NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

Im saying tho....how did he get off on the earlier charges?

The DA threw out the one I just mentioned because her story was inconsistent and her contact with Cosby after The alleged rape was called into question.

But apparently we now know that the DA only did this because Bill Cosby was the most powerful black man in the universe.
Has anyone questioned the women who allege that they were raped more than once?

Like...is it possible to be so distraught and torn apart from being raped...that somehow you decide to go back for more?

It happens. You can be in a romantic relationship with a rapist. It's part of the "it was my fault" line of thinking.
Vid? Year?

I know he admitted more in detail what he did to police.

I've seen vids of him joking about Spanish fly and what not but I've never seen Cosby going on tv and openly say he drugged and raped women and everybody just acted like he aint say nothing.

Also again, now you're telling me your theory is Cosby admitted he's a rapist on tv and the cabal protected a dumbass move like that? :lol:

Spanish fly, back then, was fabeled to do what molly does now.

And what has Cee-lo and Rick Ross taught us?

He was on TV talking about giving women substances unknowingly for the purpose of have sex...what changed?

The hell are you asking? What's your angle here?

There isnt an angle. Why would there even be an angle?

Theres nothing no one on NT can do about this case. Im just talking like everyone else.

Vid? Year?

I know he admitted more in detail what he did to police.

I've seen vids of him joking about Spanish fly and what not but I've never seen Cosby going on tv and openly say he drugged and raped women and everybody just acted like he aint say nothing.

Also again, now you're telling me your theory is Cosby admitted he's a rapist on tv and the cabal protected a dumbass move like that? :lol:

Spanish fly, back then, was fabeled to do what molly does now.
In this one vid just posted, Cosby says he's yet to get his hands on Spanish Fly. That's his implication but I aint sure of the context given the vid only plays a clip.

And what has Cee-lo and Rick Ross taught us?
What does that have to do with Cosby drugging women and raping them? He jokes about it in that vid.

You can't arrest somebody for making jokes about rape or making songs about it.

Are you saying rape culture is accepted so there's nothing wrong with actually raping women?

****, tell that to TSA, but you're obviously of superior intellect, how did you see through my subterfuge?
Tell what?

Rick Ross and Cee-Lo out here raping women too? I don't keep up with Ross at all and only check for Cee-Lo's music.

Also it was pretty to see through it. It was borderline not making any sense :lol:

Seriously tho. How did you not bleed when you reached up and pulled that one out of youre ***?

So no need to try and make sense of it?

I'm only pulling from what you're providing. Can't be mad if it ends up in a nonsensical place if that's where you've been directing it.

So far what you're saying is only making sense to you.

He was on TV talking about giving women substances unknowingly for the purpose of have sex...what changed?
He was on tv joking about it.

What changed? :lol:

Women came forward and accused Cosby of actually doing it. The police found enough evidence to charge Cosby with the crime of rape.

But they had evidence and women tesifing then.[/quote]

You mean the times he settled out of court and had women sign NDAs?

If you got enough money you can pay ppl off if they're willing to be paid off and not seek justice. If you're already a rape victim you may not be willing to go through the strain of a trial no matter what the truth is.

Seem like people knew about this for a while. Why bring up the charges now?
What do you mean why bring it up now? It's a rape charge? You expect the police to just let it slide? The **** you asking?

Are you really saying they should've let it go?

Knew about what exactly for a while? Seems you're just asking a lot of questions regardless of logic.

Im not saying they're lying or he did/or didnt do it. Why did we have to wait till it got to 50?
The rape charge he was charged with was the only one where the statue of limitations did not run out.

Unfortunately in America there's a time limit on when you can charge a person with rape.

If you're asking why the police took so long you'd have to ask them why it took so long for them to gather enough evidence to support an indictment. I'm sure the grand jury might be available of you go look it up yourself.
I'm not even sure what point you are trying to make now. Are you saying Bill Cosby is yet to admit to drugging these women and raping them?

He's yet to admit: I have given women qualudes so they could have sex with me when they otherwise wouldn't.
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man this **** is a touchy subject...my fiance was involved in a date rape situation not that long ago...we went to the hospital had a rape kit performed on her...filed paperwork to the state to help get some of the hospital bills taken care of and according to them there was not enough evidence to determine that she was sexually assaulted...when she filed the report i can tell the police was not really believing anything she was saying...have not heard from those officers that took the report or any law enforcement about the status of her case...

it's hard to explain what happened if you can't remember the whole night...but the last thing she needs is someone from the law enforcement or the state acting like it didn't happen...

some of y'all seem to be confused about bill huxtable and bill cosby...bills been a scum bag...social media made the world a different place....
Lawyers are experts at phrasing things in a certain way...

As I expected, the wording of that is funky.

You invite over a chick to drink with her. You have no liquor in your house.

At the liquor store someone asks, "Are you buying that alcohol so you can drink with a woman that you want to have sex with?"

Are you buying the alcohol for the woman/because she's coming over? Yes.

Are you attracted to her and do you want to have sex with her? Yes.

So the answer to that question is yes.

But you're not buying the alcohol to get her blackout drunk so you can **** her passed out body. You being attracted enough to her to want to have sex with her doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with y'all recreationally drinking or doing drugs.

The lawyer knows this, which is why he DIDN'T ask "Are you going to use the quaaludes SO you can have sex with these women?" i.e. the quaaludes are the reason you'd be able to **** them.

Two different questions. Lawyers careers are built off of ambiguous wording and creating a narrative.

So I don't really view that quote as damning as headlines would have you believe.

Well said.

Idk if Cosby if guilty or not, and I won't defend him....

But the notion that he "admitted" to slippin chicks quaaludes unknowingly to have sex with them is false. He never admitted to that.
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Im saying tho....how did he get off on the earlier charges?

The DA threw out the one I just mentioned because her story was inconsistent and her contact with Cosby after The alleged rape was called into question.

But apparently we now know that the DA only did this because Bill Cosby was the most powerful black man in the universe.

Its amazing how power can erase charges, but can create them.
Could Theo have gotten away with raping 60 women or was he not famous enough?
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So its safe to say this whole situation was handled poorly?

Just from threads on NT you can see there has been a severe problem with law enforcement and the legal system in this country. From corruption to incompetence.

In a fairly handled situation, Cosby would've already been on trial for at least the rapes that the statue of limitations expired in 2000.
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So its safe to say this whole situation was handled poorly?

Just from threads on NT you can see there has been a severe problem with law enforcement and the legal system in this country. From corruption to incompetence.

In a fairly handled situation, Cosby would've already been on trial for at least the rapes that the statue of limitations expired in 2000.

With that being said, we really dont know what the hell is what?

How about we see what happens instead pretending we know what happened.

So its safe to say this whole situation was handled poorly?

Just from threads on NT you can see there has been a severe problem with law enforcement and the legal system in this country. From corruption to incompetence.

In a fairly handled situation, Cosby would've already been on trial for at least the rapes that the statue of limitations expired in 2000.

With that being said, we really dont know what the hell is what?
In regards to what?

If you want to be informed there's already a lot of info about the accusations, the victims, the charge, the deposition interviews, etc.
How about we see what happens instead pretending we know what happened.
I'm already doing that but I'm expecting a continuance of this miscarriage of justice.

So its safe to say this whole situation was handled poorly?

Just from threads on NT you can see there has been a severe problem with law enforcement and the legal system in this country. From corruption to incompetence.

In a fairly handled situation, Cosby would've already been on trial for at least the rapes that the statue of limitations expired in 2000.

With that being said, we really dont know what the hell is what?
In regards to what?

If you want to be informed there's already a lot of info about the accusations, the victims, the charge, the deposition interviews, etc.
How about we see what happens instead pretending we know what happened.
I'm already doing that but I'm expecting a continuance of this miscarriage of justice.

So you state that there is definitely a problem with curruption in law enforcement and the legal system, yet take the information provided to you by said institutions as absolute truth?
With that being said, we really dont know what the hell is what?

How about we see what happens instead pretending we know what happened.

Am I wrong in thinking that you would never say this if the majority of the thread was campaigning for Cosby's innocence?
Let me preface this, I don't know if he did or did not. Now, for some reason the inclusion of Gloria Allred in any facet of this makes me sick. Here are legitimate charges and accusations, and some of these women are trusting this women to represent them. Gives me a weird feeling.

So its safe to say this whole situation was handled poorly?

Just from threads on NT you can see there has been a severe problem with law enforcement and the legal system in this country. From corruption to incompetence.

In a fairly handled situation, Cosby would've already been on trial for at least the rapes that the statue of limitations expired in 2000.

With that being said, we really dont know what the hell is what?
In regards to what?

If you want to be informed there's already a lot of info about the accusations, the victims, the charge, the deposition interviews, etc.
How about we see what happens instead pretending we know what happened.
I'm already doing that but I'm expecting a continuance of this miscarriage of justice.

So you state that there is definitely a problem with curruption in law enforcement and the legal system, yet take the information provided to you by said institutions as absolute truth?
The information that was provided to the public?

The statements by Cosby and the victims?

I mean that's the key info. If YOU want to question what Cosby said or what the victims said as false or doctored go ahead an pursue that.

Me saying there have been issues from corruption to incompetence doesn't mean I'm not gonna take what victims and Bill Cosby say for what it is.

If that was the case I wouldn't post in this thread at all because you'd be left in a state where you can't believe anything. I know I never took that stance. Never said anything about absolute truths either :lol:

You say info provided by these institutions as if Cosby or the victims couldn't come out and say they didn't actually make those statements. You seem to be the only one trying to call that in to question right now.

I'm pretty sure there's audio and video for the Cosby deposition. May be the same case for the victim statements. So because those were provided by said institutions you're gonna say those things aren't what they are? or were doctored?

With that being said, we really dont know what the hell is what?

How about we see what happens instead pretending we know what happened.

Am I wrong in thinking that you would never say this if the majority of the thread was campaigning for Cosby's innocence?
He may just be playing contrarian for the hell of it and low key trolling.

Son seemed to have abandoned reason when he went left with the Hollywood cabal conspiracy theory :lol:
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I just have one question.

For those of you who lean towards him being guilty, why is it so outrageous to you guys that somebody questions the victims? Like, do y'all really believe all of these women are telling the truth? I'm not talking about the statements like "why were they with a married man" or "why didn't they report this sooner." I'm talking about people who sit to here genuinely questioning the motives of these women and want to look at the other side of the story before coming to any conclusions.

Is that not common to do in a "he said, she said" situation?
Cuz a lot of the questions have nothing to do with if she was raped or not. It's just about discrediting a person's character and ignoring what really needs to be found out.
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