our party in lobbying and keeping this arena situation on the front burner. Personally I've attended every city council meeting, even speaking in front of them and having my voice be heard, and I'm not the only one. Every meeting there are like at least an hour worth of Kings fans speaking up on how much this means for the city. 

The Kings staying means so much more than just basketball. 

A new downtown arena means new construction jobs, money for education, police, firefighters, a revitalization of our POS downtown, gives us civic morale and pride, allows us to hope that someday we CAN become a major city and not the token capital city of California.

I'm sure this issue is not covered at all on the other side of the country, so I don't really blame you for thinking what you think. If you think the Kings are still here because Stern strong armed the Maloofs to staying than you are wrong. They are here still because we have proven to the NBA and the rest of the owners that Sacramento is a viable NBA city. To think that as a city we are just sitting back idly wait for a new arena to be delivered is ignorant.

Its so much more than basketball.

Wasn't talking to you...
However I salute the loyalty and fanhood but sometimes it's not enough. The Dodgers and Giants left NY and millions of more hearts were broken. It's about money man and what makes sense. 
To any stupid ******ed Knick fan; yeah it's about money - that's why your big money team cannot locate success in basketball for the past 15 years. Sacramento hosted plenty of entertaining basketball during the same time your team couldn't. So what makes sense is nothing changing at all in this situation, except for a new stadium that the fans are rightfully owed - just like any other franchise's fanbase.
I'm sick of selsfish fans of teams in bigger markets; who the hell are you to tell another man that cheers for his team the same way you do that they don't deserve a franchise? #+#% outta here.
Let Sacrmento live. I've been to plenty of Kings home games to acknowledge the fanbase they have. I always said, if they somehow managed to put their stadium in downtown Sac - they would be straight.

Kings live in Sac. 
Originally Posted by MrSoLeFrEsH

Originally Posted by rck2sactown
As someone who is actually a Kings fan and in the area (45 min drive away) hearing all the facts in news and paper everything he said is spot on. Yes it is hard to overcome the fact that it seems ownership doesnt want to stay in Sacramento, but the structure of the deal for the arena is in place w/ just loose ends to tie up. Yes the Maloof's can still walk away from the table but the City of Sacramento has done what was asked of them by the NBA so I really feel there is a good chance that if they get it all done at that point NBA steps in. 
By the way I could be wrong but the Seattle arena deal is dependent upon a NHL team moving there too correct? The odds that happens too within the next year or two I think is slim. But all that said IF thye leave (!!!!!!) where do the Kings play in Seattle? Key Arena? Didn't the NBA already say that was a no go hence there now being a team in Oklahoma City now ... just saying the odds that the Kings stay is far greater then the odds are they move.
An arena won't be built in Seattle unless Chris Hanson is the owner of an NBA team. That's the simplest way to put it. The NHL isn't a deal breaker. Hanson said he hopes someone would step forward to bring the NHL to Seattle if an arena is built.

Any team that moved to Seattle would be able to play in KeyArena while the new one is built. The building is perfectly fine as a temporary home. And KeyArena wasn't the reason the Sonics left. The league used it as a convenient scapegoat.

Hornets move to Seattle, re-align the divisions so OKC is in the SW, and Seattle is in the NW division. I mean, if you're going to call it the NW Division, it might make sense to have more than just one team actually in the NW.
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

I sincerely hope Knicks fans aren't as dumb as coupelt88. Sipping the kool-aid but don't know the flavor

RCK that was the longest post I've ever seen you type up

"Sippin the Kool-Aid and don't know the flavor"
This is what you come at me with?
 I could understand why you guys resort to calling me "dumb" or "stupid" now. Most of you who have entered this thread are either biased or from that region of California. What I'm doing is debating, what your doing is getting angry and emotional. The name calling "NY idiot" and "Dumb Knicks fans" is absurd. You guys really do hate us that much
. What "Kool-Aid" have I been sipping? Can any of you handle a simple debate? 

Here's some advice; try to see things from a Neutral point of view or better yet, try to see things from a Financial point of view. RCK, once again I commend your loyalty and heart but at the end of the day thats not what gives. 

With the inability to reason/debate and the lack of responses in this thread I'm fearing the worst for the "Sacramento Kings"

Good Luck Sacramentans
 (I'll get back to the "idiot" "dumb" New York threads
Good riddance.
 CoupeIt88 wrote:
Here's some advice; try to see things from a Neutral point of view or better yet, try to see things from a Financial point of view. RCK, once again I commend your loyalty and heart but at the end of the day thats not what gives. 

Like  I said though, financially it makes sense for the Maloofs to stay in Sacramento. Staying here is at least half the cost of the relocation fee. And I think we can both agree that the Maloofs are poor as hell as owners...
Animal Thug1539 wrote:

To any stupid ******ed Knick fan; yeah it's about money - that's why your big money team cannot locate success in basketball for the past 15 years. Sacramento hosted plenty of entertaining basketball during the same time your team couldn't. So what makes sense is nothing changing at all in this situation, except for a new stadium that the fans are rightfully owed - just like any other franchise's fanbase.
I'm sick of selsfish fans of teams in bigger markets; who the hell are you to tell another man that cheers for his team the same way you do that they don't deserve a franchise? #+#% outta here.
Let Sacrmento live. I've been to plenty of Kings home games to acknowledge the fanbase they have. I always said, if they somehow managed to put their stadium in downtown Sac - they would be straight.

Kings live in Sac. 


I've stood up for Cleveland since LeBron, I've been holding ya'll Ohioans down!! It's difficult but I still debate and argue these LeBron stans, especially since I live in Miami now!!! 

But, here you come out of nowhere talking crazy. Thats messed up b!!! You're so mad!!!

Teams move, get over it. This is a business. In reality their should only be 20-23 teams in the NBA, the lack superstar talent should exemplify this. We did just have a lockout gentlemen, I hope we do know why.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Knicks fans finally got some talent and act like they've been dominating for years..
What talent you see? I wish we did. 
We have two over-paid and overrated stars, two Blood gang members (throwing up signs and handshakes), and two players who went to Top Tier universities with high SAT scores. We're dysfunctional as hell. I doubt we figure it out.

This has nothing to do with me being a Knicks fan.
First off, I wasn't calling you stupid fam. I was speaking in general; that any stupid Knick fan would have a tough time understanding that it's not all about how much money the team can accumulate. That line wasn't personal.
I'm just saying.

Look at OKC. Probably has literally the smallest market of any team in the NBA - yet they've achieved success hardly seen by any big or small market team. A perfect example of what happened to us in Cleveland can presumably happen anywhere. We lost the biggest star the NBA has seen in 10 years - yet we managed to bounce back with a great 1st pick in Kyrie - and we're well on our way to finding the missing pieces.

And how would the NBA be entertaining if the league had 20-23 teams? 8 playoff teams instead of 16? 2 rounds instead of 3? Same teams playing each other 8 times a year?
 c'mon now please explain...
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

First off, I wasn't calling you stupid fam. I was speaking in general; that any stupid Knick fan would have a tough time understanding that it's not all about how much money the team can accumulate. That line wasn't personal.
I'm just saying.

Look at OKC. Probably has literally the smallest market of any team in the NBA - yet they've achieved success hardly seen by any big or small market team. A perfect example of what happened to us in Cleveland can presumably happen anywhere. We lost the biggest star the NBA has seen in 10 years - yet we managed to bounce back with a great 1st pick in Kyrie - and we're well on our way to finding the missing pieces.

And how would the NBA be entertaining if the league had 20-23 teams? 8 playoff teams instead of 16? 2 rounds instead of 3? Same teams playing each other 8 times a year?
 c'mon now please explain...

I mean, dog, I didn't want to post in here anymore because I guess I have no business expressing my opinion since I've been called an "Idiot" and "Dumb" for being from New York and a Knick fan.
You essentially called Knicks fan stupid, I'm a Knicks fan so of course I'm going to get back at you because at the end of the day that still pertains to me. 

I'll grant you an answer tho. According to the NBA, 22 out of 30 teams in the NBA are losing money. That number is most likely not going to change anytime soon. Their is a lack of superstar talent (especially since these "superstars" are teaming up). This is a superstar driven league. A small market city investing and funding local tax-dollars to keep an NBA franchise doesn't always necessarily make sense. I'm not questioning the fanhood or loyalty of the fans (Kings, Cavs, etc I'm sure are great fans) however a small-market team that doesn't have a playoff team will lose money. At the end of the day, is it more important to keep an NBA team (waiting and wishing for they're success) or is it more important to fund those local tax dollars to things that actually matter.  Their are not good enough players in the league for 30 teams. NFL teams don't lose money, remember that and many of them are small-market teams. The NBA is different.
I understand and respect what you said.

But the lack of superstars in this league isn't as big of a problem as horrible managing a NBA franchise is. Timing is the biggest burden the NBA faces, yet expediting the process of building an NBA team into a powerhouse falls in the managments hands and can happen in the blink of an eye. With drafts and trades; small market teams chances are slimmer than those teams who can offer much more simply because of where they're at - yet some are more successful than 'BIG MARKET' teams..

Some of those franchises lose money because ownership fails to provide an entertaining atmosphere at their home games. Take my Cavs for example. Dan Gilbert has invested so much money into our stadium and sideshow-entertainment that whether or not the Cavs win - you can honestly go home saying you had fun - and that's what drives fans back. Not to mention the superstar we recently drafted is doing his thing.

The NBA would never survive with only 20 teams in this day and age. Ever. It would become a league that would corner itself into a bunch of big cities that 70% of the country could give a damn about..
man you guys have to put your faith in the maloofs, the idiots who wanted to move the team to Anaheim in the first place...
Originally Posted by NobleKane

man you guys have to put your faith in the maloofs, the idiots who wanted to move the team to Anaheim in the first place...
Because they believed they couldn't get a deal in Sacramento. Well, they have one staring them in the face...
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Originally Posted by NobleKane

man you guys have to put your faith in the maloofs, the idiots who wanted to move the team to Anaheim in the first place...
Because they believed they couldn't get a deal in Sacramento. Well, they have one staring them in the face...
i still dont trust um.... dudes should not be nba owners anymore
I enjoy living here and having the choice of driving within 1 hour to see 2 NBA teams. #feelsgoodman

Hope the Kings stay!
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