NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

jury was deadlocked...i think they have until today to make the decision...here are some of the question the jury has...

Question 1: Can we see in Mr. Cosby's testimony the part where he called the pills his "friends?" We need to see the whole context.
"'I have three friends for you to make you relax,'" Cosby said, recalling during the deposition what he'd told Constand.

Question 2: We would like to see evidence from C-27 -- C43.
How Cosby met Constand, and when he developed a romantic interest in her.
-- Cosby's description of what he says was a romantic encounter with Constand before the night of the alleged assault.
-- Cosby's description of what he says happened on the night of the alleged assault. That includes all the testimony covered in Question 1.

Question 3: Will you please define what it means in count 3 "without her knowledge?"

Question 4: Can we see the initial report to the Durham Police or what the court reporter recorded of that interview of Andrea Constand?

Question 5: 'Can we hear/see the testimony of Andrea Constand from the night of the incident? (On the witness stand)

Question 6: Can we hear the Richard Schaffer testimony about his talk with Mr. Cosby?
Sgt. Richard Schaffer with Pennsylvania's Cheltenham Township police department testified last week about a January 2005 interview that Cosby gave to police about the alleged assault.
That interview occurred in the presence of Cosby's lawyers in New York City.
In court, Schaffer read aloud Cosby's statements from that interview.
During his interview with law enforcement, Cosby said that he gave Benadryl to Constand.
In response to the jury's sixth question, Schaffer's entire testimony had to be transcribed by the court reporter, which she read back to the jury. The reading took nearly an hour on Wednesday.
all funny until it happens to someone you love...i made a thread about my wife being assaulted and was amazed that so many other users knew somebody close to them that was assaulted...

but if you come in a thread where it is a celebrity that's being accused dudes make jokes towards the women..then the thread turns to false accusations...***** amazing
Jurors in the Bill Cosby trial said Thursday they are deadlocked and cannot come to a unanimous consensus on any of the three counts of aggravated indecent assault the comedian faces.

Judge Steven O'Neill asked the jury to go back to deliberating in another attempt to reach consensus.

"I am required to read you an instruction. The jury foreman has informed me that you are deadlocked," O'Neill said. "If you are still deadlocked you should report that to me. If you've reached a unanimous decision on some of the charges, please report that back to me."

There is no limit to how many times a judge can issue the Spencer Charge, which is a set of instructions that asks jurors to re-examine their own views and opinions. The charge is also known as the Allen Charge in other states. If they still cannot reach consensus, a hung jury will cause the judge to declare a mistrial.

The jury has deliberated for about 31 hours in all
like many sexual assault cases the problem is how the laws are written...damn near impossible that you can prove he intentionally drugged/assaulted her...
Im sorry but until at least ONE of these allegations stick I dont believe any of them.

All of the women who have "come forward" so far not only were heavy into the party/drug scene but they also kept in contact with him after the fact.

Im sorry, I wanted to believe them but I cant....I just cant
all funny until it happens to someone you love...i made a thread about my wife being assaulted and was amazed that so many other users knew somebody close to them that was assaulted...

but if you come in a thread where it is a celebrity that's being accused dudes make jokes towards the women..then the thread turns to false accusations...***** amazing
Exactly, you cant believe anything these celebrities say....unfortunately its like the boy who cried wolf.  All the publicity stunts and what not get old, and no one listens to you after awhile.
Im sorry but until at least ONE of these allegations stick I dont believe any of them.

All of the women who have "come forward" so far not only were heavy into the party/drug scene but they also kept in contact with him after the fact.

Im sorry, I wanted to believe them but I cant....I just cant

Why does BIll Cosby get the benefit of the doubt over those women?

What's more plausible? That these women all got together and orchestrated this massive lie to take down Cosby? Or that Cosby himself, a single person, is telling the lie?
Im sorry but until at least ONE of these allegations stick I dont believe any of them.

All of the women who have "come forward" so far not only were heavy into the party/drug scene but they also kept in contact with him after the fact.

Im sorry, I wanted to believe them but I cant....I just cant

You do realize by now there is no proper protocol or guidebook on how assault victims are supposed to act right? Me and you might think there should be... but it has been shown now there is not - because it is serious trauma.

If you really are at a point right now where you still think none of this is believable than you would have to be admitting to yourself that 60 different women in all different parts of the country, with status ranging from low level to celebrity, are taking the time and effort to make up as bad of lies as you possibly can about Bill Cosby...with most standing little to gain financially or otherwise. Many in fact were blackballed from their industry.

You would also be saying blanket statements of all 60 women were into heavy partying, when this entire saga has shown Bill did quite a bit of dabbling into younger, teenage prospects who got into nothing more than "I can't believe I get to go to Bill Cosby's house to get career advice from him" and in fact were later told by advisors they should just shut up and continue to let Cosby do his thing - he can make or break your career.

There is a lot more, but lastly you also are admitting that you are disregarding Bill's own statements he made under oath - statements such as that back in 2000 as a 62 year old he admitted to sexual relations with a 17 year old model sent over from his agency. Rape or no rape that is a lot to take in, is it not?

There's a lot there to still deny, just because there are certain aspects of these womens' actions you might not comprehend.
Why does BIll Cosby get the benefit of the doubt over those women?

What's more plausible? That these women all got together and orchestrated this massive lie to take down Cosby? Or that Cosby himself, a single person, is telling the lie?
The easiest way to destroy a person's reputation is to accuse that person of crimes that sicken the population. It's a bit too coincidental that when Cosby was making a play to purchase NBC, this avalanche of accusers came forward. Now with all that being said; I'm not saying Cosby didn't participate in some questionable activities with women over the years, that's been established for the record. It's just that I'm personally not willing to crucify a person so quickly like a lot of you guys in here have been doing since the jump. I'm also not of the school of thought that is name calling these women either. There's definitely a lot more to this than being accused and them immediately being guilty in the court of public opinion. People (quite a few in here) were quick fast to say he's guilty without knowing all of the facts.
The easiest way to destroy a person's reputation is to accuse that person of crimes that sicken the population. It's a bit too coincidental that when Cosby was making a play to purchase NBC, this avalanche of accusers came forward. Now with all that being said; I'm not saying Cosby didn't participate in some questionable activities with women over the years, that's been established for the record. It's just that I'm personally not willing to crucify a person so quickly like a lot of you guys in here have been doing since the jump. I'm also not of the school of thought that is name calling these women either. There's definitely a lot more to this than being accused and them immediately being guilty in the court of public opinion. People (quite a few in here) were quick fast to say he's guilty without knowing all of the facts.

What "facts" disproves the allegations...?

the case is just character assassination on both sides...
Why does BIll Cosby get the benefit of the doubt over those women?

What's more plausible? That these women all got together and orchestrated this massive lie to take down Cosby? Or that Cosby himself, a single person, is telling the lie?
The easiest way to destroy a person's reputation is to accuse that person of crimes that sicken the population. It's a bit too coincidental that when Cosby was making a play to purchase NBC, this avalanche of accusers came forward. Now with all that being said; I'm not saying Cosby didn't participate in some questionable activities with women over the years, that's been established for the record. It's just that I'm personally not willing to crucify a person so quickly like a lot of you guys in here have been doing since the jump. I'm also not of the school of thought that is name calling these women either. There's definitely a lot more to this than being accused and them immediately being guilty in the court of public opinion. People (quite a few in here) were quick fast to say he's guilty without knowing all of the facts.

I think this is a good answer.

Things such as date rape are a dicey subject and there's levels and degrees to it.
What "facts" disproves the allegations...?

the case is just character assassination on both sides...
What facts "prove" the allegations is the duty of the prosecution, not the other way around. Society is so cynical that they're quick to expect the accused to prove their innocence. The justice system in our country doesn't work that way. This was a mess from the very start and if you think about it, was the perfect way to smear someone.
I'm not talking about the prosecutions case...you said dudes were quick to say he was guilty before all the "facts"came out...like there are facts that say he's innocent...i think the prosecutors did the best they can in this case...like i said earlier the way the law is written is the problem...
Please elaborate on this. You think people who are accused should burden the proof of innocence? So guilty until proven innocent?

Yup that's exactly what I said... [emoji]128530[/emoji]

The law of sexual assaults...look at this...

"The legal role of consent"

"There is no single legal definition of consent. Each state sets its own definition, either in law or through court cases. In general, there are three main ways that states analyze consent in relation to sexual acts:"

That in itself would be a burden to prove without a single legal definition

"Affirmative consent: Did the person express overt actions or words indicating agreement for sexual acts?"

When have you ever asked a partner straight up do you "want sexual acts"...on the other end what constitutes as overt actions...? Some could argue a hug or a certain look from a person could be overt

"Freely given consent: Was the consent offered of the person’s own free will, without being induced by fraud, coercion, violence, or threat of violence?"

"Capacity to consent: Did the individual have the capacity, or legal ability, to consent?"

Again there is no single definition...how could a person prove something that isn't properly defined by law...

"Intoxication: Was the person intoxicated? Different states have different definitions of intoxication, and in some states it matters whether you voluntarily or involuntarily became intoxicated"

That confusion affects both potential victims and potential perpetrators, who may not understand the depth of legal trouble their actions may invite. It provides cover to predators who have been known to use a victim's voluntary drinking as cover for their assault.

"Unconsciousness: Was the person sleeping, sedated, strangulated, or suffering from physical trauma?:

Do you see blacked out drunk in there...? Most drugs are out of the victims system by the time they wake up...it is almost impossible to prove druggings...

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