[:NBA ALL-STAR Weekend Thread - NT's Post Game Debate: "Why Didn't Rose Dance?" (PG. 115+):]

Why are some of y'all blaming Kenny? I don't get it.

That double dunk was pretty good, But I actually liked the Tron dunk, would've been better if it was a glow in the dark ball though.
With all of the gimmicks, skits, and regular dunks, this was the worst dunk contest I've ever seen.  I don't know why I keep watching.
Kenny commentating/narrating throughout was part of the bad experience. Like when it started and he was talking to Puff I did not even know it started. Figured he was just having small talk biding time until the first dunk only to find out he was setting up this White Men Can't Jump dunk for Chase. It went downhill from there as far as Kenny's role in this horrible dunk contest.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

First Puff kills Biggie.. now he kills the Dunk Contest.


That dunk contest was pretty bad. I don't remember the last good dunk contest I've seen. Maybe the last one J Rich was in.

LeBron needs to get in this
. I just want to see dude throw down. Doesn't have to be fancy or nothing. Just some regular @$*! like this and I'd be good

Originally Posted by acidicality

Only good dunk of the night was Evans' double-dunk.

All the theatrics and props are the downfall of dunk contests...I hated it when NateRob/Dwight used them and Blake last year, this year's was worst of all as the execution of everything is just laughable. They're just great opportunities for the NBA to plug their sponsors in (like Blake with the Kia). First thing to improve these dunk contests is to simply limit the props and emphasize the actual dunk itself.

I COMPLETELY agree. Limit it to one round of prop use out of the 3. You can use your props whenever you want, but only once.
I just watched Paul George's dunks and I don't know man, I think he was robbed.

I definitely think Evans had the dunk of the night, but his first one was REALLY whack, what kind of idiot hangs on the rim like that. And jumping over Kevin Hart's short *%%? COME ON NOW.

Paul George dunking over Hibbert isn't appreciated enough. It's no Vince, but still, Hibbert is TWO FEET taller than Kevin Hart.

George's worst dunk was also better than Evans' worst. The sticker dunk actually seems a lot more difficult to do, slapping the backboard and then going on the other side to dunk it.

Also I really liked the glow in the dark dunk. It was staged, but the entire dunk contest has been for several years now.
The dunk contest had about 3 good dunks., too many gimmicks, and we need judges back, the voting is stupid
Originally Posted by bjamez20

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by bjamez20

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]that double dunk takes ridiculous coordination and timing, i'm pretty damn impressed[/color]
Check that one Kenny Dobbs video a page or two back.

Dude did a through the legs dunk with his left hand to right hand, then at the same time someone threw an alley and he yammed it in with his left. Yes, same jump.
that dudes dunks were like nba jam style.  his dunks were crazy, and they all looked polished, full rotation and all that.  
It wasn't through the legs, it was a one-hand windmill, but still, it was sick.
Looks like D3 and Jameer want to be traded out of ORL too.

Them joints Russ and Deron is wearing,

Iggy got an adorable son, not going to lie.

Floyd stay hooked on 50's hip man..

That James Jones swag after he nailed that last three.

That shot of PG in the dark,

Kevin Hart has easily become my most disliked celebrity in the span of two days.
don't believe for a second that Paul George grew to 6'10" this summer. If he did, so did Derrick Williams and Chase Budinger.
NBA Players react to the Dunk Contest: http://www.iamagm.com/new...ings.during.dunk.contest

Notice what Paul Pierce said.
Originally Posted by CoolNClutch

There are plenty of ways the NBA could make it work without it hurting their brand. Let's say you have 5 of the best street dunkers in the world. You pair each one of them up with an All-Star player as a "coach" and hype it up for weeks leading up to the event. Viral videos, have them as guests on Inside the NBA, etc. Therefore you've got LeBron, Kobe, and whoever still apart of it in a big way. The casual fan might not know who any of these guys are but they'll still end up tuning in and cheering for the dunker that has their favorite NBA player in their corner. Even make them wear customized uniforms during the event, stamp it with the NBA logo, and sell it.

It's not that difficult at all, they just have to think outside of the box in terms of how to market it. Unfortunately, I wouldn't trust them with doing that successfully.
Best idea I have seen so far. They can take it one step further and have those star players actually going out to recruit players, Reality TV Style. During the summer each star can have an episode where he travels the summer leagues across the US to find his dunker. I think this can work.
Worst dunk contest ever but it could easily be fixed
Just put better players in and stop with the over usage of props
At least the dunk contest was better than the pro bowl
Who wins MVP if not LeBron or Kobe? I'm going to make 2 small bets to just empty my account, I'm thinking KD and Wade. And a real real outside shot and thus highest return, maybe Westbrook or Pierce.
dunk contest was a joke.. with these bum players, they shoulda canceled it from the start... nothing special... and almost all of them did in game dunks.. the only dunk that was kinda nice was the jeremy evans dunk with two balls, but nothing worth mentioning, compared to vince carter or jrich or even kobe for that matter..

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