NBA "Where Amazing Happens"- SenatorJeffersonSmith's Version

not bad... although I didn't need to be reminded of Bron and the 'Stons.
Man you held that Dirk scene maaaaaaaaaad looooooooong, lol. Warriors fan??
Nah, I slowed it down because with regular speed thecaption moved to fast and one couldn't read the whole thing.
Nice video...... but you kinda forgot the "happens" part of the phrases (that is, it's supposed to be "Where ___________ happens.")
It should have been "Where Championships given by the COMMISSIONER happens"
I was going to say : "Where shysters rule" but some may construe that as an ethnic jab. Shyster often refers to Jewish lawyers out tomake the extra buck. It's also used to refer to schemers. I played it safe and left it out completely.
Good job stealing the idea and a few of the examples from the sports guy
Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Good job stealing the idea and a few of the examples from the sports guy
Sorry, I've never heard of "the sports guy". Try again.

Sports Guy=Bill Simmons
He'll be on ESPN in a few.

His version was probably done by some dude in Bristol, so it looked better.

You should have used the official line, but that Shaq joint was cold.
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