***NBA 2k9 Xbox 360 League 18 teams Fantasy draft*** (Replacements needed for Rockets!!)

Crag give the league 3 more weeks I'm in the middle of moving and Waiting on Comcast to install my cable/Internet at my new house.
My bad untroubled youth i had some work to do that took longer then expected.
Im going on now to anyone who wants to play.

I think im gonna reject the trade because im losing height thats needed
damn xbox froze, my bad yo. hate when my box does that. can we get a reset?

wanna run our other game?
gizzlies it looks likes ur in the 3rd qaurter now.
Im gonna go do some shoveling and will be back to play you.
It may be a few minutes after ur done with ur game now
gg grizz! my shots havn't been falling as of late with this team and pau wasn't suppose to do that at the end

i need someone to reset the other game so we can run the first game back.
jretro23- gg again man. ur style of play is appreciated.

jehlers02- alright straight, i'll be waiting.

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Grizzlies, can you not try to draw charges at mid court. Its annoying and cheesy


I was down by 25 in the 4th quarter, and you continued to keep aimlessly jacking up 3s from the corner with Arenas. So I figured drawing a few chargeswasn't too big of a deal.
Originally Posted by UNtroubled YOUTH

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Grizzlies, can you not try to draw charges at mid court. Its annoying and cheesy


I was down by 25 in the 4th quarter, and you continued to keep aimlessly jacking up 3s from the corner with Arenas. So I figured drawing a few charges wasn't too big of a deal.

lol memphis is in the right on this one. Trying to take a charge everytime isn't even cheesy, but 16 3pts with Arenas is
. It's so easy to walk around the guy taking a charge.

Anyways I'm out the league, I'm just holding back the league anyways when there could be someone else playing you guys.
Alright thats straight. doesnt bother me a whole lot, its just that if you do it il do it.

Game anyone?
jretros key little play is a glitch.

When the picks are set my guy curls around the defender in a circle leaving his wingman shooter wide open.
how is it a glitch? thats what the play is designed for. thats why the pick was invented right?

there are plenty of ways to stop it, if you think then you'll figure it out its not that hard.
NO, a pick does not send you in a full circle around the screener. Yes it should slow him down from getting to his man. But thats not what happens when you dothis play.
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