NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

Thank goodness Sterling is an idiot
. I want NO parts of ZBo.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Heisley shoulda walked in the War Room after he hung up the phone and had security escort him out the building
im in $*%#!+% tears


I mean... Think about it... This is literally how this whole interaction should have gone... With .gifs for illustration because I know some of yall are likechildren...

Wallace steps out to use the bathroom just before the draft starts... Phone rings, and a scout checks the caller ID before putting it on speaker for the roomto hear. It's Pat Riley on the other end... Riley says "Guys, we know how #1 is going, so to get you a head start, here's an offer... We'llgive you Beaz for this pick!" ... The scouts eyes all around the table light up and they run to tell Wallace...
and and
Scout: Pat, we'll get right back to you... We gotta find Chris.

Wallace returns, and upon hearing the news, he's puzzled... Like it's just not computing...

Scout: Sir?...
Wallace: Guys, stop wasting my time... We've got too much to do tonight to even discuss bull #*#@ offers like that...
Scout: Sir, um... This sounds like a pretty good deal...
Wallace: What did I say?! SIT DOWN...

Scout reactions:
and and and yes, even a

Heisley, watching everything from behind a window (yes, I think of this like an interrogation room), heads for the office door...

Walks in the door heads straight to Wallace's chair...
and and lastly...
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Originally Posted by KingJames23

Cleveland to add another HOFer?


Who you referring to?
...Anyways, just give me 'Sheed & I'm set!
Jason Kidd

"Sure, Kidd will almost certainly check to see if Cleveland is interested, because that obviously would provide a clear path to the finals in the mucheasier East, but barring that, he'll be in a Mavs' uniform for somewhere between another year and three years, and I'd bet it's more than one."

I can't find the article but had this quote posted elsewhere.

That basically says that Cleveland is his #1 destination but if tthat doesn't work he'll be back in Dallas. If he takes the BAE or Vet Min I'll behappy to take him. But anything more than that, no thanks. The Cavs still need a big wing man and a floor stretching 4 man. Ideally the Cavs get Kidd for theVet Min, sign Charlie V(or Sheed but Sheed has narrowed his choices to the Spurs or Magic allegedly) for the MLE. And in the ultimate pipe dream we work aS&T for Childress. If he comes back to the NBA he won't be a Hawk and the Cavs could offer up Boobie (not sure what their intrerest level is).
i thought riley said beasley was not gonna get traded...that he wanted beasley to be one of the core guys.... i mean who was he gonna pick thabeet?... wadeneeded help scoring.... plus we already have a tall skinny center... J.O. is alot older but at least he can score a little here and there....
Nowitness, you are an S+T legend.

So I have a bit of news for you to suck on as well my dude... Apparently the Pacers declined to pick up the options on Marquis Daniels, do we throw the MLE athim? He solves our woes at the two-guard, and I'm completely content with letting AW getting the reserve role. I know we still have to re-sign Kidd andBass, but that shouldn't stop us from going out to get him.

Jun 26, 2009 10:42 PM EST

The Pacers will not pick up the option on the contract of Marquis Daniels, according to the Indianapolis Star.

The option on the guard's contract for the 2009-10 season was worth $7.5 million.

Daniels will become an unrestricted free agent on July 1. It remains possible that Indiana could re-sign Daniels to a long-term deal at a lower annual rate.

Via Indianapolis Star
@ Nowitness making a whole story about it.

Its hard for me to believe that Miami offered Beasley for the no.2 straight up. I mean they were asking for Conley, Rudy and the #5 pick in last years draftfor the no.2. It's also hard to believe the Chalmers for 27th pick. I think most, if not all of those deals were made up with the exception of theRandolph deal which is what the article was based off of.

I really didn't want no part of Randolph, but he only has 2 more years left on his contract. After this season he will be very expendable with hisexpiring deal. But, I would rather try and move forward and get a PF who can play in Memphis long term.

Pat Riley ain't no dummy. There had to be a reason he offered those deals IF they were even true. If Memphis would've took Beasley, they would have totrade Rudy. We would have one of the worse defensive teams in the league with Conley / OJ / Gay / Beasley / Gasol. But, we would definitely be a threatoffensively.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

So I have a bit of news for you to suck on as well my dude... Apparently the Pacers declined to pick up the options on Marquis Daniels, do we throw the MLE at him? He solves our woes at the two-guard, and I'm completely content with letting AW getting the reserve role. I know we still have to re-sign Kidd and Bass, but that shouldn't stop us from going out to get him.
Ew... No.

We've made the mistake of signing him to that size contract before, and were lucky enough to get out of it before anybody else realized what we had done...After that and the Diop fiasco last summer, I'm out of the MLE-on-mediocre-or-bad-players business...

Part of the MLE? Sure, OK, I can get down with that... But not early on in FA, and not until we've exhausted every potentially superior option we couldpossibly think of...
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