Need Help eBay woes :(

Jan 24, 2013
1. Have him send them back

2. Issue full refund

No point in disputing the case, eBay ALWAYS sides with the buyer.
Just take the L and have him return the shoes

You ain't gonna win. eBay sucks
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No point in disputing the case, eBay ALWAYS sides with the buyer.

They actually don't

I had a package sent to me that was stolen. Dude lied and said he had signature required, which you could easily see wasn't the case with the tracking number.
Theres no possible way i can win this case?  

Why would you want to win?

You buy a pair of sneakers from footlocker, you don't like them or they don't fit return them.

Take this as a learning experience and next time use a better camera or describe them better.

See if you can negotiate a partial refund.
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Seems like ebay buyer protection is working fine in this case. seller tries to scam and gets got. Did i miss something?
They actually don't

I had a package sent to me that was stolen. Dude lied and said he had signature required, which you could easily see wasn't the case with the tracking number.
I'm talking about "item not as described" cases ala the OP.
I sold Concords size 12 on eBay the other day.  One day they sold and i provided tracking and all.  But then the buyer received the shoes but he claimed it I did not described it very good, I had bad quality pictures , and they're beat.  He's requesting a full refund.  Any  help will be very appreciated please help me NT community I really want to win this case.  
Those are in rough shape. Surprised someone was willing to pay $200+ even based off those pics.
Sorry, but the buyer is actually right in this senerio:

  • Pics are very low res
  • No hand written seller tag with the date (who knows when those pics were taken)
  • No description of the condition/quality of the sneakers

Just issue the refund.

Happy Belated, Jesse :nthat:
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the dude who bought them is just as bad as the OP for describing them as very good

like you can't see from the pics those things look they were worked in a kitchen at Applebee's
$225 for those :lol:

He was dumb for buying them, but maybe he thought he could clean them up.

But you aren't going to win.

Like I said, maybe you should try and see if he's willing to do a partial refund.
LoL - Dude knows if he gets them back, aint no one going to pay $200 bucks .... He's trying to avoid the refund ....
Both sides are at fault imo.

The buyer was negligent in doing his homework which is necessary with used shoes. He don't do his hw because he realized that the buyer protection works in his favor. From what it looks like the buyer didn't do his homework and ask the seller questions and for more pics. If he did alot would be avoided.

The seller screwed up by doing a listing and taking pics that look like they came from a razor phone from 2006 and by providing a piss poor description that looks like a 8 year old did the listing. Complete minimal effort on the sellers part with this listing.

That said I'm suprised the buyer bought these in the first place. Auctions like these, most people with common sense would avoid. I'm guessing he figured he would roll the dice and if he wasnt happy with the condition he'd demand a refund. Fault is on both sides imo
Who buys kicks that are that beat?  And who pays that much for a beat pair?

The thirst is real out there.  
And you're gonna try the same thing again with those beat Cool Grey 4s :lol:

$210? :rofl:
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And you're gonna try the same thing again with those beat Cool Grey 4s

Yeah someone's gonna get those stinky a** IVs and file another claim 
It is better to over-describe/underrate your shoes when selling on the front end than to be vague and get jammed up in one of these scenarios.

Trying to get over or pull a fast one will only cause you further anguish.

Best of luck.
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