NBA heads....who's going to be a FIRST TIME all-star this season?

Crawford is gonna make the all-star team.

Wilson Chander is gonna get the most improved player award BTW.
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Baron Davis - 22pts, 5 reb's, 8 ast's, 3 Steals,3 TO's, while shooting 42% in 39 mins a game.

Brandon Roy - 19pts, 5 reb's, 6 ast's, 1 Steal, 2 TO's while shooting 46% in 37 mins a game.

Honestly, it was a coin flip and I think the 13 game winning streak did it for Roy.

See, again that just proves my point. A 13 game winning streak should be irrelevant when selecting the best players in the NBA. Also you show stats and say itwas a coin wasnt a coin flip. You put the stats there. You know them. Baron's stats are clearly better.

So let me reiterate. I make a claim that I havent seen one single good reason that Roy should have made it over Davis. Then, the best anyone could come up withto argue for Roy is "it was a coin flip"???? And that came from the biggest Blazers homer on this board (no disrespect).

To this date, and probably into the distant future, I still have yet to hear a good argument to why Roy was selected over Davis.
dland24 wrote:
See, again that just proves my point. A 13 game winning streak should be irrelevant when selecting the best players in the NBA. Also you show stats and say it was a coin wasnt a coin flip. You put the stats there. You know them. Baron's stats are clearly better.

Of course the win streak is relevant. Just the same way as selecting an MVP for the league correlates with the success of the team.. With your logic the personwith the best stats should be MVP too.
Originally Posted by dland24

See, again that just proves my point. A 13 game winning streak should be irrelevant when selecting the best players in the NBA. Also you show stats and say it was a coin wasnt a coin flip. You put the stats there. You know them. Baron's stats are clearly better.

So let me reiterate. I make a claim that I havent seen one single good reason that Roy should have made it over Davis. Then, the best anyone could come up with to argue for Roy is "it was a coin flip"???? And that came from the biggest Blazers homer on this board (no disrespect).

To this date, and probably into the distant future, I still have yet to hear a good argument to why Roy was selected over Davis.

Absolutely nothing I said "proves your point" and as far as I'm concerned, your point is wrong.

First, a 13 game win streak is irrelevant when selecting the best players in the NBA... are you kidding? Success is more important than stats. Did you seeLeBron's stats last year... yet Kobe was chosen as the MVP. Why? Team success. At the point in which the All-Stars were chosen, the Blazers were on a roll.Roy was clearly leading the team, and coaches took notice. You do realize the COACHES choose the All-Star reserves, right?

Stats aren't the end-all be-all when it comes to everything, I'm sorry. Yes, Baron was "clearly ahead" in assists, scoring and steals... buthe committed more turnovers and shot worse percentages. So you know what it came down to? Team success and coaches. I'll gladly take the coaches in theNBA's opinion over random Warriors fans.
Originally Posted by Just0

dland24 wrote:
See, again that just proves my point. A 13 game winning streak should be irrelevant when selecting the best players in the NBA. Also you show stats and say it was a coin wasnt a coin flip. You put the stats there. You know them. Baron's stats are clearly better.

Of course the win streak is relevant. Just the same way as selecting an MVP for the league correlates with the success of the team.. With your logic the person with the best stats should be MVP too.

Are you serious dude? I hate it when people open their mouths and didnt even read everything. That is NOT my logic, and that is NOT what I am saying. IEXPLICITLY stated this earlier. Actually let me quote it for you:
Originally Posted by dland24

What I dont understand is why in recent years it seems like an All Star cant come from a horrible team. The fact that a lot of you guys are using the "his team isnt good enough" argument makes me think the the selection process is a joke. This is not the MVP. An All Star is an All Star.

Thanks for contributing to this conversation. Thumbs up for you!!!
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by bigtimejerky

D. Williams & Stephen Jackson
Stephen Jackson won't make it.
You are of little faith my friend... I see him replacing Roy or Boozer (not a guard but they had 250 forwards in last years roster)
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Originally Posted by dland24

See, again that just proves my point. A 13 game winning streak should be irrelevant when selecting the best players in the NBA. Also you show stats and say it was a coin wasnt a coin flip. You put the stats there. You know them. Baron's stats are clearly better.

So let me reiterate. I make a claim that I havent seen one single good reason that Roy should have made it over Davis. Then, the best anyone could come up with to argue for Roy is "it was a coin flip"???? And that came from the biggest Blazers homer on this board (no disrespect).

To this date, and probably into the distant future, I still have yet to hear a good argument to why Roy was selected over Davis.

Absolutely nothing I said "proves your point" and as far as I'm concerned, your point is wrong.

First, a 13 game win streak is irrelevant when selecting the best players in the NBA... are you kidding? Success is more important than stats. Did you see LeBron's stats last year... yet Kobe was chosen as the MVP. Why? Team success. At the point in which the All-Stars were chosen, the Blazers were on a roll. Roy was clearly leading the team, and coaches took notice. You do realize the COACHES choose the All-Star reserves, right?

Stats aren't the end-all be-all when it comes to everything, I'm sorry. Yes, Baron was "clearly ahead" in assists, scoring and steals... but he committed more turnovers and shot worse percentages. So you know what it came down to? Team success and coaches. I'll gladly take the coaches in the NBA's opinion over random Warriors fans.

There was a point in time in the NBA where All Stars were the best players in the league. It didnt matter if they were on a horrible team. I completely agreethat the MVP of the league should be based on team success. I am not disputing that one bit. What I am disputing is the fact that only recently has teamsuccess come into play when selecting All Stars. Basketball is the only sport like this. In baseball, do you think that a player who plays on a good team ismore deserving than a player who has more homeruns, rbis and runs but plays on a horrible team? In football, is the running back who played for the best teamin the AFC more deserving than the running back who has more yards and touchdowns but is on a horrible team? The point I was saying is this is NOT the MVPvoting. Its the All Star Game.

And your stats analysis is flawed too. You point out that Baron shoots 4% less and turns the ball over 1 more time a game. So are you telling me that 4% and 1less turnover a game makes up for 3 less points, 2 less assists and 2 less steals? Sorry my friend. Barons stats make for more baskets and more of an impact ingames. Therefore a more deserving all star.
Originally Posted by dland24

And your stats analysis is flawed too. You point out that Baron shoots 4% less and turns the ball over 1 more time a game. So are you telling me that 4% and 1 less turnover a game makes up for 3 less points, 2 less assists and 2 less steals? Sorry my friend. Barons stats make for more baskets and more of an impact in games. Therefore a more deserving all star.

Who are you to say who makes more of an impact in games? You act like every team plays the same way. You act like a shooting guard should average the sameamount of assists and steals as a point. Not every 2 is Allen Iverson. You act like 3 points is more important than efficiency and turning the ball over.According to who?

If it wasn't for Roy's "impact," the Blazers wouldn't have won 13 straight. You said "the All-Star game is supposed to be the bestplayers in the league"... is Baron Davis that much better than Brandon Roy? Has Brandon played the same number of years as Baron? Do they even play thesame position or same style of basketball?

Apparently the coaches of the Western Conference thought Roy's impact on the game was more valuable than Baron's impact on the game. That's allthat matters.
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Originally Posted by dland24

And your stats analysis is flawed too. You point out that Baron shoots 4% less and turns the ball over 1 more time a game. So are you telling me that 4% and 1 less turnover a game makes up for 3 less points, 2 less assists and 2 less steals? Sorry my friend. Barons stats make for more baskets and more of an impact in games. Therefore a more deserving all star.

Who are you to say who makes more of an impact in games? You act like every team plays the same way. You act like a shooting guard should average the same amount of assists and steals as a point. Not every 2 is Allen Iverson. You act like 3 points is more important than efficiency and turning the ball over. According to who?

If it wasn't for Roy's "impact," the Blazers wouldn't have won 13 straight. You said "the All-Star game is supposed to be the best players in the league"... is Baron Davis that much better than Brandon Roy? Has Brandon played the same number of years as Baron? Do they even play the same position or same style of basketball?

Apparently the coaches of the Western Conference thought Roy's impact on the game was more valuable than Baron's impact on the game. That's all that matters.

You are focusing on the wrong part of my argument. Do I think Baron is that much better of a player than Roy, no. But I do think he is better. At least Pre-AllStar break last year he was. Which is all that matters. The fact that Roy hasnt been in the league as long is irrelevant. You cant give someone give someonepreference because he is younger. Playing the same position doesnt matter either, because a guard is a guard. Especially in the All Star game.

We are going to have to agree to disagree my friend. Its been fun going back and forth. Roy has a long career ahead of him. I still dont think he should havebeen an All Star, but thats just me.
Originally Posted by dland24

You are focusing on the wrong part of my argument. Do I think Baron is that much better of a player than Roy, no. But I do think he is better. At least Pre-All Star break last year he was. Which is all that matters. The fact that Roy hasnt been in the league as long is irrelevant. You cant give someone give someone preference because he is younger. Playing the same position doesnt matter either, because a guard is a guard. Especially in the All Star game.

We are going to have to agree to disagree my friend. Its been fun going back and forth. Roy has a long career ahead of him. I still dont think he should have been an All Star, but thats just me.

I never gave him preference because he's younger. You said that the all-star game is supposed to be the best players in the league, and I was just showingyou that at this point in both players careers it's impossible to compare them and choose who is better. It's a different argument - nothing to do withthe ASG.

I'm still trying to figure out how Baron Davis was better than Brandon Roy pre-ASB. Baron had better raw numbers, Roy was more efficient and had lessturnovers. The coaches looked at it and chose who they thought was the better player - I'm not in position to argue with guys like Pop and Phil Jacksonwhen it comes to evaluating talent and superstar-ness - but that's just me.
Originally Posted by Exile On Ivy St

So is dland going to completely ignore Chester's point about the coaches voting Roy in or not?

Um no. What do I have to say. He is right. Coaches vote for them. What is there to argue. I understand his point. I dont understand yours.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by Exile On Ivy St

So is dland going to completely ignore Chester's point about the coaches voting Roy in or not?

Um no. What do I have to say. He is right. Coaches vote for them. What is there to argue. I understand his point. I dont understand yours.

If you understand his point then why did you even have an argument with him the first place? The coaches obviously have a better idea about who should be anall-star more than you or me or anyone on this board for that matter. Got me? You can skew it any way you want from this point on, the fact of the matter isthat you felt you could justify a point that clearly goes against the opinion of those who are 10X more informed than you. Not that complicated . .
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