Need Some Mature Input Vol: Girl Thread

 Stay alpha, fam.
Originally Posted by awon23

So I need some mature impartial advice from you guys.
As some of you may know, I've been dating this girl for just over 3 months now. We had already broken it off once, due to my mother not approving of her being of different ethnicity and her having a child by her ex-husband. It wasn't the best given some of the circumstances but we clearly had feelings for each other and so we continued dating. So a little over a month ago we had a slight misunderstanding. We were out one night I said to her, "I'm gonna love you (sexually)" and she mistakenly heard it as "I love you" and in return she said "I love you too". That put me in a tough spot, but I decided to tell her the truth and told her that wasn't what I meant. As a result, she put her guards back up. From that point on, we still talked daily, saw each about once a week, and had sex but she felt somewhat distant. Fast forward to yesterday, we spent the night together and I came to drop her off. We were kissing in the car and I told her "I love you". That caught her off guard and she said "I'm not saying it back this time". We talked about our situation, and how much we enjoyed each others company, and what have you for a solid hour and we both understood how hard it will be for us if we pursue a real relationship together. At the end of the night she said "let's just take it slow".

Now my NT brethren, I ask you, what in the world is that supposed to mean?!
i dnt know whos more ignorant you or your mom 
Originally Posted by awon23

So I need some mature impartial advice from you guys.
As some of you may know, I've been dating this girl for just over 3 months now. We had already broken it off once, due to my mother not approving of her being of different ethnicity and her having a child by her ex-husband. It wasn't the best given some of the circumstances but we clearly had feelings for each other and so we continued dating. So a little over a month ago we had a slight misunderstanding. We were out one night I said to her, "I'm gonna love you (sexually)" and she mistakenly heard it as "I love you" and in return she said "I love you too". That put me in a tough spot, but I decided to tell her the truth and told her that wasn't what I meant. As a result, she put her guards back up. From that point on, we still talked daily, saw each about once a week, and had sex but she felt somewhat distant. Fast forward to yesterday, we spent the night together and I came to drop her off. We were kissing in the car and I told her "I love you". That caught her off guard and she said "I'm not saying it back this time". We talked about our situation, and how much we enjoyed each others company, and what have you for a solid hour and we both understood how hard it will be for us if we pursue a real relationship together. At the end of the night she said "let's just take it slow".

Now my NT brethren, I ask you, what in the world is that supposed to mean?!
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