Netflix's Last Chance U (Season 3 Out Now)

I binged watched the whole season and I have some thoughts

- Bobby Bruce :smh::smh::smh:. I feel bad for the guy, he's overcome a lot in his life Andy has a baby on the way so why jeopardize that by stealing $250 from a teammate? I think maybe he was sabotaging himself because he wasn't getting playing time and he just wanted to leave.

- the defensive coordinator and the new head coach seem like good guys. His wife is kind of cute and she seems like she's a real one. I'm not sure if my girl would be cool with living in a college dorm with three kids :lol:

- Coach Brown it's just an awful dude. Runs strictly off of emotion (how do you fire and then rehire you weren't coaching staff in the course of a couple hours? :lol:). He treats everyone like crap is verbally abuses everyone yet he demands respect. He seems like a good recruiter and an awful coach. I doubt he coaches again at the college level.

- How are these cats partying the night before a game? Doesn't make a lick of sense.

- The town of Independence seems resentful and low-key racist against the football program in players. They don't want their money going towards helping "those" people. I wouldn't be surprised if they scrap football eventually.

- I always assumed that all of these junior college players were getting full ride scholarships, once I realized that a lot of these kids have to foot the bill after they're done, it really made me look at this whole thing in a different light. These kids are really getting screwed and most of them don't understand it.

Overall, similar to the last seasons, it's really hard to watch these young, usually black men who think that football is our only avenue out of a bad situation and who think football is the only thing that can do in life. Maybe 2 guys out of that roster will get drafted.
This show is masterful at setting up the fall. Halftime JB talmbout shutting Garden City out. First play of the second half is a kick return. :lol:

On another note, the Garden City coach done lost his ******* mind. Dude is out there trying to shake your hand after you won and you want to act like that? That’s some ***** *** type of stuff man. Was hoping he’d catch a helmet to the head in that skirmish. :lol:
Just finished the second episode of the new season, Bobby really gon ask if people were really rooting for him or waiting for his downfall like he wasn't his own downfall
I get the hate Coach Brown gets but I'm not rubbed the wrong way as much as others. He behaves and talks like how I remember my coaches. He's def abrasive and rough AF but more times than not I don't mind his intensity. Much better than the OG Last Chance U coach

Also really the music during these episodes
The most telling part of this season was included in the bonus 'where are they now' episode. They caught up with Miss Wagner and she mentioned that she tutored something around 400 football players. Out of those 400 she thought 98% of them believed they would play in the NFL. Out of those 400 she believed that only TWO of them had made enough money during their careers in the NFL to live their lives comfortably BUT she stipulated that is dependent on how those two manage the money.
That is a frightening example of what the mindset is for these young men entering a JUCO program.
When I was much younger my old high school coach told me that if I wanted to play at a JUCO in KS I had better be strong mentally and physically because JUCOs in KS aren't for the weak of heart. They can spit you up and chew you out real quick.
I must be too old as well, the music during the Garden City game is horrible... But former teammate of mine is an OL for Garden City and doing his thing in the game!
Is it weird that there is no focus on RBs this year? in previous season there was literally a fight on who will start, but not this year, even for WR.
Still can't stand Malik Henry though...
Speaking of the OG coach from the first two seasons at EMCC... His team went 11-1 in 2017 and 12-0 in 2018. That team is too damn good. Will have to check them out in person when the come down here to play both Coahoma Community College & Mississippi Delta Community College this season.
The most telling part of this season was included in the bonus 'where are they now' episode. They caught up with Miss Wagner and she mentioned that she tutored something around 400 football players. Out of those 400 she thought 98% of them believed they would play in the NFL. Out of those 400 she believed that only TWO of them had made enough money during their careers in the NFL to live their lives comfortably BUT she stipulated that is dependent on how those two manage the money.
That is a frightening example of what the mindset is for these young men entering a JUCO program.
When I was much younger my old high school coach told me that if I wanted to play at a JUCO in KS I had better be strong mentally and physically because JUCOs in KS aren't for the weak of heart. They can spit you up and chew you out real quick.

did you play collegiately?

I get the hate Coach Brown gets but I'm not rubbed the wrong way as much as others. He behaves and talks like how I remember my coaches. He's def abrasive and rough AF but more times than not I don't mind his intensity. Much better than the OG Last Chance U coach

Also really the music during these episodes

agreed. i think it's normal since ALL of my coaches kinda did that lol. didn't know some people thought it was an issue though.
I’m a minority prob but I actually like coach Brown. It seems like he really wants to see his players be successful on and off the field.
I’m a minority prob but I actually like coach Brown. It seems like he really wants to see his players be successful on and off the field.

Can't quite say I like him, but I don't mind him.
He's abrasive as all get out, but he does seem genuine in what he's doing
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are we gonna sit here and pretend she isn't a MILF?
Just finished episode 2. I wouldn’t be mad or shocked if Bobby Bruce tapper that before he left. She was way too invested in him. If i was him, i know i would have attempted it.
^ I was just about to post that vid. Some really good info there. Granted its coming from JB's pov.

Big Theo fan as well. "Gang-Gang"
Independence fired that philosophy professor. Seemed like he really cares about the players
I get the hate Coach Brown gets but I'm not rubbed the wrong way as much as others. He behaves and talks like how I remember my coaches. He's def abrasive and rough AF but more times than not I don't mind his intensity. Much better than the OG Last Chance U coach

Also really the music during these episodes

I’m a minority prob but I actually like coach Brown. It seems like he really wants to see his players be successful on and off the field.

My only real issue with Brown is that he's a terrible practitioner.

Coming from someone in the profession, he's really bad at coaching and managing staff and players.

Low level knowledge of the game, poor planning and organization. Doesn't have the discipline or insight to to instill any kind of methodology.

The ego **** is pretty funny but on a tactical level dude is ***.
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