NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

Bill Cosby drugging underage female in the pleighboi mansion?

Thats the headline ya'll. 

I say that to say this.  Where in the hell is the headlines 

about Hugh Heffner having an underage female in his home?

I bet any amount of money that it wasn't the first time 

an underage chick got in there.

America not on Hugh bumper, nah.  

Cuz the rules change when you not white.  
So Bill can be accused of something and the world goes ape ****.​
Charlie Sheen admits to murdering broads out here with the die slow​
and White America glossed over it like that boy said nothing of ​
importance.  I think what blows my mind the most is that 
there are dudes in here, african american males, that know 
what we are up against every single day as 
Stopped reading right there. Knew where that was going 
Some of you guys act like Bill was America's enemy number 1 back then :lol:

Bill Cosby was probably the most beloved black male in America for many years...by all races. He had a number 1 network show and also endorsed everything to the moon. The man was the most trusted dad in America.

Young women looking to get their foot in the door in the entertainment industry and are not the most likely demographic looking to knock Bill down.

Throw in the fact that their managers, friends, coworkers, etc. all pretty much told them it would be in their best interests to keep quiet and there you go.

Look at the comments just in this thread :lol: Now throw in what the culture was like in the 70s and 80s and things start to become a little more clear.
Some of you guys act like Bill was America's enemy number 1 back then :lol:

Bill Cosby was probably the most beloved black male in America for many years...by all races.

Yeah, this. People seem to forget that dumb white people have sided WITH Cosby's views on African American youth ("pull your pants up"). If anything, I think white people would be more upset that someone so critical of African American culture is a piece of ****. Dumb white people loved Cosby when he was at his most embarrassing.
Why are ya'll in here acting like white folks been loving us??? 

So now Bill Cosby was just this untouchable black man huh? lol 

Man, talk about delusion.

You tell me one black man that has all this power.

Hell Obama the president and he ain't got no damn power. 

Miss me with the fronting acting like Bill couldn't be touched

in the 60's & 70's.  Bruh whites had just stopped hanging us

from tree's and taking family reunion photos with the corpse 

in Bill's lifetime.  Man, Y'ALL GON QUIT FRONTING TODAY! 
Why are ya'll in here acting like white folks been loving us??? :lol:
So now Bill Cosby was just this untouchable black man huh? lol ​
Man, talk about delusion.​
You tell me one black man that has all this power.​
Hell Obama the president and he ain't got no damn power. ​
Miss me with the fronting acting like Bill couldn't be touched​
in the 60's & 70's.  Bruh whites had just stopped hanging us​
from tree's and taking family reunion photos with the corpse ​
in Bill's lifetime.  Man, Y'ALL GON QUIT FRONTING TODAY! ​


you aren't thoughtful enough​
to type in stanzas​
Why are ya'll in here acting like white folks been loving us??? :lol:
So now Bill Cosby was just this untouchable black man huh? lol ​
Man, talk about delusion.​
You tell me one black man that has all this power.​
Hell Obama the president and he ain't got no damn power. ​
Miss me with the fronting acting like Bill couldn't be touched​
in the 60's & 70's.  Bruh whites had just stopped hanging us​
from tree's and taking family reunion photos with the corpse ​
in Bill's lifetime.  Man, Y'ALL GON QUIT FRONTING TODAY! ​

idk if u been following the case, but he was untouchable in the 70s :lol:
Managers told these girls that he drugged to keep their mouth shut or else they get blacklisted from the industry
The thing is that he was the #1 black entertainer in that era and was helping these white execs get rich, they don't want to stop the gravy train
So y'all don't find it believable that there weren't a few people who wanted to see this man fail back then? Because before 2014 he was still beloved and thought of as America's Dad, he was about to make a comeback, Netflix and NBC were giving him shows, ect, ect. and look what happened.

So what changed?

The amount of women? The times we're in?

I don't know how many times I have to say I believe this man is guilty, but I also believe there's more to this than we know.

It's ok to look at both sides without being accused of advocacy for rape.
So y'all don't find it believable that there weren't a few people who wanted to see this man fail back then? Because before 2014 he was still beloved and thought of as America's Dad, he was about to make a comeback, Netflix and NBC were giving him shows, ect, ect. and look what happened.

So what changed?

The amount of women? The times we're in?

I don't know how many times I have to say I believe this man is guilty, but I also believe there's more to this than we know.

It's ok to look at both sides without being accused of advocacy for rape.
It's the times we're in. I watched that Eddie Griffin interview and he basically let the interviewer know the 70s and 80s were like that in Hollywood, and Bill was no different. The thing was that back then it wasn't considered "rape" :smh:
I'm mobile now so my joints not centered, but to the
Guy that quoted me...thanks for proving my point
And it's quite typical of your kind. Deflect, deflect, deflect! Instead of taking in what I'm saying and possibly giving some insight to it you deflect then try to insult me. Typical, I actually wouldn't expect you to act any other way.
MLK wasn't untouchable
Malcolm wasn't untouchable
A great deal of black leaders weren't untouchable in the 60's-70', but Bill Cosby...the funny guy...is untouchable...yeah ok
So y'all don't find it believable that there weren't a few people who wanted to see this man fail back then? Because before 2014 he was still beloved and thought of as America's Dad, he was about to make a comeback, Netflix and NBC were giving him shows, ect, ect. and look what happened.

So what changed?

The amount of women? The times we're in?

I don't know how many times I have to say I believe this man is guilty, but I also believe there's more to this than we know.

It's ok to look at both sides without being accused of advocacy for rape.

I 100% agree with you. My only question is what's going on that all this is coming out now. Who did he piss off something going on that we don't know about
I'm mobile now so my joints not centered, but to the
Guy that quoted me...thanks for proving my point
And it's quite typical of your kind. Deflect, deflect, deflect! Instead of taking in what I'm saying and possibly giving some insight to it you deflect then try to insult me. Typical, I actually wouldn't expect you to act any other way.
Implying that I'm white :rofl:
And putting Bill on the same sentence as MLK and Malcolm X :rofl:
Those two guys that got assassinated fought for way more than Bill ever did
U can keep supporting your favorite Uncle Tom bro
Well that settles it Bill wasn't untouchable in America and the actual topic at hand concludes with the 60 women and white America are conspiring to nail him.

Next thread time to close up.
No ***** in the United States has ever been "untouchable"

Not to mention some of these cases took place in the 60's and 70's before the Cosby Show even was on air.

IDC how funny a ***** is...

A black man...Harlem shaking through rape allegations in the LATE 60's and 70's?


No one can say with a straight face that these women wouldn't be taken seriously. ESPECIALLY in the late 60's/70's. It's almost disrespectful to insinuate that knowing the history of black men, white women and the accusation of rape in THIS country.

Also I thought it was interesting that his lawyer said that a lot of his cases were "he touched my wrist inappropriately" or "he drugged me and I got away" (meaning they took drugs together and nothing happened)...or "he brushed the wrong way up against my breast at a club"

I thought that was interesting because you never really hear that in the media.
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You clearly missed my point.
How y'all gon say Bill was untouchable when he did far less than those other dudes and they got them out the way quickly! Y'all in here acting like Bill was on that level or something. He was a funny guy, not some sort of leader or any of that back then so I'm missing how a black comedian gained this tag of untouchable especially in those times? Times when they were killing black leaders? Bill get a pass cuz he's so damn powerful???? Man y'all fried.
Implying that I'm white :rofl:
And putting Bill on the same sentence as MLK and Malcolm X :rofl:
Those two guys that got assassinated fought for way more than Bill ever did
U can keep supporting your favorite Uncle Tom bro

And no I wasn't talking about you I was talking about the other guy. But my reply right above this was for you kid.
For Christ's sake, the guy flat out confessed he purchased quaaludes to drug women.

And Bill Cosby wasn't about to cop NBC :rofl: He tried to (as a minor partner) along with a larger foundation of investors over 20 years ago but wasn't able to make it happen.
A lot of good points on both sides. People are scared to look at this from both sides, they just wanna say "he's a rapist, he's evil". What were some of these doing drinking and hanging with a married man? What was the plan? There's so many questions about this situation.

Darren Sharper is somebody that I can say is flat out piece of ****. Cosby? I don't know.
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