New Game Kids Are Playing Called " Knockout " Vol All Types Of Level Mad

im going to start carrying a gun around with the safety off so that if i ever make a sudden movement in public ill be able to shoot who ever is next to me before he stabs me
:lol: not what I'm saying at all, prolly came off like that though.

I mean, I carry my knife on me as a last resort. Say I'm walking somewhere, especially in a secluded area with not many people and a group of people who look like trouble (yes I profile) I'm gonna be ready to defend myself. I won't necessarily reach for my knife but I'll be ready for something. First option (if it's a gang of people) is going to be to run. If I have to I'll fight, the knife is only a last resort.

:lol: not stabbing everybody.
im going to start carrying a gun around with the safety off so that if i ever make a sudden movement in public ill be able to shoot who ever is next to me before he stabs me

I know you're just trying to mock me, but depending on where you reside, this will put you in a world of hurt.
not what I'm saying at all, prolly came off like that though.

I mean, I carry my knife on me as a last resort. Say I'm walking somewhere, especially in a secluded area with not many people and a group of people who look like trouble (yes I profile) I'm gonna be ready to defend myself. I won't necessarily reach for my knife but I'll be ready for something. First option (if it's a gang of people) is going to be to run. If I have to I'll fight, the knife is only a last resort.

not stabbing everybody.
nah i was just messing with ya, i totally know what you mean though if im walking alone at night and someone is walking towards me from the other direction i keep an eye on them till they are well past me just in case

Boi Stop, you are too funny.
I am curious how a nobody like me has you all in your feelings like Drake. That proves to me all I need to know about your character and that you truly are a lame that got called on his ish and now wants to moonwalk like MJ in his day. It's okay papi, you win, I never had to fight in Fillmore after school, I never heard gunshots outside my window, I was just a nerd who got punked and bullied, you win
Thugnificient, lol
I am done, I will go back to my nothing life where I volunteer in my community in Houston as well as when I come home every year to volunteer at the Boys and Girls club in Fillmore....
You are the man, lol
Did you just right a whole thesis, boy you softer then Charmin, lol

laughing gif...

accusing the other party of catching feelings...

multiple lols...

having to say you will are finished with the argument instead of just stopping...

reference to amount of words typed...

you definitely feel some type of way.
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notice how they're all minorities
notice *** they target the vurenable
notice how this propels fear from older folk of young minority kids and they will 'defend' themselves whenever a young man approaches them because they saw these fools on the news pulling stunts like these.


it takes a select few to ruin the party for everybody else.

This is unacceptable here brah. You're making too much sense.
Hope a lot of cops start going undercover or off duty when this happens

A bunch of threads about cops killing kids and debates on NT

And I wouldn't say anything at all
Would neverrrr catch me. Im too hyper aware around strangers

But yea this is all bad... dudes gunna start carryin lookin for these packs of idiots.

Someone will die soon and itll be oh it was jus a game. Kids will be kids etc etc. Unprovoked violence is beyond shameful.
We have a name for that round here too - assault.
technically isnt it just battery? for it to be assault, there would have to be some sort of threat sent out beforehand "im gonna whoop your ***" or something like that

im nitpicking of course
Im sorry but growing up in my hood ish like this would never happen. Either the older cats would of stepped in and squashed this or the Victims peoples would of got involved.
I remember when my co-worker told me a story of how someone tried to knock out his friend like this who was a well known boxer in the DC area...Got punched in the face by some random guy and it didn't even phase him, dude tried to run but ended up getting the crap beat out of him.
And then people ask "why did the cop shoot him? He didn't have to..."


"He was a good kid"


"He didn't know any better"

That's why
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Yup this is justification for every slain kid by the pigs and why people clutch their purses and lock their car doors around certain ethnic groups :lol:

Please tell us more
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Yup this is justification for every slain kid by the pigs and why people clutch their purses and lock their car doors around certain ethnic groups :lol:

Please tell us more

Yup, because this is the only thing we've seen done right?

I'm not a racist, matter of fact I'm mixed myself, but I'm not gonna act like "weaker" people don't have reason to act a certain way in certain places around a particular race.

And let's make this clear, we aren't talking about white folks holding on to their pepper spray around their black doctor, we're talking about them doing it in front of the stereotypical wannabe gang banger.

And to those talking about "I used to do that", you're just a bad as they are.
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It's just pointless and ignorant to make statements like that though. Like why even come out your mouth talking about "see this is why ______ happens" and I was referring to another posters post not your on the car locking and purse clinching part
It's just pointless and ignorant to make statements like that though. Like why even come out your mouth talking about "see this is why ______ happens" and I was referring to another posters post not your on the car locking and purse clinching part

Nobody said it was smart, but it's the truth. I agree, it's stupid, but this is basically the "two wrongs" speech that we've all heard before. Common sense itsnt very common
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