Nazis and UFOs


Mar 5, 2011
I watched this yesterday on the Green Channel (?) about how Nazis were working on different propulsion theories under Hitler and then were installed into US defense research in Operation Paperclip (supposedly 1000's of engineers from Germany).  Hitler wanted the ultimate weapon.

The Nazis thought the Western paradigm of science was wack so they went "another" direction.  Van Hausen (sp) was working on engine propulsion, Horton Brothers wings and aerodynamics, Lipschitz on vertical propulsion and Schaumberger was working on some anti-gravity stuff.  Scahumberger's project was called Die Glocke or "the Bell."  Ceramic bell housing an electric current with a twin rotating axises creating a vortex for wind propulsion being tested in pool of water in Poland.  Anyways thought that stuff was

I watched this yesterday on the Green Channel (?) about how Nazis were working on different propulsion theories under Hitler and then were installed into US defense research in Operation Paperclip (supposedly 1000's of engineers from Germany).  Hitler wanted the ultimate weapon.

The Nazis thought the Western paradigm of science was wack so they went "another" direction.  Van Hausen (sp) was working on engine propulsion, Horton Brothers wings and aerodynamics, Lipschitz on vertical propulsion and Schaumberger was working on some anti-gravity stuff.  Scahumberger's project was called Die Glocke or "the Bell."  Ceramic bell housing an electric current with a twin rotating axises creating a vortex for wind propulsion being tested in pool of water in Poland.  Anyways thought that stuff was

im gonna sound childish but i seen this like 3 or 4 year in the justice league cartoon.
im gonna sound childish but i seen this like 3 or 4 year in the justice league cartoon.
they were messing with UFO technology as well as portal/time technology, thats what the Bell was orginally for from what I've researched. Good thread
they were messing with UFO technology as well as portal/time technology, thats what the Bell was orginally for from what I've researched. Good thread
Originally Posted by Guskillah

im gonna sound childish but i seen this like 3 or 4 year in the justice league cartoon.

i remember those too, they were dope.

marvel played them out in the avengers animated film too.
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