NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

It's a sad state of affairs when dudes start believing birds like this...


Nothing concrete at all. Let's not be quick to judge this man, for we saw what happened in the UVA case and the Rolling Stone coverage.

Running with accusations as if it's fact...:smh:
Dude comparing a millionaire super model accusation to college kids
Some of you dudes are straight scumbags. Don't eem care if I get warned for this.

Shaming alleged raped victims by calling them broads, gold diggers, etc. when some of them don't even need the money.

Dude has 15+ allegations of rape. Now I know there's a chance he didn't commit any of them but that's slim to none odds.

Just think about what you're saying. All these women who likely don't know each other, over a course of 30 or more years, decide to gang up on poor ol' Bill and take money away from him and soil his public image just cause. Does that sound likely?

The UVA case is the exception, not the norm. Most rapes go unreported because of the potential shaming and the trauma that reliving the experience causes.

It's crazy how some NTers have the most jaded view of women. Must be a testament to how some of you were raised.
You running with it like its fact though...

20 chicks from 20-30 years back?

That's a problem with the herd mentality...and if you listen to their story they can't even tell you what happened due to so-called intoxication...:smh:

See the crunk feminist collective...that's another site where you'll find a ton of mud slingers.

Story didn't gain real traction until Hannibal Burress came out and said something...

Also, there's an article that I just read that talks about rape rage and feminisms "third wave"...and dudes are willingly participating in that...:smh:

What is Cosby guilty of?
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you don't believe Bill Cosby is a rapist that's all you have to say. You don't need to be disrespectful and call women out of their name for no reason when like you said there's no proof that's he's guilty or not.

It's a whole bunch of "if he did do it then hes a scumbag" vs "they just some money hungry sluts"

That's wack
You running with it like its fact though...

20 chicks from 20-30 years back?

That's a problem with the herd mentality...and if you listen to their story they can't even tell you what happened due to so-called intoxication...:smh:

See the crunk feminist collective...that's another site where you'll find a ton of mud slingers.

Story didn't gain real traction until Hannibal Burress came out and said something...

Also, there's an article that I just read that talks about rape rage and feminisms "third wave"...and dudes are willingly participating in that...:smh:

If you're talking about the CNN article I don't get the point you're trying to make. I mean is it wrong for men to stand up for female rape victims?

Yes...it can take 20-30 years for women to come out and confess they were raped. That happens, believe it or not. As I already said, women have a hard time speaking about it.

Herd mentality? :lol: not even gonna comment on this

Don't you find it alarming that all these women were allegedly intoxicated? Wouldn't you think that's a red flag that all the victims have a similar story?

I mean alcohol/drugs tend to cause memory loss...acting as if this isn't common knowledge.

Victim blaming is one of the reasons rape victims don't want to come out about their experiences. You can even see it here in this thread (i.e. calling these women broads/gold diggers). This is especially true if the perpetrator is a celebrity. Here's a story everyone needs to read (it was posted earlier in this thread): http://www.washingtonpost.com/poste...take-30-years-for-people-to-believe-my-story/
not sure if this question has been asked in this thread but even when drugged/unconscious wouldn't a woman know she has had sex, I'm just surprised that even if these women were scared all these years to say something public, they didn't go to a clinic/doctor right away because of a disease/pregnancy scare.

The results of that would be between the patient and doctor right? I mean let's say cosby was going raw in all these chicks they keep their mouths shut this entire time and somewhere down the line get married(not sure if any victims are currently married) but assuming some are, wouldn't they get tested, or atleast their husbands might want that cleared up before they tie the knot.

I mean if one victim went to the clinic got tested or went to see a doctor, right after their cosby encounter and got the paperwork dated, then someone would def have a case.

pardon my ignorance if I'm completely off base with this.
So if some females accuse you of rape 20 years from now, and I automatically assume you're guilty for that act you would find that cool?

All because the story was somewhat similar?

To add to that equation you're worth about 350 million when these accusations start being reported by the media.

It's nothing but accusations at this point.

When Bill comes out and admits to some type of wrong doing then I can accept that...but I'm not buying this just because of what the media reports.
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If I'm stupid enough to allow myself to where 15 women outside my marriage can collaborate and fabricate a story , I deserve what's coming. That's just natural selection doing some course correcting.

And don't play that innocent till guilty ******** with Bill then effortlessly demean and judge the victims with the same amount of information. Birds, feminist, liars etc. y'all dudes a trip.

**** that, y'all are some pathetic, transparent clowns.
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If I'm stupid enough to allow myself to where 15 women outside my marriage can collaborate and fabricate a story , I deserve what's coming. That's just natural selection doing some course correcting.

more ideas for all them contestants on houswivea, rayjay aka isaiah rider, probably down the line these women will have some idea and collude.
If I'm stupid enough to allow myself to where 15 women outside my marriage can collaborate and fabricate a story , I deserve what's coming. That's just natural selection doing some course correcting.

And don't play that innocent till guilty ******** with Bill then effortlessly demean and judge the victims with the same amount of information. Birds, feminist, liars etc. y'all dudes a trip.

**** that, y'all are some pathetic, transparent clowns.

Yo bruh you worked up over allegations...:lol:

Ya'll dudes different man...like I said what is he guilty of?
No ones worked up, but I expected nt "u mad" defense mechanism 101, it usually follows gibberish. He's not guilty of anything, but are we not to discuss it? What are the women guilty of to be immediately dismissed and called names? Do you really even have a clear concise point to convey?
There's a problem with false rape accusations...


I asked what is dude guilty of? You're blindly assuming he's guilty of rape and for what reason?

Because the media peddles these stories to you?

When you're in a position to help mold and shape careers there's no telling who you'll come across in life...Bill wasn't your average Joe and there's a reason these women were around him looking for a chance to crack it.
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Just to be clear we are saying if there's no DNA evidence and all we have is victim testimony and higher people in power confirming they covered it up .. that its media proproganda? and there's no guilt?

Damn shame Sandusky had to die like that, that jury was brainwashed. People love claiming rape :smh: sickos
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You're just repeating the same thing without understanding anything else posted. Clearly you're high, and I won't waste anymore time in this thread.
So if some females accuse you of rape 20 years from now, and I automatically assume you're guilty for that act you would find that cool?

All because the story was somewhat similar?

To add to that equation you're worth about 350 million when these accusations start being reported by the media.

It's nothing but accusations at this point.

When Bill comes out and admits to some type of wrong doing then I can accept that...but I'm not buying this just because of what the media reports.

If he's innocent why doesn't he vehemently deny these allegations publicly?

Also he's settled out of court when he actually was on trial for sexual assault.

Isn't that fishy behavior for someone who is innocent?

As far as all these women coming out at the same time, the most likely explanation is that they felt compelled to share their experiences with Cosby knowing they were not alone and had a sense of comfort retelling their stories once everyone else shared theirs.

Let's just put this into perspective: it took a man (Hannibal Buress) to say "Cosby is a rapist" before anyone took these claims seriously when the witness testimonies of those who were sexually assualted/violated were not enough. But when it comes to Hollywood and its fans, people will put on blinders to defend their idols.
Even if he did ya'll dudes would say he was lying...or the number of reported victims is still too high...

He's already being crucified. Now if he came out and admitted to some wrong doing then that's different.

But I'm not about to tear a man down without some hard proof...
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Even if he did ya'll dudes would say he was lying...or the number of reported victims is still too high...

He's already being crucified. Now if he came out and admitted to some wrong doing then that's different.

But I'm not about to tear a man down without some hard proof...
good thing you weren't on the Sandusky trial
There's a problem with false rape accusations...

Maybe...but it's not exactly on par with the problem of rape victims being afraid to come forward.

I asked what is dude guilty of? You're blindly assuming he's guilty of rape and for what reason?

Because the media peddles these stories to you?

So, we're all just pawns of the media who are unable to form our own opinions?
Even if he did ya'll dudes would say he was lying...or the number of reported victims is still too high...

He's already being crucified. Now if he came out and admitted to some wrong doing then that's different.

But I'm not about to tear a man down without some hard proof...

27 allegations and counting. I mean that's a HIGH number of allegations to just brush off like that. One accusation is damning, a few is even worse, but 27 my dude? What do you think is the probability is of all 27 women lying about being raped?
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