Need Help Supporting a Loved one with Depression/ADHD

Feb 7, 2006
so NT here's the story,

My girlfriend was diagnosed with ADHD/Depression/Anxiety about a year ago. Before that, everything was great. Now, not so much. I don't know what I can doanymore. She's been falling into a downward spiral (failing classes, not eating, etc). It's killing me inside to see this happen and not being able todo anything about it. I try to be supportive but sometimes the frustration just builds and I feel like I can't take this situation anymore. I try to talkto others about my situation and they just tell me to leave but I can't. It's not that simple when you love someone. I can't live the rest of mylife knowing that I let her slip through the cracks. I try to do my best to be supportive and make sure that she has everything she needs to make a recovery,but to tell you the truth, I am terribly afraid. I am afraid that she won't make it through her ordeal and that I will be sucked into this depression blackhole. Any tips/comments/suggestions?
Aye man, on some really real, seek professional help. I read the title and wanted to jokingly say just lace a blunt with ritalin but now I want to sit here andtype out how much I can actually relate. I don't think NT has much help for you. You need something more personal. Good luck man. Keep us posted though.
thanks a lot for the support man. What exactly do you mean by professional help? A therapist? I may not have the cake for all that if its expensive
Originally Posted by Iansmk

you should lace a blunt with ritalin
Originally Posted by dj B Milk

thanks a lot for the support man. What exactly do you mean by professional help? A therapist? I may not have the cake for all that if its expensive
Yeah man... go all out. You love her?
Seriously though dude, not much you can do other than be supportive & hope for the best. That person needs to have the will to want to better themselves.It's probably the most frustrating part about depression....
Originally Posted by dj B Milk

so NT here's the story,

My girlfriend was diagnosed with ADHD/Depression/Anxiety about a year ago. Before that, everything was great. Now, not so much. I don't know what I can do anymore. She's been falling into a downward spiral (failing classes, not eating, etc). It's killing me inside to see this happen and not being able to do anything about it. I try to be supportive but sometimes the frustration just builds and I feel like I can't take this situation anymore. I try to talk to others about my situation and they just tell me to leave but I can't. It's not that simple when you love someone. I can't live the rest of my life knowing that I let her slip through the cracks. I try to do my best to be supportive and make sure that she has everything she needs to make a recovery, but to tell you the truth, I am terribly afraid. I am afraid that she won't make it through her ordeal and that I will be sucked into this depression black hole. Any tips/comments/suggestions?

a cig for you my doin the right thing! dont give up on hertheres a reason why your with her so give her the love she needs.
Ii got ALL of that aswell... i was CRAZY like that like i didnt eat i would freek out because of anxiety and id also be really random [ adhd]... what you needto do is be with her for a while its not gonna be eaasyy. im lucky my mom didnt give up on me when i went through thiss. if you see her doing somethin wrongtalk to her..
wow the mix of adhd and depression with anxiety

Thats a first, like he said seek some professional help
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

tell her stop *****ing and cut that %+$# out ...
see what I mean OP




feel me
introduce her to marijuana starts doing fun things with herlike smoking blunts...watching movies playing games...getting drunk. try watching porn with her anything lol
lol u gotta expect that with NT, but for those of you who offered serious advice, thanks, it really helped alot. Question- Would getting her to smoke a blunthelp with anxiety?
Ay, don't let her drag you down my man. Sometimes you gotta walk away, you can't save everyone.
I think the biggest is depression. She doesn't find enjoyment in anything, which makes her become a loner. She should avoid this at all costs.

The anxiety is another biggy because she can't even take a step forward because of the fear of what lies ahead. And this is only reciprocated in the ADHD,which makes it even harder for her to defeat her depression.

I think you should ask her some of the things she likes to do, that don't trigger any anxiety, and use that to you alls advantage.

Say she likes to take walks, for example. If she stays out of her room for 30 minutes, take her on a walk, but if she doesn't, she doesn't get a walk.Of course, you have to start her off small, like say 5 minutes. I'm not even sure if she's cooped up in her room, just saying.

You all can beat this, but it's going to take effort.
shes depressed because her mom got stabbed to death/ her ADHD caused her to have problems in college
If its that bad she really does need to go see someone that is qualified to handle her situation. You being supportive is all great, but its not enough.Anxiety/depression is no joke! There has to be a cause to her anxiety/depression though. It just doesn't appear out of nowhere. Something happened.

Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

feel me
introduce her to marijuana starts doing fun things with her like smoking blunts...watching movies playing games...getting drunk. try watching porn with her anything lol
im sayin though ... i wasnt trying to be funny i was dead serious ... you have to get her mind off that +!## when she starts wiggin out pass that... when she wont eat pass that ... you think its a game its not ... my verbage may be juvenile but im telling you some good +!## ...
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